
Masamune-kun's Love Life

Hayase Masamune had only one goal in mind and that was to become good-looking in order to carry out his revenge. But due to this, he had overexerted himself and died of exhaustion. A lost soul who had been wandering in the void of nothingness, suddenly felt a connection towards someone. Attracted by this connection, the lost soul finds it way inside the body of a boy named - Hayase Masamune. What will he do from now on? Will he continue Masamune's journey to revenge? Or will he live a completely different life? ==================================== ATTENTION!! I do not own any of the characters. If you are the owner of the photo used in the cover and doesn't want it to be use, please let me know. =================================== WARNING!! Updates will be unpredictable. I am only writing because of the stress from school and want to vent out some of my ideas. Don't stress me out with unhelpful comments. Novice Writer.

BlueKian · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Daily Life of Masamune

Chapter 3: The Daily Life of Masamune

The next morning...

When Masamune opened his eyes, he felt something soft pressing on top of his body. Looking at the little girl sleeping on top of him, Masamune can't help but sigh helplessly.

Chinatsu had been very clingy ever since he had got home. Taking advantage of every opportunity she could get, she would be sitting on his lap when he's sitting down watching TV with his mother. Feeding him during dinner and she even wants to take a bath together with him.

It is fine for now since she was still young, but it would be a problem if she still keeps on doing this when she gets older.

By the time Masamune was done with his thoughts, he was subconsciously stroking Chinatsu's hair gently. As she was still young, her sleeping face was two times cuter than when she's awake.

Masamune fought his urge not to hug her as that would wake her up and he can't bear to do it. Looking at how deep her sleep is. She was even smiling while sleeping so she must be having a great dream.

'Dream huh...'

Masamune dreamed of a certain blue-haired girl last night. This was 'His' first time thinking about her and he felt complex.

She was the first girl to be nice to him but she was also the first girl to cruelly reject and humiliate him the worst possible way a nine-year-old could think of. In front of his bullies.

He finds it strange though, she seems like she also craves friendship at that time and was really genuine. The sudden 180-degree change in her attitude had caught his predecessor off guard that he didn't notice anything strange.

Now that he is Masamune, he finds it really weird. But there's no use in thinking about it now. He had already accepted things and was not someone to dwell on the past.

He turns back his attention towards the sleeping Chinatsu, still no sign of waking up. Masamune closes his eyes while his right arm wrapped around her waist and his left hand continue to stroke her hair.

It was sometime later that Kinue came to wake up Masamune but found the siblings cuddling each other while sleeping.

She smiled at the two, glad that they were close but was also a little bit jealous. Kinue didn't wake up them though and just let them sleep, she was planning something but only she knows what it is.


"Can't you just sit on the chair, Chinatsu?"

Masamune woke up nearly noon, Chinatsu even wanted to sleep more but his body needed to eat. Because of his increased strength, his metabolism also increased. So he needs to eat every now and then to fuel his super-active body.

But Chinatsu to take his lap as her permanent chair as she was on his lap once again, eating brunch.

"Nope. Sitting on Onii-chan is very, very warm. Chinatsu likes it. Why? Do you hate it, Onii-chan?"

Chinatsu used her puppy eyes card again and Masamune was still weak to this kind of attack. And he was really not against it but it was just that, if she gets used to it, it would be a big problem for him in the future.

"It's not that I hate it, but Chinatsu is already a big girl, right? Big girls sit on their own chair."

"Eh? Then Chinatsu is not a big girl. Chinatsu is still a small girl."

"But you said yesterday you are already a big girl."

"Onii-chan must be hearing things then. Chinatsu is clearly small."

Kinue was amused by their interaction as she continues serving food. When she found out that Masamune eats a lot yesterday, she had woken up early this morning to buy many ingredients.

She was lucky that there was a delivery system from the supermarket so she didn't have to carry everything she bought. Cooking had always been her hobby and she really loves it when her kids eat and love them too.

"Mom, you should eat too."

Masamune surrendered his verbal fight with Chinatsu as it was clearly not working on Chinatsu's simple logic. So he turns his attention to his mother who was still serving them all the food she had cooked.

"Maa-Kun doesn't have to worry about mama, mama will eat later when I'm done here."

Kinue smiled at her son, she still has to wait for one of the dishes to finish cooking. Even though the table was already full, only half of what she had cooked was served.

"Okay mom, the food's really great by the way. I love the tempura, is there any more?"

"Of course, here, let me serve you more."

Kinue took a plate and put a lot of tempura on it and placed it in front of Masamune and Chinatsu.

"Ahh! Tempura~"

Chinatsu immediately digs into the tempura, despite being skinny, she eats a lot for her size. And the strangest thing is that she doesn't gain any weight from it but maintains her figure without any problem.

Masamune smiled at the little glutton as he patted her head.


Chinatsu giggled as she enjoyed his patting but didn't stop eating.

"Thanks, mom."

Kinue didn't know why she did, but she kissed Masamune's cheeks. She smiled at him with a nod as she went back to the kitchen with a slight blush on her cheeks.


The family of three enjoyed brunch, with Chinatsu clinging to him while Kinue would do unexpected things randomly.

Masamune had, of course, eat most of it. With his increased appetite, the brunch that Kinue prepared for him finished quickly.

"I'm stuffed."

Chinatsu patted her belly which was bulging slightly as she lay on the couch. Masamune who was also on the couch together with her as they both watched something on the TV looked at her.

"You were stuffing a lot of things that I was worried you would choke."

"Hehe, ~ Onii-chan."

Chinatsu shook her index finger in front of Masamune from side to side.

"Chinatsu can eat more than what I've eaten earlier. I just left some for Onii-chan cause you look so pitiful."

'But you clearly stopped eating first cause you can't eat anymore'

Of course, he wouldn't let out his thoughts and only shook his head helplessly. He turns to look at his mother washing the dishes.

He wanted to help her at first but she glared at him saying that it was the joy of a mother to take care of her children.

Though he couldn't see any connection with washing the dishes and that, he decided not to argue with the loli.

I've been thinking but I am very hesitant. Should I make this a harem or only one girl? Also, should I make it incest? I really did not plan anything and was just going with the flow.

BlueKiancreators' thoughts