

Andre Wijaya is an average man with average look, average job, average IQ and of course average EQ.

he was born in 1993 and died in 2018.

he neither die heroically nor did he die tragically. he die because of exhaustion.

Andre was in fact, just a fresh graduate. he was a person without an ambition. so, he just follow the crowd never stand out. always become your average guy.

maybe it was because he always listen to others request and always want to help them, and then he died because of exhaustion.

and now, he is in an unfamiliar bedroom with a completely different body.

[Ding! system detected host has woken up....]

[welcome host! you are the first host to this system...]

[initializing a welcome gift.....]

[congratulation! you have gotten points 10.000+]

what the $@%@?!

take a deep breathe and... hufff

"what are you?"

[system is a principal system]

"system? what can you do?"

[yes, my code name is principal system. I can help host to become the number one principal in the world]

"why me?"

[host has qualified standard]

"what kind of standard?"

[host level is too low to know that information]

"then how can I alive now?"

[because the system has transferred your soul to another body in an alternate dimension]

"this is not earth?!"

[it is still earth but different. do you wish to have your original body memories?]


[Ding! counting down...




following that Andre felt his head hurts so much as if there was needles piercing his head then he fainted.

after sometimes, Andre wake up with the body original memories.

"you should tell me if it will hurt"


"damn system"

Andre need to arrange his memories first.

this world name is still earth, but the country and history is completely different to his original dimension.

there are wars before but different, there are no countries in here. but, they have town, county, prefecture, and district. and the sizes of this world is larger at least three times.

the district are name by number from 1 to eleven. every district has their own uniqueness. every district have 3 prefectures, and 5 counties with too many towns too count.

the place where Andre live now is in District 4, county 5 and menang town.

District 4 is known as the best place to start an education. because of that many people open up a school and become a principal.

of course if you want become a principal and set a new school it will become very difficult. fortunately, Andre in this dimension already have a school from his parents.

so, he doesn't need to do a bothersome paperwork just to open a school. the problem is there will always an evaluation to every school every 5 years. but that is not the main problem.

the main problem is he don't have even one student or teacher. where should he search them? when his school doesn't have any reputation.

"system can yo help me?"

[Ding! please say menu]



=> status

=> quest

=> store

=> lucky draw

[you can choose]



Name => Andre Wijaya

Level => 0

Points => 10.000

Reputation => 0

Gender => Male

Potential => ???

Talents => ???

skills =>Adaptability (max.)

Evaluation => you are useless young man!