
Mass Effect: Reimagined

Shepard, now the Shepards, find themselves abroad the Normandy, heading towards the human colony of Eden Prime to begin a shake-down run for the new vessel with a Turian spectre… What could be waiting just around the corner? ------------------------------------- This is a tale of three Shepherds, their journey to repeatedly save the galaxy from imminent destruction, and of a peculiar mercenary who seems to know a little more than they should. ------------------------------------- Please follow along on my artistic retelling of my favorite sci-fi video game series of all time and what I consider my first true video game addiction that I spent many sleepless nights replaying over and over again to unlock all the dialogue and my first ever 100% complete game. This will have a tie in to my other Fan Fictions but it will be fairly minimal for the first few volumes so no need to read it unless you'd like to read more of my work. ------------------------------------- Also, in case there is still some confusion, there are three Shepards. The Twins, which will mainly be in Mass Effect 1, and their younger sister, who comes into play in the second and third games. They are meant to outline the content behind the three origins and psychological profiles. There is also a transmigrator from my Skyrim Fanfiction, who becomes this peculiar mercenary. Think of him as a fan fiction within the fan fiction. And he has his own volumes within the series about his path to being who he will be and how he will carry on the story after Mass Effect 3. IE Andromeda, but much better.

Lemon_Square · Video Games
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30 Chs

Prologue V

"Oh man… We were patrolling the perimeter when the attack hit. We tried to get off a distress call, but they cut off our communications. I've been fighting for my life ever since." Ashley says in a slight panic.

"Where's the rest of your squad?" Sampson asks.

"We tried to double back to the beacon. But we walked straight into an ambush. I don't think any of the others... I think I'm the only one left." Ashley says with a pained expression across her face and slumped shoulders.

"This isn't your fault, Williams. You couldn't have done anything to save them." Sapphire consuls her.

"Yes, ma'am. We held our positions long as we could. Until the Geth overwhelmed us." Ashley says snapping out of her mourning.

"The Geth? How is that possible? They haven't been seen outside the Veil in nearly 200 years. What brought them out of hiding and just as we've discovered the beacon." Sampson says in confused concern.

"My bet, it's the beacon they're after. The dig site is close. Just over that rise. It might still be there." Ashley says, pointing towards the ridge.

"We could use your help, Williams." Sampson says.

"Aye, aye, sir. It's time for payback!" Ashley says with determination.

"Keep your cool Gunny, we got a major unknown to deal with. What of you know about the Geth?" Sampson warns.

"Just what they covered back in school. They're synthetics. Non-organic life forms with limited AI programming created by the quarians a few centuries ago. They were supposed to be a source of cheap labor, but ended up turning on the quarians and drove them into exile. After that, they just kind of disappeared behind the Perseus Veil. Nobody's really heard much from them since." Ashley explains.

"I see, what do you know about the beacon?" Sampson asks.

"They were doing some bidding out here to extend the monorail and expand the colony. A few weeks ago they unearthed some Prothean ruins… And the beacon. Suddenly, every scientific expert in the colony was interested. That's when they brought us in to secure the site. I don't know much about the beacon itself. But I heard one of the researchers say this could be the biggest scientific discovery of the century." Ashley explains.

"What about the researchers? What happened to them?" Sampson asks.

"I don't know, sir. They set up camp near the beacon. The 232 was with them. Maybe their unit faired better than mine?" Ashley replies hopefully.

"Tell us what happened leading up to the attack." Sapphire chimes in.

"We were sent out a couple nights ago from the main colony to secure the area. Seemed like a routine patrol until the geth hit us. We never knew they were coming." Ashley says with a pained expression.

"Have you seen a turian Spectre around here?" Sampson asks.

"Sorry, sir. There aren't any turians on Eden Prime. None that I've ever met. Not sure I'd be able to tell if one was a Spectre, anyway." Ashley says with ambivalence.

"Trust me, if you saw this guy you'd know. He's carrying enough firepower to wipe out a whole platoon. Luckily for us, he's on our side… Supposedly." Sapphire says, mumbling the last part.

"Sorry, ma'am. Like I said, no turians." Ashley reiterates.

"Alright, let's move out!" Sampson orders.

"The beacon's at the far end of this trench." Ashley says while Sampson scavenges some ammo mods and a set of Scorpion light armor.

Equipping the phasic rounds to his pistol they continue their advance down the trench.

Being halted by four geths using the crumbling ruins as cover.

After a short gunfight and Sapphire charging forward to smash the head of a geth with her shotgun, Sampson goes forward to investigate the dig site.

"This is the dig site. The beacon was right here. It must have been moved." Ashley says in shock.

"But who could have done it? Our side or the geth?" Saphire asks.

"Hard to say…" Ashley says looking at the tracks, "Maybe we'll know more after we check the research camp?"

"You think anyone got out of here alive?" Sampson asks.

"If they were lucky? Maybe hiding up in the camp. It's just on the top of this ridge. Up the ramps." Ashley says.

"Change of plans, Commander. There's a small spaceport up ahead. I want to check it out. I'll wait for you there." Nihlus says as the team begins walking up the dirt pathway.

After a few steps, the burned-out camp comes into view.

"Looks like they hit the camp hard." Ashley says.

"This is the perfect spot for an ambush. Keep your guards up and your heads on a swivel." Sampson says.

After walking a few more steps, the bodies placed on the spikes begin to twitch as the spikes retract, and the pale husks of what was once people, now infused with an endless maze of tubes and cybernetics turn their lifeless glowing blue eyes towards the team and charges.

"Oh god… They're still alive?!" Ashley says in shock before opening fire along with the rest of the team.

After taking down two the third one charges in close as electricity begins crackling across its body before Sampson pushes Ashley away and the discharge radiates out temporarily stunning it.

Sapphire charges up and blows its head away with a blast of her shotgun.

"Thanks for the save, sir." Ashley says as Sampson offers her a hand up.

"No problem, Williams, let's get to searching for survivors." Sampson says looking around.

After a few minutes Ashley shouts out, "Might have something. This door over here is closed, the security lock's engaged."

"Leave it to me." Sampson says, drawing our his omni-tool and begins tapping away cracking the lock in seconds.

The door opens revealing a woman and a man hiding inside.

"Humans! Thank the Maker!" The woman exclaims in joyous relief.

"Hurry! Close the door! Before they come back!" The main shouts in a warranted panic.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you." Sampson assures them.