
Masamune-kun's Love Life

Hayase Masamune had only one goal in mind and that was to become good-looking in order to carry out his revenge. But due to this, he had overexerted himself and died of exhaustion. A lost soul who had been wandering in the void of nothingness, suddenly felt a connection towards someone. Attracted by this connection, the lost soul finds it way inside the body of a boy named - Hayase Masamune. What will he do from now on? Will he continue Masamune's journey to revenge? Or will he live a completely different life? ==================================== ATTENTION!! I do not own any of the characters. If you are the owner of the photo used in the cover and doesn't want it to be use, please let me know. =================================== WARNING!! Updates will be unpredictable. I am only writing because of the stress from school and want to vent out some of my ideas. Don't stress me out with unhelpful comments. Novice Writer.

BlueKian · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Chapter 7: GentleWOman?

Masamune is currently on his way to a publishing company where he had decided to publish his new book. He had been thinking about which company he would choose, there were a lot of companies to chose from but he ultimately decided to pick Nikko Light because of its fame and reputation.

He had not heard any dirt related to the said company and their treatment of their authors and mangakas are the best out of the companies in Japan. If Masamune continues to be choosy then he would have to look for other companies abroad.

But he wouldn't do that since that would be very bad for his country's economy. And also the fact that it was too tiring to make contact with a foreign company compared to a local company he could just walk to.

It didn't take him much time before he arrived in front of the said company. Masamune had already made an appointment beforehand and was directed towards his appointment.

"Please wait for a moment, Miss Yamamoto will be here in a moment."

"Thank you."

Masamune nodded towards the blushing receptionist as she left the room. If she knew that Masamune was only 14 years old, who knows whether the situation will turn awkward or worse.

"This place is really top class. They even serve tea in normal appointments."

Masamune took a sip of the tea that was served to him by the receptionist girl earlier. If he remembers correctly, her name on the label was Ren.

Masamune had no idea about this but the treatment for normal appointments was not usually this good. It was only because of his face and temperament that Ren has mistaken him for some young master and was just trying to curry favor. Also, the fact that he looks so hot just added fuel to the fire.

Masamune looks at the manuscript he brought here and sighed.

'If things don't work out like I hope it will, I should find other ways to earn cash.'

He had been thinking that he might be a bit too optimistic about his situation. And this would be his first time writing and publishing his own work. Well, technically it's his own work now but it is just a copy of the novel in his memory. He did not even know who its previous author was so that must be why he doesn't feel that bad stealing others' work.

'Bad, bad.'

Masamune shook his head, he has been negatively thinking of his situation since he entered this room. The supposed editor that he would be meeting was not even here yet and it's already been a few minutes.


And as if it was some sort of signal, he heard the knocking on the door as it opened.

"Excuse me. Sorry for being late, there was something I had to do."

A small petite girl entered the room, she has blonde hair tied into a twin tail and she was wearing a gray suit. She unexpectedly looks gentlemanly with her outfit not considering the fact that she's a woman. But he thought that that is just what makes her unique.

"It's okay, I didn't wait that long."

The girl was surprised that he did not ask her what she was doing here or even her looks. This gave her a good impression of Masamune as she nodded at him with a smile.

"My name's Otosuna Mihari, an editor of Nikko Light."

"Hayase Masamune, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

She then sat on the opposite sofa.

"We've talked about your novel on the phone, can I please read it?"

Masamune nodded as he handed the manuscript to her.

Mihari accepted the manuscript and was surprised with the thickness of manuscript. She had thought that it was an incomplete novel looking at Masamune's young appearance but she thought that she might have judge wrongly.

She then started reading the manuscript.

'Your Name huh...'

As she started reading, Mihari gradually forgot where she was currently. Masamune didn't disturb her and continued to enjoy the tea while observing the petite girl in front of him.

'Does her parents work her? Or is she the son- I mean the daughter of the owner of the company?'

He began to wonder about the identity of the girl in front of him. To say that he was not surprised by her appearance would be a lie. He really didn't expect for her to be this... small. She sounded so professional on the phone that he even thought that she was a middle-aged married woman who is strict with everything.

'Didn't expect it to be another loli hag...'

He thought of his mother who no one would be able to defeat in terms of loliness if there is a word like that.

He waited for several minutes before Mihari finally realized where she was and stood up suddenly.

She then bowed in front of Masamune.

"Please publish this novel in our company, we will treat you the best we can!"

Their company is currently in a silent war against another company. The other company had successfully acquired an author who had written many good novels which brought popularity to their company.

Nikko Light had been looking for an author like that and after reading Masamune's manuscript, her editor's senses are tingling, telling her to not let him go no matter what.

Masamune was surprised by her sudden outburst and it took him a few seconds before he responded with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have already decided to publish my novel in this company."

Mihari bowed once again. But Masamune stopped her.

"Thank you for giving us this opportunity, we will surely not treat you wrongly as I guarantee a 15% royalty. Please wait for a moment, I will talk to my superior."

With that said, she runs off with the manuscript with a large smile on her face.

"I did not even get to negotiate and I'm already receiving so much. This should mean it will be successful, right?"

Masamune asked no one answered since he was alone. But the smile on his face indicates that he is already expecting it to be successful just from Mihari's reaction.

'Now, what should I write (copy) next?'

Regarding the updates, I can't do anything about that. Online classes had been stressing me out a lot and writing is only an outlet of my frustrations. But I will try my best to release two-three chapters a week but please don't expect much from me. Thank you for the continuous support.

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