
Masked Girl: Lifes Journey

A young girl takes her first steps towards a new world, away from the life she once led in a shelter. Now, she must put on her mask and determine who among the guests in her ball of life is a friend or foe in order to protect the seed that now grows in her.

Queen_Flames · Teen
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5 Chs


As my consciousness gradually returned, the world around me became a flurry of chill and a never-ending chaos of beeping machines. I felt the presence of where I was and realized I was at the hospital. The familiar feel of old people mixed with a bunch of pills became more noticeable, the reflecting harsh fluorescent light against my eyelids caused the once darkness I comforted in to light up a little. I could hear distant unfamiliar voices, a chorus of panicked tones, and a name being called repeatedly- a name I didn't recognize.

In the haze of confusion, I felt a massive hand enveloping mine, warm and tight, as if desperately seeking a lifeline. My instinct was to squeeze back, to make a connection amidst the disorienting chaos. I fluttered my eyelids, and with sheer determination, I forced them open against the blinding assault of light.

Before my eyes emerged a towering and commanding figure with a presence that demanded attention. His features were a remarkable contrast of emotions, torn between fear and anger. His face chiseled like that of a carved angel, held a tempest within his eyes. The muscles beneath his light-brown skin spoke of strength and resilience as if he were a guardian of some otherworldly realm. His frame, towering at a height of roughly 6'5", exuded both a raw power and an unexpected vulnerability.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as my gaze met his. In the midst of the hospital's frenetic energy, it was as if the universe had carved out a space of intimacy just for us. His fingers tightened around mine, as though trying to ground himself in this bewildering reality.

I studied his features, taking in every nuance of his expression. The mixture of emotions etched onto his face painted a story of its own. The fear, the concern, and the anger were woven together in a tapestry that told of a tumultuous journey. It was a face I knew I would remember, no matter how unfamiliar the circumstances.

For a moment, our eyes locked in a silent conversation. My gratitude for his presence and his silent plea for something I couldn't quite decipher. Despite the chaos that enveloped us, there was an unspoken understanding that transcended the turmoil.

In that sterile room, surrounded by the harsh brightness and the unrelenting noise of machines and people, our connection became my anchor. As strangers shouted an unknown name in the background and the call for a doctor pierced the air, it was as if our hands held onto a lifeline that linked their worlds.

any thoughts on what to name her?

Queen_Flamescreators' thoughts