
Masked Girl and Her Prince

Usui, crown prince of Sun Kingdom, is the most strongest prince in the kingdom. He gets pressured to get married, which eventually leads to him participate in the competiton for the hand of Princess Hazel , who is known as the Beauty of Crystal Kingdom. On reaching Crystal Kingdom, Usui came across a masked warrior girl who piqued his interest. On one hand, there's this Princess and the other, the masked girl. So who would he choose? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usui: I could do things my way here. Author : But I am the one who's deciding your partner. Usui: Don't be like my mom. Author : ..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support: https://www.patreon.com/Rainny Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me. Just edited it to suit my book

_Rain · Fantasy
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212 Chs

Chapter 162: Fighting!

Without a warning, he appeared behind Zelal and struck him. Zelal tried to cast some earth barrier to protect himself. Unfortunately, the moment he was distracted by the demon, the black mist emerged in front of him and silently devoured the man.

Zelal's battle instinct sharpened as he caught a whiff of danger. He immediately extracted himself from his position. The black aura missed him but quickly changed its course to catch Zelal again. 

Zelal quickly controlled his power to conjure another shield. The earth bent around him and received the black mist attack. However, Usui didn't give Zelal a chance to breathe as he had suddenly come from above him.

Usui activated the sword's curse before he slammed it against the rock. The deathly miasma instantly corroded the shield, melting the barrier at a speed that was visible to the naked eyes. In a matter of seconds, Zelal was exposed again.