
Marvo's Legacy

"Where did my fat go!?" Our protagonist wakes in a room with a body and memories that aren't his own, with only the clothes on his back, a miniscule amount of money and a strange ring. After getting his bearings, he will go on a journey that surpasses his imagining. Meeting different people, encountering danger, making references that no one understands, ect. Let's see where this goes...

NalyDMOC · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Strix Mask

After washing myself up a bit, I went downstairs, thinking I would maybe go get something to eat with Shiku or Walker, however the library was empty of anyone.

Shrugging, I decided I would go to the diner we went to yesterday. Walking to the entrance, I noticed a sticky note on the door. Pulling it off I furrowed my eyes and read what was written.

'Big bro, we tried knocking on your door, but you didn't answer. Not feeling your presence on the premises, I assume you went out to go get some breakfast or something. Don't worry, I didn't enter your room. If you see this note when you come back, head over to this address. I would have waited for you, but I didn't feel comfortable letting my mom go alone, even if they have no reason to do anything to her. Call me paranoid, but I had a bad feeling about this entire affair. Anyways, we told the guards to let you by once you get over here. See you soon.


On the bottom of the page was an address.

Reading the note, I frown, wondering about how I could have slept through someone knocking on my door. I also didn't miss the fact that Walker couldn't sense my presence even though I was in my room sleeping. Is it cause I'm from a different world, or is it another perk of the ring?

Putting the note in my pocket, I walk out, planning to hire a carriage since I don't know how to get to the address.

After a few minutes I spot one, I raise my hand for it to stop.

After showing the address to the driver, he starts driving me to the location on the note.

My stomach rumbles a bit as I sit there. Hopefully, there's food where I'm heading.

I turn to gaze out the window as I wait for him to reach my destination, gazing at the different buildings. As the time flies, we enter a market district of some sort, many interesting little shops that sell food, antiques and other miscellaneous items.

Passing a certain stand, I notice a familiar figure.

"Stop here for a sec, I see someone I know" I command.

Hopping out of the carriage I stealthily approach the familiar figure, when a funny idea pops in my head.

With a shit eating grin, I sneak up of him, careful not to make any noise. Leaning in till my mouth is inches away from his ear.

"I found you Mike Wazowski" I said with the most nasally voice I could muster, immediately causing said person to jump in fright.

Suddenly, I'm met with a spinning backfist to the nose, nearly knocking my block off.

"Oh! Big bro it's just you? You scared the piss outa' me"

Yes. It was Shiku.

Clutching my nose painfully, I grunt an acknowledgement, playing off the situation as if I wasn't bothered by his actions.

"I was just heading somewhere and noticed you, just wanted to say hello" rubbing my nose, I realize it didn't hurt when he hit me.

Shiku cocked his head in confusion "I see, but who's Mike.. Wazowski did you say? Never heard of him"

I chuckle, patting Shiku's head much to his displeasure "Oh no one special, just some guy who works at Monster's Inc. I wouldn't worry bout him" I quickly change the subject.

Looking at the stall he has at, I raise my brows when I see what it was selling.

"You planning on buying one of these? They look pretty cool, but what's the occasion?"

The stall sold different kinds of masks. Some where scary looking while other's were beautiful. There were even some that had animals pained on them, such as fox masks, wolf masks, ect.

I got an invitation to a masquerade ball, anyone who participates needs their own masks. Makes it more interesting I guess. I was just trying to figure out which one I wanted" Shiku gazed at a few of the prettier ones, not realizing the significance of his actions.

Pulling an oddly feminine one that had pink flowers imprinted on it from the collection, he turns to me, putting it over his face.

"What do you think? This one look any good?" The mask covered half his face, covering the upper half of his head, while showing everything below his nose.

I narrow my eyes, kind of speechless to be honest. It seems like he has no self awareness when it comes to un-manly things.

Quickly scanning the masks, I locate one that oozes masculinity. It was on of the frightening ones, a demon mask with blood splatters painted on to add to the horror. Not an inch of his face would be shown while wearing it.

"I think this one would fit you more, much more intimidating" Proudly handing it over to him, I swipe the mask he was currently wearing, placing it back in the collection.

"Intimidating? Bro, I'm going to a ball, not raiding a gangs base. Don't you think this one's a bit... Much?" Shiku stared at the mask, unsure if it was the best choice.

"When have I ever led you astray? Trust me, it's much better then the one you picked" Waving my hand, I leave no room for discussion, turning back to the carriage, I prepare to board when Shiku stops me.

"Big bro, the stall has a buy one get one free deal going on, so you should pick one too" He looks at me, silently imploring me to choose one for myself.

"Hmm, a free mask? I never turn my nose up at free stuff" I walk back to the stall, flicking my gaze between the different masks.

Fox mask? Nah, too cliché. Scary mask? Heh. What do I look like I'm about to go trick or treating? Glancing at the mask I chose for Shiku, I shake my head. Count those ones out.

After looking for a bit, My gaze lands on a certain mask, and I can't seem to pull my eyes off it.

Somehow the face painted on this mask seemed... Familiar in some way.

Pointing at the mask, I ask the woman who was selling the masks "Excuse me, but what creature is carved on this mask?"

The woman smiled, probably used to these types of questions "Dear customer, that is a Strix. It's a legendary bird, one that's commonly associated with misfortune and ill omens."

Hm? Well that's not a very happy animal... However.. It's quite a cool.

Making my decision, I pick it up and try it on. I covers my whole face, hiding any of my features. It's carved in a very lifelike way, a beak poking out, giving it an intimidating air. It fits my face perfectly, almost like it was made for me.

Shiku couldn't help feeling uncomfortable as he saw the mask, it just gave him bad vibes. Shaking his head, Shiku paid for his mask.

"So where are you headed next big bro? Wanna get something to eat?"

Heading back to the carriage that was patiently waiting for me, I pause before answering. Turing to face him, I show him the address on the note.

"I'm going here. I only stopped by to say hello, seeing as I noticed you while passing by"

I climb back into the carriage, followed closely by Shiku. I give him a questioning look, one which he ignored.

Shaking me head, I choose not to say anything, so I instead tell the driver to start moving again.

The driver has cold sweat running down his back as he looks at the newly masked passengers. 'Are these people crazy or something? Just my luck, I wanna get to their destination fast so I can get rid of them.'

After about 20 minutes, we get to the address noted down and depart the carriage. It shoots off the second we leave.

"Must be in a hurry" I remark after seeing that.

"Lets go! I wanna see what these kinds of occasions are like. I've never been to one before" Shiku exclaims brightly, oozing with impatience.

"You don't even know what's going on, so why are you so hyper?" I ask, confused by his excitement.

After giving me a mischievous grin he responds simply.

"This is one of the dukes buildings, It would surely have good food served here, as well as many opportunities"

I see. Shiku must be a major foodie then to get this excited about food.

Taking a step inside the building, I immediately freeze in place. I furrow my brows and narrow my eyes as I look around.

Fear. Anger. Despair. Sadness. Glee.

Killing Intent.

"Shiku.." I tense up as I call him. He gives me a questioning look and opens his mouth to say something when he stops. Giving an alarmed expression he shouts at me.

"That's Walkers aura! What the hell is going on?!" He then shoots off, following where his aura is currently located.

Damnit, what now? It seems like something bad is happening.