
The Date


Kat is a normal college girl. Well... as normal as a girl with a 23 inch dick can be. She goes to class, eats lunch, studies, and has a crush.

When she gets the opportunity to ask that crush out on a date though... things get a bit more fun.

With inspiration from: DramaticFuta


Warning: This story contains, Futa on Male, Cumflation, Huge Dicks, Stomach Bulging, Cum on Food, Unrealistic Capabilities, Cock Warming, Cum all the way through, and Harnessing/Fannypacking. Give it a shot if you'd like!

Chapter 1: The Date

Chapter Text

The day started like any other. Kat woke up to the sound of her third alarm, her frizzy red locks tangled on the pillow behind her. Glowing like strands of fire in the morning sun reflected off her dorm room's whitewashed walls. She yawned and stretched a bit, arching her back as she began her morning routine. Throwing back the covers she took in her light cream-colored skin, her petite mounds resting on her chest before looking past to her flat smooth stomach and further down to her crotch.

Where normally one would expect a small slit instead they'd find a massive pillar pointing to the ceiling. Thicker than the bicep on her small arms and just as long at 23 inches. Nearly 2 feet in length. Resting behind it was her balls, each slightly larger than a grapefruit and absolutely full.

On her cock rested the condom she had put on the night before, it had swelled to the size of a basketball and looked close to bursting.

"Geez, not again!" She bemoaned.

Just like the night before last she hadn't had time to masturbate, after she'd finished her school work, before she had to sleep for morning classes. Getting up, careful to hold the full condom in her hands as she did, she walked to the bathroom.

Luckily after her 2nd year she'd been able to move out of the shared dorms to get her own private room and bathroom. The kitchenette and living area was still shared with another room but that was the best she could afford.

Stepping into the shower she turned on the water and carefully removed the condom, slowly beginning to empty it into the flow of water going toward the drain. When she was done she threw the stretched out condom out into the trash beside the stall.

Her hard cock continued to twitch as she showered and cleaned herself off. Despite how much she hated to do it she knew she didn't have time this morning after sleeping through her first set of alarms. Finishing up she switched the water to its coldest setting.

Shivering in the cold stream she felt her cock finally begin to soften. Once done she stepped out into the cool air to quickly dry herself off and take care of her tangled hair.

Now clean she stepped in front of the mirror and began drying out her hair with her hairdryer and brush. Whilst doing so she admired herself in all her 5' 6" glory in the mirror. Her beautiful and naturally curly red hair flowed through the brush as she stared into her light turquoise eyes. Her face was dotted with a constellation of freckles and her pale skin dusted by a rosy complexion.

Applying a small amount of makeup she finished her morning routine and went to get dressed. Grabbing a condom from the stack of Triple-XL Magnum Condoms on her dresser she slid it onto herself before slipping on a pair of comfortable boxers that held her prestigious bulge in place. Donning a comfy white blouse and a pair of loose gray sweatpants for today. Grabbing her things, and sliding a few extra condoms into her bag, she stepped out of her dorm ready to head to her first class of the day.

The classes dragged on that day. Interspersed by short breaks and only enough time for lunch and a little studying before her test in Biochemistry. Luckily it was the last class that day. Unlucky for her she hadn't managed to find time to masturbate at all today either and her crush was in this class.

Mason, even just thinking his name makes her eyes flutter, and there he was, already sitting in his spot one row in front of where you normally sit. He has slitted brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. His luxurious, wavy, blond hair is medium-length and worn in a utilitarian, businesslike style. He's got a beard and a stylish mustache. He is slightly taller than Kat and has a toned build. Muscles clearly built from long hours of routine and made for performance. His skin is a lovely slightly tanned color from working in the sun.

Sliding into place behind him she pulls out her notebook and pencils. Reaching in to grab her laptop one of the pencils is accidentally knocked off the front of the desk only to fall down in the row ahead of it. Hearing the sound Mason looks down to his left and bends down to pick up the offending object.

Lifting it up he turns back to Kat and says,

"Hey, Kat, right? Is this yours? I think you dropped it."

Cheeks flushing a deep pink Kat reaches forward and takes the pencil with small exclamation of,


Smiling, he begins to turn back around.

"E-Excuse me," Kat stamers, causing him to face her once more, "would you let me buy you something to drink after class? A-As thanks…"

He looks at her for a minute, seemingly contemplating, right as she begins to worry he responds.

"Sure. Sounds like fun."

Smiling again even brighter than before he turns back around as the professor begins to talk.

Kat's face flushes, her heart pounding in her chest at the sight of that smile. 'God he's so hot!'

Her cock jolts a bit in her pants and she shakes her head as she tries to focus on the lesson, though not really succeeding.

Leaving class with Mason she takes him to a small café located not far from the campus.

It was a charming little brick and mortar shop with a warm wooden and dark leather interior. The soft orange lighting giving one a sense of peace as they sat in one of the tall backed booths or at the plush chairs and tables near the window.

Placing their orders at the counter they slipped into a booth at the back of the shop away from all the other college kids sitting at tables and working on assignments near the front windows.

"I'm glad you agreed to come with me." Kat said softly, "I need to reward my hero."

Chuckling Mason replied, "Hero? All I did was pick up a pencil. Your bar for heroes is a bit low there, don't you think?"

"Not at all, you saved me from the embarrassment of having to walk around and squeeze past everyone to get it." She rumbled lowly.

"Well I'm glad I could be your knight in shining armor then."

"Mmmm… yes, a real prince charming. All for myself." She purred.

"Prince charming?" He said, a light blush dusting his cheeks somewhat obscured behind his well groomed facial hair.

"You're very charming, and oh so noble. What else would you be?" She paused for a moment before continuing, "I don't want to be too forward but I wanted to ask before we go too far… what's your… you know… sexuality?"

Blinking a bit in surprise he leaned back a bit, "I'm Bi, though I lean more towards the feminine side. Why do you ask?"

"No reason in particular, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't accidentally putting you out." She stated, a bit relieved.

"What about yourself?" He inquired.

"Me? I'm Bi as well, though I prefer guys myself." She informed him. As she finished speaking their names were quickly called by a short woman at the counter.

"Here I'll go get that." He said, standing up to go pick up their order.

Watching him walk to the counter Kat's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his toned rear pressed against his tight black running pants.

Blushing as he turned back around she quickly pulled her head back into the booth and took a few breaths to calm herself. Her ignored dick tried to threaten to break free from its tight prison as she felt the condom she was wearing fill a bit more with a spurt of pre.

Sliding back into the booth on the opposite side he said, "Here we go. One medium London fog for you and a large iced coffee for me." Sliding a drink across the table to her.

Kat swallowed a bit of saliva and grabbed her drink, "Thank you."

They continued to chat for a while talking about their interests and thoughts on everything big or small, such as Kat's gaming habit and Mason's morning workout routine or Kat's dislike for coffee and Mason's distaste for the color beige.

Laughing as they stepped out into the brisk evening air, the sun well on its descent toward the horizon. Walking side by side back toward the campus.

"Hold up." Mason said, stopping for a moment to turn and bend over, picking up a glass bottle left on one of the campus lawns.

Kat once again found herself swallowing a mouthful of saliva as she got another look at his well formed ass. Only coming back to her senses when she heard him speak.

"I hate it when people litter. Like look at this! There's a trash can right there!" He exclaimed, pointing slightly along the path behind her.

Continuing their walk past the trash so Mason could dispose of the obnoxious refuse. Kat found herself struggling to walk properly as her dick fought to be freed from its cotton prison. "Hey," she began, "I was thinking… tomorrow is Saturday and if you're not going to be busy… w-would you like to come back to my place?"

Blinking a bit in surprise once again, the blush reappearing on his face, he replied, "S-Sure. I'd love to."

"Great! Let's go!" Picking up the pace she led him excitedly to her dorm room. The short but long building was lined with female private dorms. Hers was right near the back of the building, far from most of the other occupied units. Stepping into the shared living room/kitchenette she turned to him as he closed the door. Reaching out she grabbed his shirt and pushed his back against the door as she stepped forward pressing her lips to his, her head tilted back and standing on her toes so she could reach.

His eyes were open wide in surprise but soon fluttered shut as he reached up to grab her upper arms, pulling her closer against himself.

Pulling back, panting, she grabbed his arm and pulled him along toward her room. Stepping inside she took a step back and held up her hands whilst saying, "Before we go any further I need to tell you something."

Mason drew to a stop a bit away, his own breathing heavy. "What?"

"I… I'm not a normal girl." she muttered.

Looking at her and cocking his head to the side, Mason said "I know, you have a dick right?"

Eyes springing open and her head looking up into his eyes in surprise, "You knew? When did you find out?" she questioned.

"Earlier as we were walking back from the coffee shop. Your bulge isn't exactly subtle. Your question about my sexuality also seemed a bit strained." he said with bit of humor in his voice.

Sighing a bit in relief she asked "and your ok with it?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Now come on. It's not that big of a deal."

"Oh its pretty big." She replied with a smirk.

Slipping her fingers into her loose pants she pulled them down over her shapely rear leaving her standing in her tight boxers, massive bulge on full display.

Swallowing a lump in his throat at the sight, Mason stepped closer and closed the door with his foot.

Kat began to giggle a bit at the wide eyed deer-in-the-headlights look on Mason's face and his eyes remained locked on her bulge.

"Are you just going to stand and stare?" She purred, her voice low and soft.

Looking up at her Mason shook his head a bit and continued advancing until he was right in front of her looking down into her blueish-green eyes. Kat stared right back, getting lost in the beautiful brown of his eyes before reaching up to kiss him once more. Looping her arms around his chiseled neck.

Pulling apart, once more panting, Mason grabbed Kat by the hips and lifted her gently into the air. Swiftly carrying her and laying her back on her bed. His arms came down after her on either side of her head. Pinning her in he lowered himself into her welcoming embrace, lips pressing together once more as their tongues began wrestling for control.

Parting only for breath, the battle in their mouths seemingly never ending. Until Kat whimpered into his mouth and shook, causing him to pull back and look at her questioningly.

"Hah, hah, m…my pants. T-Take them, hah, off. H-Hurry, quick, take them off," she whined.

Looking down between their bodies Mason's breath stilled at the sight of her boxers pulling tight, barely able to contain a massive throbbing pillar. Reaching down slowly, Mason grasped the band of her underwear, his touch causing her to whimper and shiver again. Slowly he began to pull down, pulling himself down with them till the anaconda in her pants was right before his face.

Covering her mouth, as she continued to whimper and whine, Kat stifled her breath as a relieved groan burst forth. Speaking of burst forth.

Mason found himself woefully unprepared for the sheer size of Kat's natural gift. Bursting forth as her underwear snapped back down to her thighs Mason found himself being hit upside the face by two hefty feet of girlcock.

Looking closer he noticed there was a condom wrapped around the towering prick. Following his eyes down the stretched latex of the condom he found hanging heavy below his chin was the bloated softball sized balloon of her daily excretion. At first he thought she had already came but upon closer inspection he discovered the liquid withing the see-through casing was merely a slightly cloudy yet mostly clear fluid.

"This is all pre-cum?" he blurted out, eyes wide.

Mouth still covered by her hands and face beet red Kat simply nodded. Her eyes staring at him with rapturous intent.

Looking back to the mountain of meat before his eyes his gaze lowered again to see a pair of balls bigger than his fists. He stared as they suddenly jumped, pulling taught for a moment as a massive spurt of pre was added to the condom.

"If you keep staring like that I don't know what I'm going to do." Kat suddenly said, her voice low.

"R-Right…" Mason drawled. Reaching out Mason gripped the shaft in his larger hands. Noticing how his fingers couldn't quite fit all the way around. His hands felt woefully inadequate to tackle this monster and yet Kat gasped and whimpered, shaking her hips a bit in response. 'God her voice is adorable… I want to hear her make more.'

Inspired by the sounds she was making he slowly began to wring his hands up and down her shaft gently but firmly. He watched amazed as with each tug all the way down and back up her balls jumped again and another squirt of nectar was emptied into the bloated condom.

"H-Hey," glancing up he looked to Kat as she began to speak, "not that I'm not enjoying this, but can I… can you use your mouth?"

Swallowing a little Mason replied, "s-sure."

"Can you take the condom off? Oh and please tie it so it doesn't make a mess." she asked.

"Ok." He said, reaching forward and sliding the condom gently off Kat's moist tower, pinching the end so he could tie it off. Setting the full condom off to the side well out of the way Mason stared at the now naked form of Kat's manhood.

Slowly he inched forward, mouth dropping open slightly and tounge pressing out he set it along the top of her length and shuddered as her strong taste entered his mouth unhindered. Slowly licking up to the very tip he opened as wide as he could and engulfed her tip in his mouth. His jaw straining around the nearly fist sized spongey head.

As soon as her tip was fully enveloped in the warm wet cave of his mouth Kat moaned loudly as her balls contracted hard and the biggest load of pre yet shot directly into Mason's mouth, filling it near instantly and nearly causing him to choke as he pulled back. Swallowing he found himself coughing a bit as his eyes slightly watered.

"S-Sorry! I should've warned you about that."

"N-No, it's fine. I should've known after what I saw earlier. I'm good, just got a bit surprised."


Slipping back into place Mason began to lick around her shaft and jerked what he couldn't get in his mouth before returning to the head of her pillar. The taste of her pre was surprisingly sweet lacking in the expected bitterness.

"C-can you go deeper?" Kat stammered.

Pulling back, Mason voiced his concern.

"I don't know if you can fit."

"It's OK. You just need some help. Let me get up." Pushing herself off the bed Kat stood next to it, her cock jutting out in front of her imposingly. "Here, lay down on your back with your head hanging off the foot of the bed."

Doing as he was told Mason laid back and found himself staring at the door to the room upside down. Stepping into view the first thing he noticed was the massive cock, now at perfect head height, right before his eyes.

"Alright now open your mouth, stick your tongue out, and swallow when I tell you to." Kat purred. Stepping forward Kat reached out and grabbed Mason by both sides of his head. His mouth hanging open he watched with trepidation as the head drew forward till it was pressing against the entrance to his mouth.

Sliding forward some more Kat pressed the tip of her dick past his teeth until it was pressing against the back of his mouth. His eyes watering, Mason began to gag.

"Shhh, it's OK, just swallow. Act like you're trying to swallow a nice big mouthful of food." Kat reassured.

Eyes still watering Mason took her advice and as soon as she felt him begin to swallow she slowly began to push forward. Sliding a few more inches in and breaching the confines of his throat. With a moan Kat continued to push, undeterred by any resistance.

"Just keep swallowing!" Kat grunted. Taking another small step forward and burying a few more inches down Mason's throat. Looking at the massive bulge in his neck Kat looked down and cried out "You're halfway there!"

'Only halfway?! It felt like someone was shoving an entire footlong sandwich down his throat and that's only half!'

Unaware of Mason's growing panic Kat continued undaunted. Taking firm grip of his head she pulled back slightly before swiftly pushing forward a few more inches than before. Repeating the process as she beat Mason's throat into submission. Until finally Mason felt her balls slap heavily onto his face and her pubes tickled his chin.

Letting out a loud groan of pleasure Kat pulled back, slowly, just enough so Mason could take a breath through his nose before immediately slamming back in balls deep. It felt like she was punching him in the gut for a second before she quickly began to jackhammer his face. Her balls imprinting themselves into his face.

"Oh god! Mason! Your throat is so good!" She moaned, "I-I'm going to cum already!"

Incredibly, her thrusts became even faster as her orgasm swiftly approached. After another 30 seconds of throat pounding, ball slapping action, she finally drew back enough for Mason to take a quick breath, before immediately burying herself to the hilt and absolutely blasting his stomach with her first load in nearly three days.

Her cock throbbed in his throat as her balls jumped against his face, depositing their massive payload directly into his stomach. With each pulse he could feel what felt like a hose spraying his inside. His stomach struggling to accommodate her prolific amount of cum.

Slowly he began to feel his stomach expanding. Kat watching in fascination as his smooth muscular stomach began to bulge beneath his shirt. After nearly another minute of Kat's balls pulsing and what felt like over a litter more cum being forced into his stomach, she finally began to pull out.

Sliding free from his throat she stopped with her head still in his mouth and squeezed her wet, sticky cock with her hand forcing another blast of girl cream to fill Mason's mouth. To Mason's oxygen starved brain it tasted heavenly as he let it rest there while he caught his breath through his nose before finally swallowing and beginning to gasp and breathe properly.

Looking up at Kat with cum drunk eyes she smiled down at him, her cock still rock hard and dribbling cum, she purred, "So, ready for the real show?"