

(Shiori's PoV)

I raised my eyebrow as Stark muttered Naruto's name. Could it be that he knows Japanese and that's why found his name weird?

Or... Is Naruto anime and manga are present in this world?

Well, if the latter is true, I will have to do something about it later.

"Thanks for cooperating, Stark-kun. Say, do you feel some sort of energy within you?"

Since he was an ordinary human, but now has a Zetsu body, I wonder if he can use chakra?

And there is that mystery with Edo Tensei. A person is summoned back as he died. But they also have their clothes and armours on.

I didn't question it before, but if Madara, Hashirama, etc. had their armour along with clothes as Edo Tensei, why didn't Stark has his Iron Man armour?

He has his arc reactor, but normal clothes instead of the armour too.

Edo Tensei is truly mysterious...

Stark moved around a bit, and said, "I feel the energy in my arc reactor, but aside from that, nothing."

"I see."

I would have preferred if he was able to use just enough chakra to atleast use Transformation Jutsu to hide the cracks on his face and black eyes.


"Sleep for a while, Stark-kun."

As I commanded, he went into a state of sleep. Good Zombie. He wouldn't want to see what I want to do.

"I will go out and scout the world, Shiori."

"Yeah. Come back soon."

Naruto went outside, and I went inside my lab with Stark's dead body.

It is a good thing that I learnt from Orochimaru...

Using chakra scapels, I carefully cut Stark's face, intending to put it over Zombie Stark.

I am not as proficient as Orochimaru, who had perfected wearing someone else's skin to such a degree that he could go in and out of the village barrier without any problem, and even fool Hiruzen into thinking that he is the Fourth Kazekage.

Well, not that anyone has that type of sensory ability in this world. Probably.

The most problems that could come are his facial recognition, finger prints, iris scan, etc. etc. But I am sure that he can work around it, since he made the security in the first place.

After hours of work, I was able to cut off the upper skin of his head, and make Zombie Stark wear it.

I should just trust Edo Tensei to be able to even recreate the fingerprints.

As for his eyes... A contact lens should be enough to make the black to white.

Naruto appeared behind me, and handed me the lenses.

"You really know me too well, Naruto."

I ruffled his hair, and gave him a kiss as a reward.

Naruto wanted to continue, but-

"With the dead body here?"


I put the lenses in Zombie Stark's eyes, and he looked absolutely like a living person.

I then took out the arc reactor from Stark's corpse, and sealed it in a scroll.

As for the dead body...

"Nebura, food to eat."

Nebura came out of my seal, and looked at the corpse in disgust.


Still, she used her snake tail to eat the corpse, since it doesn't have any taste buds.

But of course, it wasn't enough. Since it didn't really have any chakra.

Nebura gave me a glare of a rebellious cat, and went to Naruto.

"Angry with Mommy?"


She started snuggling with Naruto, muttering some meows, most likely complaining about me.

"Hey there. Hmm. Chakra? Just a bit."

Naruto started feeding him chakra, and gave me a 'Heh' smile.

Nebura is my cat... But more close to Naruto...

"Hmm, poor baby. Mumma not nice huh."

"Alright, that's enough! Naruto, what did you find?"

Naruto brought out a world map, and he has marked certain locations.

"This is where we are, Mumbai. It has more population than the whole Land of Fire, despite being more than a thousand times smaller.

I could almost sense the whole planet, which is about four times smaller than ours. But, not this place."

Naruto pointed to the Himalayas.

"I couldn't sense anything in the whole mountain range. There was some sort of barrier blocking my senses."

Hmm, this is probably where Ancient One lives, if she is alive. What was the name again? Kamal Taj? Maybe Kamar Taj?

Well, it's best to not approach that place for now.

"Then here, in the place called Ireland, there was a large amount of strange energy, but it was contained. Like a Jinchuriki...?"


I wonder who it could be.

"Then, there are two similar energies, one even bigger than mine, coming from this place called Ohio in the country USA."

Energy bigger than Naruto's? And similar to another energy in its vicinity?

The bigger one is most likely an Infinity Stone. The pair of energies are probably from the Mind Stone and Wanda, if this universe is somewhat similar to the MCU. She is probably undergoing experiments with the Mind Stone under Hydra.

Wait, Mind Stone arrives after Loki's attack. Right now, there should be only Tesseract which contains space stone on earth.

Well, I can't be sure of anything, since this is Marvel we are talking about.

"There is a barrier around this area in Africa, but I was easily able to sense things within it. Though my senses were vibrating a lot at this place."

That is definitely Wakanda. And the vibrations must have been caused by Vibranium.

"And this place here, in Switzerland, there are lots of energy signals I picked up. One is larger than others."

No clue what that could be.

"And this here, in Bengal, there is a an energy while not as big as mine, but it is just slightly less dense than Kurama."

Oh? Now, who could that be?

"There are some more small energy signals I found here and there. But it will take time to differentiate between them. They could probably be power stations, or people. So, what should we do?"

Let's see...

"First of all, let's return Stark to his place. If he goes missing for long, it will cause an uproar.

And then, we will set up our base in Sentinal Island, which is cut off from the rest of the world.

In the meantime, keep an eye on especially the Bengal and Ohio energies. Collect information of them."

"Yes Mam!"

"Then, let's get to work."

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