
Chapter 4

"Arthur, you're supposed to be in class. Where are you?" Charles asked genuinely concerned. Every student in his school was special to him. But Arthur was a little more special, and not in a good way.

But Arthur's situation was somewhat unique. So Charles had to resort to using a cell phone to contact the dark-haired man.

"Walking the path of life Chuck. Sometimes I have to go out and try to find myself. Searching for inner peace is not easy, only perseverance can guide me to the infinite nirvana to which we all belong." Arthur spoke quite calmly and in a relaxed manner. Almost tried to believe what he said.

"Will you come today?" In the end, Charles gave up. Arthur could not be found. Not stopped either, so a direct approach is bound to fail.

"If my x-boy is lucky I don't think so. And if you're wondering, by x-boy I mean.....".

But Charles anticipated. "Please don't say it. You just try to use precautions." Charles massaged his head before ending the call.

And when Arthur was free, he refocused his attention on her. "I brought donuts today, the coffee shop near where I'm staying makes excellent ones. And the girl in charge is quite cute. Her name is Luna DePaula, and I think she doesn't hit for the right end of the field if you get my drift. I used my best moves and nothing, but I see it as a challenge, it's not every day you get a chance to correct a lost sheep. It's almost as if God put her in my path." Arthur began to laugh as he ate quietly.

Only a growl was heard from the other side. Perhaps because of hunger, or because Arthur was an idiot.


"Today I brought some fruit... Yes, something nutritious." But unlike yesterday, no one came this time. "Okay, it's the first thing I found, but the intention must count for something..." No response.

"I understand, I'm an idiot. I think I made that very clear. So it's not my fault…" But there was still no answer.

"...Don't apologize, you know it, I know it. All my ex-girlfriends know it. So forget it and come before I eat everything." Arthur decided to stop talking and start eating. But it didn't take long for the dark-haired man to slow down little by little. Until he stopped eating.

The first thing Arthur felt was discomfort which he attributed to the food. Washing it first would have been a good idea, but Arthur remembered that his body repelled anything harmful to him passively.

So the discomfort took Arthur by surprise. Since he hadn't felt any discomfort in months. The last thing he remembered was the pain of burning flesh when he was burned for his house.

But Arthur pushed those thoughts away and he went back to eating, but it seemed that the hunger was gone from his body.

After lunch, Arthur would find something interesting to do. From looking for a supervillain or a group of traffickers to distribute justice. But this time Arthur kept his place in the alley as he kept tapping his foot.

The discomfort turned into itching. Something that should be virtually impossible. But Arthur was scratching his neck. But without being able to relieve the itching.

It was a bad day Arthur thought. At least feeling some pain was refreshing for the dark-haired man, but it didn't take long for him to become uncomfortable.

Also, the place started to get uncomfortable, Arthur had brought an armchair to that alley. So it was a pretty comfortable place, it didn't have a great view but it was a good place to hang out. Except on rainy days.

But it seemed that it would not rain that day, as it was getting dark and there was no sign of rain in the form of clouds.

Watching the sunset, Arthur realized that he had been sitting for several hours doing nothing. So the black-haired man accepted that he was worried. What a way to ruin the afternoon.

But the dark-haired man only took out his cell phone before dialing a number that was only in his memory.

The cell phone rang a few seconds before a female voice came from the other end.


"Your favorite student." Without a doubt, Arthur commented quite confidently.

"I think he got the wrong number, I'll hang up."

"I'm Arthur. You don't take any jokes Red."

"Professor Gray for you. And where are you? You missed your classes."

"Any other time I'd love to flirt. But I need a little help." Arthur felt annoyed with himself, asking for someone's help annoyed him. But to solve his discomfort it was best to fix or clear this up immediately.


But against Arthur's expectations, Jean refused without hesitation.

"I think I mentioned it wrong. This favor is not for me, there is a great possibility that someone and I add that it is very likely that it will be a mutant in trouble. I remembered the teachings of Charles Xavier and his great wisdom, so I was inspired by it I'm trying to help someone." Even Arthur was proud of the words that came out of his mouth.

"Do you think I was born yesterday?" But Jean remained relentless.

"You should be reaching thirty by now. Which doesn't bother me at all, actually I think that's the best age. Although if you gave me a choice between you or Emma it will be a difficult decision. But if you help me I promise( vote for you in the next voting".

Jean's room became a mess, she doesn't remember the last time a student dared to humiliate her like that. And worst of all, Arthur touched on some pretty sensitive issues. "You understand that you'll have a big problem the next time we meet, right?" Jean wanted to punish Arthur. But most of all she wanted to ask about that vote since that was a fairly new topic going around the school.

"I understand. But this time I need some help."

Jean calmed down a bit, she had already been hit by Arthur's complex behavior. But she understood that Arthur was one of those who did not ask for help. Too Logan-like for Jean's liking.

"What do you need".

"I need you to find someone for me."

"Aren't you using me to get girls?" As serious as Arthur was, Jean still had her doubts after she knew of his behavior.

Arthur didn't blame her, maybe it was a little his fault. "Of course not. Although it most likely looks like it."

Arthur, what could he do? He was about to ask Jean to find a brunette who is crazy. But that girl being quite hot was a matter that was out of Arthur's hands.

"Let's get this over with". Jean massaged her forehead in such a situation. But remembering that she had to get something out of this. "But you won't miss any classes, and I hope you can promise that."

Arthur sighed, but if it was for him to soothe her itch, then it might be okay. "It's fine. But don't expect me to be awake."


"Wait, you answered too fast."

"With you, I didn't have much hope. So that's already a breakthrough."

"Now I feel offended by how low your expectations were of me."

"And who do you think is to blame?"

"Our education system. Who else could be to blame?"

Jean is intrigued if Arthur was faking it, or if this young man is in deep trouble.


"Do you like those jewels? You can have whatever you want, I will take care of you and feed you. Here with me you will lack nothing".

A man with a big smile and a gold tooth made an effort to calm down the girl who was near him.

She had beautiful green eyes, even though her face was covered in dirt. Anyone could tell that she was quite a beauty with delicate features.

From the girl's side, she looked lost and somewhat scared. But not because of her situation, scared of herself. Since she almost made the mistake of getting too close to someone again. Telling herself over and over that she didn't deserve anything.

"Go bath her. Make sure she's completely clean, I'm sure I can make a lot of money out of this."

Another girl came over to take her away. Her eyes showed no emotion except annoyance at having an extra job. But if she didn't want to be hit, it was best to obey. So she led the new girl out of the room.

"And you're not going to try the merchandise?"

"Maybe later. But now I have to round up some clients. Girls at that level are pretty rare, and before she goes bad I'd better put her to work."


X-23 couldn't remember the last time she smelled anything other than garbage or blood. She felt uncomfortable, to the point that she didn't notice when she cut her wrists so they bled.

That smell was very familiar. Something she was very used to, almost as used to killing. She felt very normal and somewhat reassuring.

"Damn, this bitch cut herself."

The other girl was angry, but she just cursed before going back to washing X-23's wounds. They healed pretty fast, but that girl saw a lot of mutants so she didn't care.

Seeing everything up close, X-23 knew very well what would happen next. she watched it countless times during her missions, even she was trained to seduce her victims, although nothing was more effective than a direct attack to the throat.

Being used was the only thing she knew how to do X-23. But now without purpose, the pain felt so much more painful and the loneliness infinitely more tragic.

A broken girl who could only feel something when she hurt herself, a fate that she believes is right for all the atrocities she committed.

And the best thing is to continue to be used until someone has the mercy to end something that she was not possible to achieve by herself, no matter how many times she will try. Although she knew it was only an illusion, she was only to wake up and retrace that path countless times before continuing with the tragedy she calls life.

"Stay here. And stop being a lunatic and don't cut yourself again, ruining that dress." The girl was finished, so she left X-23 alone for the customers to arrive.

A very beautiful dress, X-23 could feel how soft it was. Although it was a gift that was not meant to be appreciated by her, it was just a luxurious wrapper for a product that she understands herself to be.

A moment of silence that helps refresh X-23's mind, to repent?. None of that, just to remember her place in the universe. Or maybe?...

X-23 almost laughs at the thought of how stupid she was. Since a person came to her mind, an idiot with a giant list full of flaws, narcissistic, arrogant, out of touch with reality, and above all an idiot.

X-23 noticed that her hands were shaking, even she couldn't understand herself. Since she met that guy that kind of irrational behavior was more frequent.

The first thing she thought was that he was someone foolish enough to want to spend time with her and nothing more.

The first day she didn't consider it, but that guy kept coming every day without fail, some kind of trap? It was the first thing she thought, but it was too much work to try to catch her.

He would be the worst murderer in the world, although a part of her wanted that guy to succeed in murdering her. Just for that, she decided to eat what that guy brought the next day, focused only on enduring the pain before being released.

But in the end, she just remembered how delicious it was when was the last time she ate something hot. It felt very warm to her, and very strange.

A cruel joke that could end at any moment, she told herself each time. So she decided to play along until that guy shows his true colors.

But in the end, that guy just brought a lot of food without fail, and along with a story, an anecdote that led him to buy that.

From the banalest as by a female, or by the continuation of a wide variety of coincidences. Which somehow made the food much more palatable.

It didn't just warm her stomach, something inside her chest felt warm, an unknown feeling that was very nice.

That she only soured when X-23 smelled the scent of a woman on the subject's clothing.

Although that person used to talk about girls, it was the first time X-23 had smelled him in those clothes. And she didn't know why, but it bothered her.

But the worst was when X-23 smelled the essence of that person, the person she blamed for her birth. Reminding her that this should be a trap, she walked away from that place and that person.

In inexplicable pain, she ran away again. But without the fear that this pain would last a long time since she was used to it.

But that discomfort did not seem to go away, asking herself many questions.

Wondered if that food had any drugs because the food she received in this place felt tasteless.

Now X-23 just closed her eyes, for what has to happen, she is a tool and for this, she was born. Neither more nor less, such is her life.

The sound of the door opening woke X-23. She wasn't supposed to feel anything, but at the last moment, she thought about that annoying guy. Someone who might laugh at all this and tell her that kind of dress didn't fit her. Someone who may not care what she did during her life.

"A real beauty, she was worth every penny. It doesn't matter if I rip her clothes off?" A man with a strange beard had entered.

X-23's chest went cold, it was her fault for having those kinds of thoughts. It was for the best, in the end, she only brings misfortune to the people she knows.

Closing her eyes X-23 decided to forget about all that and continue being a tool.

"Hey, you. Get out of here." The bearded man exclaimed when he saw someone enter through the window.

"Of course not, do you even know what an embarrassing conversation I had just now? My chance to break up the marriage of a hot redhead just vanished from this universe. So I'm annoyed."

X-23 remembered that voice. Full of himself, as if he always had the absolute truth.

Opening her eyes she saw him, holding up a guy with a strange beard.

"There you are, please tell me this guy is some kind of killer or something. I'll break his neck anyway but you know, I get to sleep a lot better that way."

X-23 had to add lunatic to that guy's list of flaws. "I do not know". They were the first words she said to him for the first time.

"And how old are you supposed to be?"


"Oh, so this guy is trying to take advantage of a minor. My moral duty is to put an end to this pest. I'm sure I'm doing God's work." And that guy broke the bearded guy's neck. Only to clean his hands afterward.

"That dress doesn't fit you. Something tighter would look better on you. But that's my heroic costume fetish speaking."

X-23 felt her jaw a little stiff as if she was using muscles she never used. And in a reflex, she noticed that a half-smile formed on her mouth.

"Let's better go. I'll leave the guys here for later, the main thing is to go back and defend my honor."

X-23 didn't know what the guy was talking about, but it didn't seem like a bad idea to her.

Next chapter