
The Godfather's Suprise

Tyler returned home and flicked on the lights, instantly brightening the atmosphere of the otherwise empty house.

He had meticulously polished his collection of bat-shaped flying darts, inspired by Batman's renowned throwing abilities. Initially, he hadn't planned on leaving, but the thought of Melina getting hurt had spurred him into action, prompting him to take the risk.

The outcome proved favorable, akin to activating bullet time in a video game; he flawlessly intercepted the bullet with his flying darts. However, he hadn't anticipated Alexei's injury.

"But what's that got to do with me?" Tyler pondered aloud, feeling the sudden emptiness of the house.

"It's never felt this deserted before," he muttered to himself. Especially as of late, Melina had developed a habit of knocking on Tyler's door late at night. As if on cue, there came a knock at the door, though Tyler doubted it was Melina and the girls returning so soon.

"I'm being too sentimental" he mused, before calmly approaching the door and swinging it open.

In the courtyard, illuminated by the cold moonlight, stood a familiar bald-headed figure, accompanied by a somewhat rigid-looking individual with arms crossed in front of him.

"FBI, sir," said Nick Fury, flashing his forged ID. For ordinary folks, questioning whether they truly belonged to the FBI wasn't something that crossed their minds, and there was no practical way to verify it. Even if they did attempt to verify it, they would find that the ID was indeed authentic.

"Is there a problem?" Tyler asked nonchalantly as he faced Nick Fury.

Nick Fury flashed a smile and replied, "I've heard you're pretty close with your neighbors. Especially the family next door, right?"

He had already gathered that Tyler had a strong bond with the family next door.

"Yeah, I'm the godfather of the two kids," Tyler admitted openly. He didn't see any reason to hide the truth, knowing that everything would be scrutinized anyway.

"I see," Nick Fury responded, a hint of surprise in his expression that Tyler was still involved in the kids' lives.

"Do you know their real identities?" Nick Fury inquired further.

"What do you mean? What happened to them?" Tyler asked suspiciously but still defended, his tone firm. "My two goddaughters are sharp as nails. You might have gotten the wrong idea,"

"Perhaps," Nick Fury conceded, not detecting any red flags. From an agent's perspective, it would be highly unlikely for neighbors to be aware of classified matters.

Concluding that Tyler was merely a bystander, Nick Fury pressed on, "Why didn't you intervene when they were leaving?"

"How could I stop them? I don't have any legal rights over them," Tyler replied with a hint of exasperation, playing his part flawlessly.

"Alright, sir," Nick Fury acquiesced, although he still harbored some doubts. Nevertheless, the evidence suggested that Tyler was just an ordinary civilian with no significant involvement.

"One last thing, do you know anyone around here who's into throwing darts?" Nick Fury queried.

Tyler pondered for a moment before responding, "Maybe Grandma Lucy? She's not only good at darts, but she also has a knack for sharpshooting with a rifle."

Nick Fury was left speechless by the unexpected answer, realizing he couldn't push further. Despite his reservations about Tyler, there was no substantial evidence to suggest his involvement.

"I won't bother you any longer," Nick Fury declared decisively before making his exit. He glanced back to see the new recruit, Phil Coulson, still standing dumbfounded.

"Time to get to work, rookie," Nick Fury instructed, prompting Phil Coulson to snap out of his daze and follow his boss.

"Are we just going to leave like this?" Phil Coulson queried.

"It's not our job to meddle too deeply in these affairs," Nick Fury remarked casually.

Being sponsored by Russia, the Bureau had its limitations. Despite being well-funded, especially by the United States, they couldn't easily interfere in this matter.

"Let them handle it on their own," Nick Fury concluded.

Next, Tyler underwent several rounds of investigations, smoothly answering each question posed to him.

Considering the nature of espionage work, it was clear to everyone that agents wouldn't expose themselves willingly. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that Tyler, despite being the godfather of Natasha and the others, didn't know much about their covert activities.

The investigation revealed that the two girls were mere tools in a larger scheme, merely serving as a cover. The outcome of the investigation amounted to nothing substantial. While there was a desire to track down Alexei and the others who had escaped, there was a lack of resources to do so effectively. After about half a month, Tyler found himself completely alone.

This newfound solitude was uncomfortable for Tyler. The once lively neighborhood, including Melina's family, now lay empty. Other families had begun to move away, creating a sense of unease among the remaining residents. Most people were wary of getting involved in such matters. Moreover, Tyler, accustomed to the lively atmosphere, found the sudden quiet unsettling. The absence of Melina, in particular, left a void that couldn't be filled.

Frustrated by the emptiness around him, Tyler made a decision he never thought he would: to sell his house and seek new adventures elsewhere. It was time to move on and find a place where he could settle down anew.

Anyway, money wasn't an issue for him. Tyler's here to live life to the fullest, just like Stark. And with his savvy investments, Stark's hard work is bound to line his pockets with cash! So, there was nothing dishonorable about his decision. Tyler had always been a bit of a wanderer, and if it weren't for Natasha and her family, he wouldn't have settled down in Ohio in the first place.

Now that Natasha and the others were gone, it was time for him to get back to his easygoing lifestyle. Tyler couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. While Melina had been nice to have around, things had started to feel a bit mundane. He was a guy who yearned for something new and different.

Without much ado, he quickly found a buyer for his house. There was no need for sentimentality when it came to such material possessions. As he packed up a few of his belongings, he couldn't help but think of Natasha, wondering how adorable she would grow up to be.

"Will she retain that spark as she grows older?" Tyler mused, a wistful smile on his lips.

Opting for a Dodge Challenger, a muscle car with a rugged charm, Tyler hit the road. It was a vehicle that perfectly matched his bold personality. He had no set destination in mind. He simply enjoyed the freedom of the open road.

Tyler had always been drawn to big cities. There was an energy about them that he found irresistible. Plus, he couldn't deny his appreciation for the stylish and fashionable women who frequented urban areas.

In cities like New York and Los Angeles, attractive girls often flocked, dreaming of a glamorous life promised by the bustling metropolis. They imagined themselves becoming overnight sensations, the stars of the show during their Awakening. Yet, in their pursuit of fame and fortune, they often found themselves compromising their values and resorting to means they never imagined. For the wealthy elite, big cities were paradise, offering them every indulgence imaginable.

A big city has its charm, and it's always interesting to soak in the local vibes. Tyler cruised his Dodge Challenger all the way to Los Angeles.

Ohio sits in the northeast of the United States, just one state over from New York, separated by the state of Pennsylvania.

As for heading to New York, Tyler had no such plans. While he didn't harbor any regional biases, there wasn't much drawing him to those parts and he wanted to see more of the country. Even after spending years here, he couldn't recall more than a few states in Central America.

In the United States, some folks from the West Coast and East Coast refer to the central area as the 'Leap Zone.' It's a place you usually fly over without much thought. It's not particularly noteworthy, and it's often associated with rural lifestyles. Tyler fancied seeing it all for himself, and he reckoned there would be a considerable number of attractive girls around those parts.

He cruised through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona, before eventually arriving in California. While he had noticed his changing tastes earlier, it wasn't until he reached Los Angeles that Tyler truly grasped the extent of his shift in preferences. Although he still valued the traditional standards, he found himself considering other factors as well.

With one hand on the wheel of his Dodge Challenger and the other casually propped against the window, Tyler glanced at all the gorgeous girls walking along the roadside, but his interest was lackluster.

"It looks like Melina's refined my taste," Tyler mused aloud. He wasn't overly picky. After all, it's a matter of finding someone to spend my life with. Any decent gal would do, but now, it seemed he was becoming more discerning, not just about looks, but also about their background and identity.

Melina, being an agent of the Red House, naturally boasts stunning looks and a killer body. But what really piques Tyler's interest is her ties to the Red House, adding a thrilling challenge to the mix.

As he contemplates his new life in the Marvel world, Tyler comes to the realization that if he doesn't pursue and conquer these "celebrity" women, he's no different from Tony Stark himself.

Tony, famous for his womanizing ways, never passes up an opportunity.

It's this inner reflection that makes Tyler realize he's missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures. Sadly, few measure up to his standards, leaving him craving more.

That evening, Tyler drove around for a bit before he pulled into a gas station to fill up his tank and planned to find a place to crash for the night. Unfortunately, the only options nearby were a Blockbuster store and a movie theater parking lot. The hotels he's passed have been full and after calling a few the ones with rooms available were far away and he didn't want to drive anymore. 

Blockbuster was quite the hotspot back then, mainly for renting videos. Rows of movie discs, cassette tapes, and video games adorned the shelves, offering customers maximum enjoyment for a small rental fee. With no smartphones around, Tyler found himself feeling even more bored.

As he was pondering his options and about to start the car, a figure suddenly descended from the sky with a loud crash, smashing into the Blockbuster store ahead.

Tyler, having already guessed what might be happening, promptly stopped the car. He rolled down the window and waited for whoever was in the store to come out. Before long, a somewhat disheveled figure stumbled out. Clad in a dark green battle suit, her figure not particularly slender, Tyler recognized her immediately. It was Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.

Just as Tyler was observing her with a hint of curiosity, Carol spotted him too. She brushed off the dust from her battle uniform, making it look somewhat clean again, and approached.

"Hey there," Carol greeted, trying to figure out what to say.

At that moment, Tyler, still in his car, spoke up. "This is planet C-53, who are you and what brings you here?"

Upon hearing Tyler's question, Carol felt relieved. "Perfect," she thought to herself. It seemed like the situation would be much simpler now. The other person obviously recognized her Kree gear and even referred to the planet by its Kree designation.

With a smile, she replied, "I'm a member of the Starforce, you can call me Vers."

"Alright, Vers, what brings you to Earth?" Tyler asked, playing along.

"Earth, is that what this planet's called?" Carol responded without missing a beat. "I've got crucial intel. The Skrulls have landed here, and I fear their intentions aren't pure. I need to track them down!"

Tyler's expression turned serious at the mention of Skrulls. "Skrulls? Weren't they at odds with the Kree?"

"You're spot on. We managed to defeat them, so they sought refuge here," Carol explained.

"The Skrull Empire is a major player in the universe. This could escalate into a cosmic conflict," Tyler remarked, showcasing his knowledge impressively. Carol didn't doubt his words; on this primitive planet, few would possess such information.

This deception led Carol astray. "I can't reach my team. Know where I can find some communication gear?" she inquired.

"I do, but I can't assist you in hunting down Skrulls. That's on you," Tyler replied, setting his boundaries upfront.

Carol agreed with a nod. Though the Skrulls had been vanquished and their empire crumbled, they still posed a threat beyond this kind of planet's comprehension.

"Get in the car, let's head to the hotel," Tyler said with a smile.

Carol's appearance closely resembled her comic book counterpart, which pleased Tyler. He wouldn't have engaged in conversation if she resembled the movie version. But despite his misgivings, Tyler couldn't help but feel a slight fascination with the real Carol. It was almost like he was luring in a girl...

For someone as straightforward as Carol, Tyler knew he could deceive her at least seven times over. Without hesitation, Carol took the passenger seat. "Hotel?" she queried, slightly puzzled.

"Yeah, a place to unwind, and have some fun, and, most importantly, it's got the communication gear you need," Tyler replied earnestly. "Buckle up."

Observing Carol's appearance, Tyler noted her resemblance to the comic character: blonde hair, blue eyes, and a flawless figure. However, he couldn't help but lament the Cree battle suit, which obscured her natural allure.

Wishing he could arrive faster, Tyler contemplated whether he should splurge on a Ferrari or opt for a speedier Dodge model.

Arriving at the nearest hotel, Tyler parked a bit farther away to avoid drawing unwanted attention. The late hour and the odd pairing of a man and a woman raised no eyebrows at the front desk.

"I forgot my driver's license," Tyler mentioned, slipping a little extra cash to smooth over any inconvenience. Without a license, it wasn't an issue as long as you had money.

Carol opened the door of the room with some doubts along the way, and upon entering, she immediately understood the layout inside. She turned her head to look at Tyler with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Do you expect to find communication equipment in a place like this?" she asked.

Tyler replied calmly, "Yes and we can find other things. It might aid your efforts on Earth."

Carol wasn't naive; she understood what Tyler was implying. However, his point was valid, and she acknowledged it. Besides, Tyler was undeniably handsome, and his appeal wasn't lost on her. Under Tyler's persuasion, she nodded and said, "Then I need to freshen up first."

And so the deal was struck. Tyler immediately smiled and said, "Water resources on Earth are scarce, and some regions face water shortages year-round, so we should conserve water."

As Carol headed to the bathroom, he followed suit.


When they entered, Tyler closed the door behind them, as he watched Carol turn on the water, quickly figuring out how to operate the shower, and getting the water hot before looking back towards me, a mix of hesitation but also anticipation in her gaze. Tyler wanting to get things going, started to undress first.

Removing his black t-shirt, revealing a toned physique underneath. Then he kicked off his sneakers, soon followed by his jeans coming down next, revealing a large bulge in his underwear. Sensing Carol's heated gaze, moving up and down his body, seeing her entranced look at his bulge, he couldn't help but feel himself getting even more turned on. Running a hand through his hair, tousling it slightly, before sitting his clothes neatly on the nearby sink counter, when he looks back he meets eyes with Carol.

With a a small, seductive smile playing on her lips, she raised her arm and tapped a few buttons causing her suit to loosen, then split in the back, starting from her neck, like there was a zipper there the whole time. She slowly let the suit fall, exposing a hint of skin as she slid it off her shoulders. Revealing her bountiful chest, pink areola, and hard nipples. Seeing me admiring he figure unabashedly, her smile grew wider before giving me w wink and turning her back towards me. She pushes the suit down, off her shapely ass, and bends overfully to step out, giving me an amazing site. After she straightened back up didn't look back but moved to the shower, each movement deliberate, filled with temptation. 

As Carol got in the shower, Tyler approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. He whispered in her ear, "Let me help you with that." With that, he began to wash her hair, running his fingers through the strands and massaging her scalp. Carol let out a small moan of pleasure as his strong hands worked their magic on her.

After rinsing the shampoo from her hair, Tyler turned Carol around to face him, his hands moving gently over every inch of her skin as he washed her body with soap. As they washed each other, their bodies drew closer until they were pressed tightly against each other, the heat between them intensifying with each passing moment.

Leaning in, they shared a long and passionate kiss, Tyler's hands exploring her body with care and tenderness. Carol responded by running her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as they kissed deeply, savoring the moment together.

Pushing Carol gently against the wall, Tyler's lips trailed down her neck, leaving a few marks along the way before reaching her nipples. He teased and suckled on one while his hand ventured between them, caressing her swollen bud of desire, sending shivers down Carol's spine.

"Oh, Tyler..." she gasped, her body trembling in the water as she held onto his shoulder for support, the warmth of his skin against hers adding to the intensity of the moment.

As Carol raised one of her legs, her hands found Tyler's fully erect length, wasting no time in guiding him towards her core. With a deep moan of pleasure, she welcomed him inside, feeling him fill her completely.

"God, Carol!" Tyler groaned, feeling her tightness grip him as he gripped her ass, urging her to move in rhythm with his thrusts, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

Carol wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, surrendering to the pleasure as Tyler pounded into her. With each collision, their passion intensified, building towards a climax that would leave them both breathless and consumed by ecstasy.

As they continued their passionate embrace, Tyler's thrusts became faster and more intense, fueled by the desire that had been building between them. Carol matched his movements eagerly, holding him tightly against her as waves of pleasure washed over her. The shower echoed with the rhythmic sound of their bodies coming together, accompanied by the rush of running water.

Feeling Carol's inner walls tightening around him, Tyler knew he was reaching his limit. However, he wanted to ensure Carol reached her peak before he did. With a surge of determination, he intensified his thrusts, eliciting a cry of ecstasy from Carol as she finally climaxed, her body trembling with pleasure.

As Carol's release washed over him, Tyler surrendered to his own climax, releasing his pent-up desire into her. They remained entwined as they rode out their orgasms together, their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs and kisses.

Afterward, they leaned against the shower wall, catching their breath as the warm water cascaded over them. Tyler held Carol close, their bodies glistening in the light, sharing another tender kiss filled with affection and intimacy.

Eventually, they made their way out of the shower, still dripping wet, and collapsed onto the bed together. They explored each other's bodies with eager hands and hungry mouths, lost in the pleasure of each other's touch. The room was filled with the sound of their passionate moans and the rhythmic movement of their bodies as they indulged in each other's desires.


After their workout, Carol's skin was slightly flushed as she collapsed onto the sofa, idly tapping away at her phone. She activated her communication chip, patiently waiting until finally established a connection to the universe's signal.

She promptly reported her situation to Yong Rogge, unaware of his true identity as the mastermind behind her manipulation. Before Carol could finish, though, she found herself under the control of another formidable villain. Despite still being on the call with Rogge, there was suddenly no sound.

"Vers? Vers? Are you still there?" the voice on the other end called out, but Carol was too preoccupied to respond.

Uninterested in the phone call, Carol and Tyler ignored it, focusing instead on each other again. Who told her to just put on a bath towel?

The next morning, a beam of morning sunlight streamed into the room, stirring Carol from her deep slumber. She sat up on the bed, scanning the room cautiously. The spot beside her was still warm, but that scumbag was nowhere to be seen.

Carol got out of bed and noticed a note on the table beside her.

"There will be local organizations from Earth coming to you later, I have to leave first. See you soon, Vers."

Reading the words, Carol felt a twinge of discomfort in her body and immediately cursed Tyler as a scumbag. It dawned on her that she didn't even know his name, yet she had engaged in a passionate encounter with him in a daze. 

Despite... his skills being rather impressive. Even now, Carol couldn't help but reminisce.

'It's a shame he is from this small, low-level planet; otherwise, we could have a lasting connection.'

"No, now's not the time to dwell on this. I need to find the Skrulls." Only then did Carol remember her mission, though she was almost too preoccupied to pursue it.

Just as she was donning her battle suit, there was a knock on the door. Putting on the suit was always a hassle, given how snug it fit.

"Who's there?"

Upon opening the door, Carol was greeted by a group of people. Leading them was a black man, with an honest-looking white man wearing sunglasses trailing behind. There was something about him that exuded sincerity.

"Hi, ma'am," Nick Fury began. "I don't know if you've seen a lady who fell from the sky?"

"Sorry, no," Carol replied with an unchanged expression, already moving to close the door.

Nick Fury quickly blocked it, preventing her from escaping.

"Is it possible that the lady is you?" he asked, eyeing Carol, who was attempting to remain calm.

Carol felt embarrassed. "Don't you already know my identity? Didn't he tell you?"

"He?" Nick Fury was genuinely curious. Whoever this "he" was, they covered their tracks meticulously, leaving no trace behind.

"Yes, don't you know?" Carol realized that he must have left to ensure that local organizations remained unaware of his existence.

"My name is Vers, and I'm a member of one of the Kree Empire's interstellar teams..."

"Can you tell me about him? Does he know your identity?" Nick Fury's curiosity peaked.

Carol, however, remained firm. "Sorry, it's classified."

"Then how can you prove what you're saying is true?" Nick Fury tried another angle, finding Carol's behavior perplexing.

As he glanced around the room at the messy traces, Nick Fury began to form a suspicion. 'Could this seemingly naive woman be deceived so easily? She's probably feeling a mix of frustration and betrayal, 'Nick Fury thought, 'That man must be a scumbag! If even she can be deceived…'

Suddenly, Carol turned around, firing an energy cannon into the distance, shattering Nick Fury's perceptions entirely. What's going on here?