
Mass Effect: Reimagined

Shepard, now the Shepards, find themselves abroad the Normandy, heading towards the human colony of Eden Prime to begin a shake-down run for the new vessel with a Turian spectre… What could be waiting just around the corner? ------------------------------------- This is a tale of three Shepherds, their journey to repeatedly save the galaxy from imminent destruction, and of a peculiar mercenary who seems to know a little more than they should. ------------------------------------- Please follow along on my artistic retelling of my favorite sci-fi video game series of all time and what I consider my first true video game addiction that I spent many sleepless nights replaying over and over again to unlock all the dialogue and my first ever 100% complete game. This will have a tie in to my other Fan Fictions but it will be fairly minimal for the first few volumes so no need to read it unless you'd like to read more of my work. ------------------------------------- Also, in case there is still some confusion, there are three Shepards. The Twins, which will mainly be in Mass Effect 1, and their younger sister, who comes into play in the second and third games. They are meant to outline the content behind the three origins and psychological profiles. There is also a transmigrator from my Skyrim Fanfiction, who becomes this peculiar mercenary. Think of him as a fan fiction within the fan fiction. And he has his own volumes within the series about his path to being who he will be and how he will carry on the story after Mass Effect 3. IE Andromeda, but much better.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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30 Chs

The Citadel XV

"A fleet cannot track down one man." Valern says.

"A Citadel fleet could secure the entire region. Keep the geth from attacking any more of our colonies!" Udina emphatically explains.

"Or it could trigger a war with the Terminus Systems! We won't be dragged into a galactic confrontation over a few dozen human colonies!" Sparatus immediately refuses with a scowl.

"Every time humanity asks for help, you've ignored us!" Sapphire exclaims in disgust.

"The Colonel is right! I'm sick of this Council and its anti-human bull-" Udina says, about to begin a tirade when Tevos interrupts.

"Ambassador! There is another solution. A way to stop Saren that does not require fleets or armies." Tevos alludes.

"No! It's too soon. Humanity is not ready for the responsibilities that come with joining the Spectres." Sparatus immediately rejects.

"It's the best course of action. You don't have to send a fleet into the Traverse, and the Ambassador gets his human Spectre. Everybody's happy." Sampson says, trying to seize this chance at a happy compromise.

"But there is one issue… Nihlus was sent to evaluate both of you as prospective Spectre candidates." Valern points out.

"I will not allow both humans into the Spectres! That is entirely off the table." Sparatus immediately refuses.

"Then we are decided, you will have one prospective candidate promoted to active status, the other can be evaluated at a later time. The choice will be left to you, Ambassador." Tevos says.

"Commander Shepard will be the human Spectre." Udina says almost without thought.

"Commander Shepard - step forward." Tevos instructs.

Sampson looks to Anderson, who nods in affirmation, before looking to Sapphire, who nods with a supportive smile. Sampson then steps forward. The room goes quiet as many diplomats, politicians, and visitors begin looking down at the council.

"It is the decision of the Council that you be granted all the powers and privileges of the Special Tactics and Reconnaissance branch of the Citadel." Tevos begins.

"Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle; those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file." Valern continues.

"Spectres are an ideal, a symbol. The embodiment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. They are the right hand of the Council, instruments of our will." Tevos explains.

"Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold." Sparatus iterates pointedly.

"You are the first human Spectre, Commander. This is a great accomplishment for you and your entire species." Tevos says.

"This is a great honor, Councilor. I promise to do my best to uphold the integrity of not only the Council, but the Alliance as well." Sampson says with a bow.

"We're sending you into the Traverse after Saren. He's a fugitive from justice, so you are authorized to use any means necessary to apprehend or eliminate him." Valern informs him.

"Understood, any idea where to find him?" Sampson inquires.

"We will forward any relevant files to Ambassador Udina." Sparatus states, his face showing that he just wants this done and over with.

"This meeting of the Council is adjourned." Tevos says, leading the rest of the Councilors down from their podiums, as a number of humans can be heard faintly cheering in the background at this momentous occasion.

"Congratulations, Commander." Anderson congratulates Sampson while shaking his hand.

"We've got a lot of work to do, Commander. You're going to need a ship, a crew, supplies…" Udina says, crossing his arms as he runs through everything.

"You'll get access to special equipment and training now. You should go down to the C-Sec Academy and speak to the Spectre requisitions officer." Anderson advises.

"Anderson, come with me. I'll need your help to set all this up." Udina says before leaving with Anderson in tow.

"Well, mate, I guess congratulations are in order." Conrad says with a broad smile as he comes from the crowd of squad mates below.

"Conrad? What are you doing here? Don't you have a bounty to cash in?" Sapphire asks in confusion.

"Already taken care of. Besides, ya'll seem like an excitin' lot. An I was hopin' the boss would let me stick around an offer a hand." Conrad says, motioning towards Sampson with a nod.

"I don't know… Do you think you can cooperate with Wrex? I don't want your conflicts to derail the mission." Sampson asks with concern.

"Whatcha mean?" Conrad asks with a confused tilt of his head.

"You know, pulling a rifle on him… Aren't you two at odds?" Sampson asks with even more confusion.

"Oh, that? Just a little friendly competition we got goin' on. Definitely won't interfere with the whole savin' the Galaxy. Ain't that right, mate?" Conrad shouts down to Wrex.

"Sure, so long as that Rynchol is in my hand before we leave the station." Wrex says with a creepy toothy smile.

"Well, I guess if Wrex is okay with it… Welcome aboard Conrad." Sampson says, offering his hand.

"Pleasure's all mine." Conrad says, firmly shaking his hand back.

"Alright, let's head out." Sampson starts to say before he notices salarian kneeling beside a keeper off in a corner with some form of scanner.

"Why won't it move on? It's just standing there." The salarian says in confusion to himself as Sampson approaches with interest.

"What? Oh. No. I wasn't- never mind." The saldrían says nervously as he stands up upon noticing Sampson's arrival, pretending to walk away but dragging his feet when he notices Sampson isn't moving on.

"Um, yes? Is there something you want?" The salarian asks nervously.

"Is there something about this keeper that has you so interested?" Sampson asks.

"Keepers? I've got no interest in the kee-" The salarian starts to deny in a panic before Wrex cuts him off.

"Don't lie to me! I can smell your fear a mile away." Wrex threatens while flaring his nostrils and licking his lips for added effect, eliciting a suppressed chuckle from Conrad.