
Masked Feelings

"Why the mask?" he asked. I kept quiet as he moved his hand to my hair. He untied my hair and let the hair band fall on the ground. "Why are you touching me? Am a whore, right?" I asked as I stared at him, right in the eyes. He stared back at me and didn't answer. Didn't he just call me a whore? He buried his face back in my neck and lightly blow on my face. That felt good. Damn good. When his lips made contact with my skin, i bit my lips to stop a moan. I could feel his hands letting my wrists free. My hands fell on his shoulders. My eyes were closed as I concentrated on the feelings that I was getting. What the hell was he doing to me?

Lechna_Baram · Urban
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100 Chs

Chapter 73: Alena

Two days already passed and I was still sick. I was lying in Damian's bed with Alena sitting next to me. She was changing the channels of the television without even any interest to it. I forced Damian to go to work as there was an emergency. I rolled on the bed, holding on to my belly. I felt like throwing up. I tried to calm the feeling but I couldn't. I quickly ran to the toilet and threw up. My throat was burning. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was glad that Damian was not here.

"That's it. We're going to the hospital" Alena said with determination. Damian was willing to bring me to a doctor but I always somehow managed to divert his mind. With Alena, I knew that it wasn't going to work. I sat by the toilet, feeling weak as hell to stand up.