
Masamune-kun's Love Life

Hayase Masamune had only one goal in mind and that was to become good-looking in order to carry out his revenge. But due to this, he had overexerted himself and died of exhaustion. A lost soul who had been wandering in the void of nothingness, suddenly felt a connection towards someone. Attracted by this connection, the lost soul finds it way inside the body of a boy named - Hayase Masamune. What will he do from now on? Will he continue Masamune's journey to revenge? Or will he live a completely different life? ==================================== ATTENTION!! I do not own any of the characters. If you are the owner of the photo used in the cover and doesn't want it to be use, please let me know. =================================== WARNING!! Updates will be unpredictable. I am only writing because of the stress from school and want to vent out some of my ideas. Don't stress me out with unhelpful comments. Novice Writer.

BlueKian · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Daily Life of Masamune (2)

Chapter 4: The Daily Life of Masamune (2)

In their backyard...

Masamune decided to train a little bit in fighting, though he had no need for it at the moment, that doesn't mean that he wouldn't need them in the future. He is not in control of the future and who knows what unexpected thing will happen. It's better to be ready for it than do things before it's too late.

His Grandpa had actually not taught him any fighting skills as his only goal at that time was to get fit. Now that something strange is going on in his body, no matter what he does, he will definitely not turn into a fatty even if he eats all day and does not move around.

Masamune had decided to learn a Karate style called, Shotokan-Ryu.

Utilizing wide stances and linear methods, this form enables the practitioner to deliver impressive strikes quickly and efficiently using the hands, elbows, knees, and feet. This the most popular style of Karate, and is widely known throughout the world.

Masamune thinks that taking care of the problem in a quick manner will be ideal for any kind of situation. But he also had a thought of learning something that would help him in a fight of attrition, just in case he finds himself in that situation.

He is learning this from MeTube, which is a free video-sharing website where people can find almost all videos of every kind, excluding the illegal ones.

Though he knew that some of them are not actually Shotokan-Ryu, the real ones can still be distinguished from the fakes. It also helps that his comprehension has been improving so even if he is only watching a fight using Shotokan-Ryu. It would not be a problem for him to train.

Masamune spent the next three hours of his afternoon training Shotokan-Ryu.

Chinatsu was sleeping because she still needed it despite being already ten. Though she wanted to spend more time with her Onii-chan, she got sleepy and fell asleep cuddling with Masamune while they watched a movie.

Kinue on the other hand said that she had something to do and will be accompanying her friends. She said that they will be going shopping as she also needed to buy some ingredients for dinner later.

After spending more than three hours learning Shotokan-Ryu, Masamune could say that he had some decent understanding of this karate style, though he may not be able to use it well in a fight.

But he could take on some inspiration on some movements that he is confident he could execute during a fight. Not that he will have one now.

Masamune had always been like this, or the lost soul was. Formulating plans for the future had always been in his mind almost every time.

Masamune had actually not sweated that much, which he only find surprising for a few seconds before he went to change his clothes.

Too many strange things had been happening to his body that he was already numb to the surprises it brings him. Imagine his surprise when he founds out that he could remember everything he sees.

But this also gave him the idea of trying to write (copy) one of the few works he (previous life before he becomes a lost soul) read before. However, that may have to wait for now.

After he was done changing into a new pair of clean clothes, he went back downstairs and was surprised to see Chinatsu already awake and was eating potato chips while watching something.


Chinatsu noticed him as she sat down properly while staring at him with gleaming eyes.


Masamune was surprised by her reaction and by the look in her eyes, she does not seem to have any good intentions. He suddenly had the urge to run back to his room.

"Do you want to cosplay?"


Masamune was confused but Chinatsu did not give him any chances to respond either as she immediately dragged him upstairs.


"Nope! Come on, Onii-chan. Mom bought this fox costume for me but it was too big for me."

"So you're making me wear it?!"

"Onii-chan is so smart."

Chinatsu opened the door to her room as she dragged Masamune inside.

Her room was not like your typical girl where it would be full of cute stuff and be all girly. It was just a simple room, with two bookshelves full of light novels. A small bed at the side with a table and a closet.

She immediately began looking for the customer as she left Masamune standing in her room.

"Chinatsu, you know I didn't agree yet."

"But you will wear it, right, Onii-chan?"

Chinatsu who was still looking for the costume, turn to look at him with her puppy eyes. She had been abusing its effectiveness from the time she knew she could make him do something even though he does not want to.

Though she knows not to go too overboard with it as Chinatsu is quite smart for her age. It is just that, she craves her brother's attention too much since they had been separated for five years without seeing each other.

Which makes it strange since they should not be that close instead.

Masamune sighed helplessly. He stared at her for a few seconds, looking at her teary eyes. But he still gives in.

"Okay, fine. But this will be the last time."


"Don't just laugh it off!"

"Here, Onii-chan! Wear this and let me see how it looks. You can change here in my room, I will wait downstairs."

With that said, Chinatsu promptly left the room.

Masamune stared at the fox costume in his hands. He comforted himself.

"At least it's black..."

Ahem. I didn't expect this would quickly attract attention as I am surprised there's already 6k+ views. This will be an advantage chapter as I have no idea if I could write one tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

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