
Mass Effect: Project-ACE

Project - ACE is a story about my oc in mass effect. Project - ACE was a classified Curbers experiment to create the 'Perfect Human' that had been genetic and cybernetic superiority over everyone else. Project - ACE consisted of three parts. The first was the construction of the 'Super Dreadnought' Hellaos. Second was the construction of the A.I. known as A.C.E. Third was the creation of subject Adam the genetically engineered human.

Aliexa_West · Video Games
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6 Chs

CH 005 - The Future And Past

- Atlas pov -

Eve: "So, how did you do it? I know your a video game genius but how did you get the perfect ending in the suicide mission?"

Atlas: "Just do literally Every mission before the reaper IFF mission."

Eve is my best friend, but he can be lets just say hard headed and stubborn to say the least.

Eve: "Come on and miss my favorite Gethy Boi? No says I, Legion the best character."

Atlas: "I may agree but it's worth it doing both Legion's and Tail's loyalty missions back to back."

Eve: "Ok ok I know it has interesting reactions but I can't resist legion."

Atlas: "Ok here I knew you would say that so I made a copy of your save file and progressed it to the right direction for you,"

I handed over a flash drive to my best friend and he grabbed it and gave a huge smile.

Eve: "Thanks now I can get ready to blast through the collector base perfectly and rock mass effect three."

Atlas: "Fare warning mass effect three's endings suck but the hole collecting a huge fleet is the awesome part in my book and the Normandy refit realy suites the Specter status."

Eve: "I love that version two however, I would like to ask you some thing which race would you chose if you would be in mass effect? I would chose a Quarian that is part Geth because why not?"

Atlas: "If you go that far I will be a human hybrid with so much alien DNA i am practically a new race my self. Oh don't forget the super dreadnought and the A.I. that's equal to a Reapers."

Eve: "Oh come on man why are you always trying to be part Reaper."

Atlas: "I didn't say part reaper. I meant human with the DNA of all the races that give an advantage to me like Asari and Krogan. Oh and don't forget the half synthetic and A.I. data link chip. Though I would be some Cerberus"

Eve: "That I don't envy, but for me I probably be a injured and on the brink of death Quarian how seek assistance of the Geth."

Atlas: "And they went and overhauled you."

Eve: "Exactly."

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Eve: "Shit I need to run I late for curfew. See you tomorrow."

Atlas: "Bye"

- Testarossa Pov -

*Beeb* *Beeb* *Beeb*

Testarossa: "Uge, What's the time?"

Aurora: [Year: 2154 / Month: 05 / Day: 27 time 02:42 ]

Testarossa: "Why so early?"

Aurora: [System scan reveled the destination has been reached]

Testarossa: "All right time to at least try to blend in."

- Omega Control Pov -

officer 1: "Aria has been on our asses lately because of the explosion caused by that Quarian who stole a ship and hacked our control tower. Man this job stinks"

officer 2: "At least we get free drinks."

officer 1: "Yeah Yeah Ye-huh, dude check out the radar signature."

officer 2: "Holy shit is that a dreadnought who would bring it here?"

officer 1: "Don't know let's send a message huh the system says it's haling us?"

officer 2: "Answer it."

officer 1: "No, You I pay for a dancer for you if you do."

officer 2: "You say that because you afraid of if it's a trap well alright."

*Com Open*

Testarossa: "Omega Control This is Testarossa of the Fallen Angle requesting docking permission"

officer 1&2: "Granted Use external arm 27"

Testarossa: "Clarence Received Over And Out"

*Com Closed*

officer 1: "We are dead aren't we?"

officer 2: "Yeah Aria's going to kill us."

officer 1: "Why did we think it was a good idea to give permission for her to dock at Aria's personal docking arm"

officer 2: "Yeah why did we have to be charmed by her beauty?"

officer 1: "Yeah oh and you should call and inform Aria"

officer 2: "Nope your turn my friend"

officer 1: "Dammit Ok"

- Aria Pov -


Aria: "You two better have a good reason for this!"

officer 1: "A-Aria we may h-have let someone d-dock at external arm 27."

Aria: "MAY HAVE !?"

officer 2: "A-Aria they have a dre-dreadnought and they say there name is Testarossa."

Aria: "Dreadnought huh? and the affiliation of the ship?"

officer 1: "Cerberus Aria"

Aria: "Probably stolen no way in hell would Cerberus just show up with one dreadnought. Ok you to are off the hook for now, But any other Cerberus ships show up send me a notification."

- Testarossa Pov -

Aurora maneuvered the ship to the assigned dock and docked. What I was half expecting was Aria showing up with army and I was surprised to find out only a couple squads and Aria waiting.

Aria: "Welcome to Omega I'm Aria the one who runs this joint. Who are you?"

Testarossa: "Nice to meat you I am Testarossa and I need your assistance in a new paint scheme for the ship and my equipment. Oh and as payment the equipment on the dead body and this data cash on Cerberus bases and supply cashes."

Aria: "How can we trust you?"

Testarossa: "You can look through my memory's all you want but only you. NO SHARING MY PAST GOT IT"

Aria: "No way I would showing up in a Cerberus dreadnought means I would be a pain to have you against me. Oh and there is only on rule on Omega don't fuck with Aria"

Testarossa: "I have a similar rule don't fuck with Testarossa so are we good?"

Aria: "Fallow me and let's get this over."

- Third person Pov -

(3 moths latter)

Testarossa and Aria managed to strike a bargain with each other and the retrofit of the newly renamed ship the Fallen Angle: Lucifer was under way. during this time Testarossa did a few side jobs for Aria and managed to recruit a few small Merc bands and gangs to me the official 'Crew' and Testarossa had sex with Aria a couple of times. the Krogen and Quarians on their crew received genetic therapy making them very loyal.