

but the problem does not end here, from the memories of the original body every school need to have at least one physical education teacher to ensure that every students is at least exercising once a week.

at this moment, Andre's iphone x started ringing. when he saw it the person who is calling is his own parents.

Andre hesitate before answering the call. He does not know how did Andre in this dimension act at all.

maybe because of guilty conscience in the end He still answer the call.

"Andre my beloved son! how are you?"

Based on her voices she must be his mother in this dimension.

"I am fine mom."

"if it's true then I am glad. do you still need a physical education teacher son?"


"well do you know? you have a cousin that just graduate from college."

"and he teach physical education?"

"yes! do you still need him?"

"of course, but who he is mom?"

"his name is Jack Gantungan. He is your second aunt's son. he is younger than you about twenty years old."

"is not he a bit too young?"

"nonsense. He is a genius you know? he graduate from the best school. beside you are also young this year you are 23 years old and already become a principal?"

"well, if there is no father who helps me to take care of all the documents. I am sure I won't be able too become a principal now."

"besides, if he is really a genius why should he want to come to my school? I am pretty sure He got an invitation letters from various famous school."

"He is indeed got the invitation letters but you know what? he does not want to be separated from his parents again. because He is their only child."

"even so, He should not want to come here. there are many famous schools in this county"

"silly son. why does He not want to? He tell me that it will be better if He help his own family first."

"okay... wait h-he told you?!"

"yes, he called me last night and I told him you need a physical education teacher"

"so He agree? just like that?"

"yes and he will come to meet you tomorrow at two pm"


"he will come to your school"

"okay, thanks for your help mom"

"its okay don't worry about it. I know you are busy now, so I will hang up first"

"yes, take care mom and tell dad to not push himself too hard"

"okay I will. I love you"

"I love you too"

Andre feels warm from chatting with his mother. even though He has not talked to his father, He know that his father is a great person.

all the problem regarding teachers have been solve temporarily. now, all he need to think is how to get students who want to study in his school.