
Masquerade GXG werewolf x human 18+

DaKotahsDream · LGBT+
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5 Chs

4. I thought Werewolves Belong In Twilight?

And welcome back to chapter 4! I just wanna say thank you for the nearly 70 reads! Y'all are amazing! But don't worry, I'm just getting started *wink* there's a lot that's going to happen, more flash backs, more suspense, thrill, and a possibility of a cliff hanger! This might be a 30 chapter book, idk it depends on how far I get into it! I don't wanna keep y'all waiting, here's chapter 4! Enjoy!

Oh one last thing, it'll be lengthy, it's split in both Kendall's and Blair's pov!







"Fuck!" I wake up in a cold sweat, looking at my phone, it's only midnight but I can't get Kendall or her sent off my mind. I'm staying over at Moms and praying I don't run into Kendall in the morning and have to explain to her why she saw what she saw. I don't want to scare her away, it'll bother me too much. But her sent... her voice.. her hair... her smile... it's all just... it makes me want her more than ever.. but I can't start thinking like that, not now. There's a knock at the door and it opens slowly. "Hey Mom.." I say and sit up.

"You okay honey? It's midnight and I just wanted to check up on you." She says, coming in and sitting on the bed. "It's just... Mom I'm scared.. I'm scared that I'll eventually hurt her or worse... why can't I be a human like everyone else?" I ask. "Honey... there are times that I was I was a human too, but having the immortal powers, made me stronger as a person and it helped me become who I am today. You can keep seeing your friend but masking their sent is on you... if you choose to let go... you'll risk the chances of hurting them or yourself... Blair, I know you're an adult now and you can make your own decisions, but as your mother, do what's best for you." She says as she has a hand on my leg, giving it a small pat.

"What if I already let it go? Mom... I did that... I wanted to know what she smelled like again but this guy... he wanted her... I got mad..." I say in a panic. I now have tears falling from my face. "Did she see you?" Mom asks as she reaches that same hand that was placed on my leg up to my face, on to my cheek. "Yes... I think... I was mainly fighting the guy who wanted her. When I got in the car, she was half awake.." I give a little laugh cause I remembered how many shots she had. "Be careful Blair. Please be careful! You can't go full werewolf, you're not even a full Alpha yet, knowing you have your eyes, you're also still a Beta who's in Alpha training." I smile and lean my face into my moms hand.

"I know Momma, I'm being careful and I shouldn't have unmasked.." I say and hold moms hand with mine. "It's just... she's shy but very cute, gentle, and asked me to be her roommate because of my crazy ex... I'm not too sure if moving in with her is too soon.. knowing we just met and all.." I tell mom. But mom just gives me a look and I nod. "I know, too soon." Mom laughs and goes to stand up but keeps that same hand on my cheek. "Blair, my sweet sweet Blair, you've grown into a beautiful woman, I remember when you were little, you would always play outside... get those dresses all dirty.." I laugh and so does mom. "Look at how I turned out..." I say and smile up at her. "Fearless, brave, loyal... everything you've become is because of you and what you've gone through Blair, and you continue to show that you're fearless. But let's get back to bed? I'll see you in the morning, breakfast will be ready around 10."

"Thank you mom.." I say and she leaves.. leaving me in the room alone. I turn my lamp back off and try to sleep. I close my eyes, trying my best to not think of Kendall.. I manage to go back to sleep.. a deep sleep that is..



I'm up.. it's now nearly 10am and I get a shower in. Thinking about that Blair and everything I saw that night.. I should go over to Blair's... maybe if we talk, I could understand everything. After getting out the shower, changing and making my way to my car, I call Blair. "Come on Blair, answer." I say in a panic. Getting in and taking off, Blair answers. "Hey Kendall? Is everything okay?" Asking me through FaceTime. "Are you home? We need to talk about last night.. I don't want to start anything but I'm just curious.." I say. "I'm over at my moms, and of course we can talk.. I'll send you the address, I'll get dress and wait for you." Blair who's hair is a bit messy, I'm a plain grey shirt and sweats smiles at me. "Okay, I'll see you soon, I'll grab coffee too!" Telling them before we end the call.

They send me their moms address and I stop to grab the three of us coffee from Starbucks. Pumpkin Spice for her mom, White Mocha for Blair and Carmel Crunch for myself. Sending a text back to let Blair know I'm on my way, she sends a heart and a thank you for a coffee reply back.



It's nearly 10am and mom has breakfast ready. I'm up but not fully awake, my phone goes off. I grab it off the charger and see that Kendall is calling. So I answer, "Hey Kendall, is everything okay?" I ask because after I gave her my number, we've been texting and FaceTiming nonstop. "Are you home? We need to talk about last night.. I don't want to start anything... I'm just curious." She states, she sounds like she's in a panic. Telling her that I'm at my moms, I give her my moms address and she tells me she's grabbing coffee for us. We end the call and I make my way to the bathroom...

Might as well just throw on a tank top and my sweats. Showering and changing, I head downstairs. "Morning honey, did you sleep okay?" Mom smiles at me and hands me a plate of pancakes, sausage, and biscuits with gravy. I take a seat at the table. "I slept okay... oh Kendall is on her way over, she wanted to talk." I mention. "Oh okay, I bet she's a sweet girl, what is it that she wanted to talk to you about?" Mom says, making two more plates for herself and Kendall. "Last night." Mom pauses and nearly drops the plate. "Mom!" I say and stand up, quickly making my way over to her.

"I'm okay." She says, putting both plates on the table. The doorbell rings. "She's here." Me and Mom make our way to door and open it. Kendall is standing there with the coffees in her hands. "Hi I'm Kendall.." she says and mom invites her in. "Please, make yourself at home, there's breakfast at the table." Kendall gives her a smile before saying thank you and setting the coffees down. "So Kendall, Blair says you two need to talk?" Mom asks her as she hands Kendall her plate and Kendall sits across from me.

"Oh yeah, if Blair doesn't mind... Um, about what I saw.. the blood.. the fangs... your eyes..." I look up from my food and drop my fork. "Kendall.. before we get into that, are you okay?" I ask her. "I'm fine, I appreciate you honesty.. I didn't think I'd have that much fun in a long time, but thank you for bringing me home.." She smiles at me and continues to eat. "About what you saw, I'm most definitely not a human..." I state and finish my plate. "Sooo are you a werewolf then?" She asks gently.. "Yeah.. I was hoping you wouldn't see it yet, but I got mad and I wanted to keep you safe.." I say as I run a hand through my hair.

"I appreciate you, but Blair, I've told you before, I can handle myself." Kendall says again, sounding a little upset. "I understand you can handle yourself but me being a werewolf... it's a lot." I blurt out. I'm now facing Kendall and my mom who's still at the table. "Soo, how do you shift? What's it like?" Kendall asks. "I don't exactly know the right answer... if I get mad enough, I'll shift.." I tell her but mom gives me a look. "Can you show me? And I'm sorry if I'm being rude.. I don't mean to be it's just. I've never had anyone handle things for me or be protective over me like Camron." Kendall states as she gets up and then stands in front of me.

"I can try..." I say and place a hand on her cheek. I close my eyes and focus.. then, her sent hits my nose.. my mouth drops open slightly.. my fangs come out, my ears go pointed, my claws are against her cheek and my eyes are now red. I open my eyes back up and look at Kendall, who's staring at me with confusion and an awe expression on her face. "What does it feel like?" She asks as she takes a step forward. "Adrenaline... your sent... toasted marshmallow and vanilla but you changed it..." I say and place my other hand on her face. "Im wearing new perfume if that helps any?" Kendall says with a giggle.

"Lavender and orange.. I like it.." I smile at her and return back into my human form. "Can you hear well? As a werewolf?" Kendall being so curious, gets closer and fills in the space between us. My hand move from her face to her waist. "Everything is heightened... sometimes it hurts or sometimes it's soft.." I tell her. "What about your eyes? Do you see different?" I smile because she's asking so many questions. Such a curious thing. "Yeah, I can see what aurora you give off, so for example, if you're in a good mood- your aurora is green, it's almost like energy or vibe I guess." Trying to explain things the best I can.


"That's so cool! Am I allowed to ask personal questions? I know we don't know each other fully yet.." I'm now standing here, arms around Blair's neck while hers are around me face. "We should go to the living room and talk." Blair says and I back up. "I'm sorry.." I pause.. not knowing what to say next. They lead me to the living and we take a seat on the couch. Her mom follows and joins us. "Now about the personal questions.." Blair states, sitting towards me. "Oh! Yeah! I'm sorry!" Apologizing again.. "it's okay, you don't have to apologize for everything Kendall." Blair tells me with a smile and a hand on my thigh.

"I know. But umm... you said that everything is heightened, so your sense of smell?" I ask.. "What exactly do I smell like?" I give a little laugh but Blair just laughs before responding. "Good... you smell really good, that's how I noticed your change in sent... it's the body wash you use and perfume... I don't know your exact sent yet so I go off your body wash or whatever you are wearing to make yourself smell good all day.. I like it too, it doesn't bother me one bit." Blair has me shocked, I can't believe I'm inches away from a werewolf!

"Oh?! I wasn't expecting that!" I say and give them a huge smile. "Got any others to ask?" They quoted. "Yeah! Plenty!" I tell them, smiling from ear to ear. "Do you... do you eat animals?" I'm doing my best to think of questions that are personal but aren't too personal that would make them uncomfortable. "Yes... rabbits, squirrels, mice, deer sometimes.." I tilt my head in confusion.. "I'm a werewolf Kendall.. I eat small animals to control my hunger." Blair laughs out. "Stop looking so confused." They laugh a little more then pat my thigh.

"I'm sorry! I'm just curious and I want to know more!" I blurted, putting a hand to my mouth to keep me from saying anything else.

"You can ask me anything." Blair states again. "What happens when you get mad? Do you... I guess you could call it wolfing out.." I laugh hoping they could catch my joke. "Yes.. sometimes, mom has taught me how to keep it under control but if I unmask, then I'm full Pre Alpha.." Blair tells me. "Pre Alpha?" I question with my hand tapping the side of my leg. "I'm not a full Alpha like I thought.. I'm still and also a Beta. Betas are second ranked werewolves. Betas are mostly known as assistants or second in charge, mainly close to an Alpha but with only minimum authority and power. My eyes will go back to blue when I "wolf out" as you call it." They laugh but continue. "It's extremely rare for us werewolves to have that genes but I do." I continue to listen while Blair talks, it's so fascinating to hear. I feel like I'm learning so much.

"My eyes are only red because I...." Blair stops and looks at me. "Is everything okay?" I ask, laying a hand on their thigh. "Yeah.. anyways, my eyes are only red because I'm in transition from pre beta to alpha. When they glow really red, I'm officially a full alpha, I just have to be careful... I don't want to risk hurting someone.." Blair states, their face looking sad. "Did you?" I ask, this time grabbing their hand in mine. "I did actually... this man, way before we met Kendall. I was living in a small town in the country called Lockwood." Patting my thigh while they talk. "Lockwood isn't actually too far, maybe a 3 hour drive. Very small but quiet town.. this man had history books filled with things on werewolves and mythological creatures... he had this belief that me and my family were. Once he found out the truth after we tried to cover our asses, he came after mom.."

I get up and hug Blair. Being a human, you don't realize how hard another one's life is until they explain it. "Tried to kill off my entire family... dad and my older siblings left to another country and I stayed with mom. But I also ended up nearly killing the man. Burned down our home, killed most of our horses and cows... so I did what I thought was best.. I shifted.. full werewolf, ran straight to him and took one claw down his chest... then another and another..." Blair, who's now crying into chest, hugs me tightly but is slightly shaking.

"Blair... you don't have to say anymore.." I tell them, rubbing their back. "Kendall, it's all my fault... he's probably alive and might be part of a mafia... he wanted my older sisters Journey and Maelyee as his property... to be his slaves... to be with him and his mafia gang.. after he found out about my family... I nearly took his head off.. I was just..." Blair stops talking and cries. I cry with them. I had no clue how horrible their life is. Not having their sisters around or their dad... then having everything ripped away because of a mafia gang in Lockwood...

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask them. "I'm not sure...but I eventually need to go back to Lockwood.." Blair tells me and lets me go. Wiping their tears away and looking up at me. "We should plan a trip there, find that mafia gang and get revenge.." Blurting out. "Kendall, it's not that is.." Blair now stands up and walks away from me. "What do you mean not that easy?" I ask with confusion. "Kendall! We can't just get up and leave. That mafia Gang nearly killed my family because of what we are! I'm dangerous! And if I wolf out... I could kill you!" Blair yells at me.

I flinch and cover my face with my arms.


"I'd lose control..." I'm now coming back over to Kendall to remove her arms away from her face. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you.." I say with tears coming back. "Please Kendall, say something.." I hurt her.. I thought to myself as I pull her into a hug. "I should go... I'm really sorry Blair." I cry and nod, giving her arms a rub. "I'm sorry Kendall..." I say again but she walks away from me with tears in her eyes..






And that's a wrap for chapter 4! I managed to finish before Tuesday! And ooo a mafia? Gotta add that twist lol anyways I made a new friend at work so that's a plus and I'm getting back into cosplay! Whoop whoop!

My socials are:

Tiktok: kotaa_bear

Main Insta: babykotaa_

Photography Insta: sun.flowers_on_sunsets

Snap: kota2thick

Webnovel: DaKotahsDream

Ao3: KandiKota

YouTube: Moosie

Wattpad: mint_gummi

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I post every week on Tuesdays and Saturdays!

Word count: 2,925

Time: 1:23am

Date: Saturday, September 10