
Mass Effect: Reimagined

Shepard, now the Shepards, find themselves abroad the Normandy, heading towards the human colony of Eden Prime to begin a shake-down run for the new vessel with a Turian spectre… What could be waiting just around the corner? ------------------------------------- This is a tale of three Shepherds, their journey to repeatedly save the galaxy from imminent destruction, and of a peculiar mercenary who seems to know a little more than they should. ------------------------------------- Please follow along on my artistic retelling of my favorite sci-fi video game series of all time and what I consider my first true video game addiction that I spent many sleepless nights replaying over and over again to unlock all the dialogue and my first ever 100% complete game. This will have a tie in to my other Fan Fictions but it will be fairly minimal for the first few volumes so no need to read it unless you'd like to read more of my work. ------------------------------------- Also, in case there is still some confusion, there are three Shepards. The Twins, which will mainly be in Mass Effect 1, and their younger sister, who comes into play in the second and third games. They are meant to outline the content behind the three origins and psychological profiles. There is also a transmigrator from my Skyrim Fanfiction, who becomes this peculiar mercenary. Think of him as a fan fiction within the fan fiction. And he has his own volumes within the series about his path to being who he will be and how he will carry on the story after Mass Effect 3. IE Andromeda, but much better.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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30 Chs

The Citadel X

"Ha! I want you to try." Wrex says with a cocky smirk before noticing Sampson and the rest over near the elevators, and heading over with Conrad following close behind, sighing in exasperation.

"Go on. Get out of here!" The C-Sec officer orders after being bumped aside by Wrex.

"Do I know you, humans?" Wrex asks staring at the Shepard twins intently.

"My name's Sampson Shepard, this is my sister Sapphire. We're going after Fist. Thought you might want to come along." Sampson offers Wrex.

"Shepard? Commander Shepard? I've heard a lot about you. We're both warriors, Shepard. Out of respect, I'll give you a fair warning. I'm going to kill Fist." Wrex states.

"Easy mate, maybe they can help get him?" Conrad suggest.

With him much closer his peculiar features become even more prominent.

The alien has a hardened sandy, brown head plate with, two sets of eyes. One forward facing and the other slightly higher up and towards the back of their head, though more on their side. Their ears are almost like that of an elf, though the points exist at the bottom of the ear instead of the top, and with thin gill like folds along the length of their neck. It stands a head taller than Wrex, making them appear almost like a giant with robust musculature seeming extremely powerful but not as caked in muscle as Wrex. There's a thick bulge on the back of their armor, possibly hiding a hunchback. Their skin seems to be a coarse tan color, almost like leather but with a mild sheen to it. Their hands seem to have 4 digits each, 3 fingers and one thumb, looking at the alien's lower half, their legs seem to bend like a turian's.

"Conrad? What are you doing here? Last I heard you were hunting a C-Sec most wanted in the Terminus Systems?" Garrus exclaims in shock.

"Garrus? How long has it been? Ya look good, an I was. But after a couple months of huntin' I finally bagged'em and had just turned'em in for the bounty, when I bumped into Wrex here gettin' gunked up… Sorry, I mean brought in for a friendly chat. I was plannin' for me an'em to go and catch up over a couple beers." Conrad responds with a thick Australian accent.

"I'm glad you're doing so well Conrad. Are you interested in joining us to take down Fist?" Garrus offers unexpectedly, catching Sampson off guard but deciding not to correct him.

"I don't know, wanna have a little fun together like old times, Wrex?" Conrad asks, turning to Wrex with a smile.

"My people have a saying: Seek the enemy of your enemy, and you will find a friend." Wrex says, extending his hand which Sampson clasps in return.

"Glad to have you both on the team." Sampson says, before going to shake Conrad's hand.

"Let's go. I hate to keep Fist waiting." Wrex says with an evil smile.

"I think we should check out this Barla Von character before heading to Chora's Den." Sampson says, causing the rest of the group to nod in agreement before they head down one of the elevators to the Presidium, crossing the lake to a small unassuming office.

Though, to the observant eye, one might notice a small emblem of a purple shield with an empty space half in the shape of the paragon symbol and half in the shape of the renegade symbol, at the bottom of Barla Von's desk.

Entering inside, a round volus calls out to them, "What's this? One of the Earth-clan? Ah, some very famous ones, yes? You are the ones called Shepard. It is a great honor to welcome the hero of the Blitz."

"It seems you've got me at a disadvantage." Sampson says.

"Forgive me, Earth-clan. My name is Barla Von. My job makes it necessary for me to keep informed. I am a financial advisor to many important clients here on the Citadel. When someone as important as yourself arrives on the station, I take notice." Just as Barla Von says that he notices Conrad in the back of the group.

"Ah, Mr. Verner, I did not know you had returned from your latest job. Are you here to make another deposit?" Barla Von asks.

"Just got back actually, and I might make one later but I'm here helpin' the Commander with a job at the moment." Conrad explains.

"I heard that you work for the Shadow Broker. Do you have any information about Saren?" Sampson asks.

Barla Von looks to Conrad who nods slightly before continuing, "You're very blunt, Shepard. And you're right. But I believe Wrex has already told you far more than I know about the incident with Saren and Fist. I'm sorry but I have nothing else to offer."

"I understand, can you share more about your job?" Sampson asks with interest.

"Galactic finance is incredibly complex: a mix of laws and regulations from dozens of interstellar economies. I'm an expert in how all those economies interact. For a small fee, I share my expertise." Barla Von says before Conrad scoffs.

"Small fee my arse, you call 15% small?" Conrad derides.

"That's the fee you agreed to as a premium service client. Clients who need someone to conduct business without drawing unwanted attention. Discreet and efficient. That's my motto." Barla Von retorts to Conrad before continuing to explain to Sampson.

"That sounds pretty shady to me." Sapphire comments giving Conrad and Barla Von a dubious look.

"Everything I do falls completely within the bounds of interstellar commerce law. Even so, many of the clients would prefer their transactions remain undisclosed. For example, suppose a hanar ambassador was petitioning the Council to reduce tariffs on hanar goods. How would it look if he had money invested in a hanar exporting company? Even if his true motives were to help his people, he would be accused of advancing the petition for his own personal gain. I can keep his personal finances private." Barla Von carefully explains.

"Hmmm, still sounds shady to me." Sapphire says, unmoved by his argument.

"Hmpf, then we can only hope you will never be cursed with a large enough fortune to require my services." Barla Von scoffs causing Sapphire to ball her hand into a fist before Sampson steps forward placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What can you tell us about the Shadow Broker?" Sampson asks, redirecting the conversation.