
My Greatness

"What Ru said is right. I didn't mean anything else when I told you that I'd be responsible for you. I was just acting upon what I was taught all my life," said Xia Zhao. "My grandparents still aren't happy with me over that incident. It's really considered a sin in our clan. We don't take relationships casually. That's what I was taught too. It's just that we aren't taught about feelings so I didn't know what I felt for you until now. However, you know it in your heart too that I have always put you at the top of my list. There had never been a person more important to me than you. Are you willing to place your hand on your heart that says that there had been someone more important than you in my life?"

Mu Chenyan couldn't do it. She really couldn't. She had plenty of opinions about him but she couldn't just go against her conscience and say that he hadn't treated her as the most important one in his life.

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