
Chapter 2

Derrick was now in his private lab. It took him 2 bus rides, and a train to get there. Apparently people don't question the fact that a building appears next to Stark tower out of thin air. Derrick had a sneaking suspicion that the system had something to do with that.

When he got inside the building he immediately went to the elevator and pressed the button to go to the -3rd floor of his underground lab. And you wouldn't believe the MARVELS that happened in there. (Oh come on...THAT WAS A GOOD ONE!!)

Derrick sat on a bed in the medical ward, and immediately summoned the serums out in front of him.

Spider Bite Serum

Super Soldier Serum

Extremes Virus

Oz Serum

A pretty strong lineup if you ask me.

The Super Soldier Serum boosts all of your limits by 10x so you take that last.

Extremes Virus makes you immune to every disease existing, and leaves nanobots in your body for extremely fast regeneration.

Oz Serum boosts your physical capabilities, and your brain. Derrick already has a 300 IQ imagine what it'll be once his brain is boosted.

And the Perfected Spider Serum, gives you all the abilities of every Spider-man/woman/Gwen plus a HUGE boost to your physical capabilities. That means bio-electricity generation, and discharging. Active Camouflage, sticking to walls, organic web shooters, etc. It was like a landmine of abilities.

Derrick first injected the Perfected Oz Serum, and the Perfected Spider Serum.

As soon as he did he felt his whole body start to bloat, and bulge. It felt like he was going to pop at first. Then he felt a painful sensation in his brain. Probably the brain boost from the Oz Serum. Then he felt numb all over his body, and saw electrical arcs crawl all over his body like dangerous snakes. For some reason his bio-electricity was purple with hints of black.

Before the effects from the serums had a chance to fully sink in, he hurriedly injected the Extremes Virus. As soon as he did he tried to let out a scream of pain, but instead a purplish-black flame came out of his mouth, and almost reached the roof. He could feel the nanobots working overtime to heal everything. And strangely by it healing, and trapping any of the effects from leaking out, or becoming impurities, it purified, and boosted the effects as they were happening.

Lastly he injected the SSS, and finally laid down to let his body, and the nanobots do the wrest of the work. It was so much pain that he wanted to scream, but every time he tried, he just let out a ball of flames, so he decided to keep it in, and let his pain out in grunts.


Derrick opened his eyes, and sat up. He had a slight headache from the intensity of the lights from his improved vision. It soon went away though.

'Guess the nanobots are doing their job'

He got up and started walking around his lab to see how his new body felt. It took him 5 seconds to master everything, and how to control his physical capabilities. It took him 5 minutes to figure out how to control his power. It was mostly because of Task Masters abilities.

After finally getting everything taken care of he put on a change of clothes, and looked at his phone's clock.

Now lets take a little flashback here. Derrick was the son of Ben, and May Parker. They didn't want him to take the GED test early....but he did. Now how would you feel if you're son did exactly what you told him not to do, then skipped school without you knowing, and still doesn't show up 4 hours after school lets out, and your other "son" doesn't know where he is either.

Scared? Angry? Worried?

Well I assure you that's what was going on here. And when Derrick saw the time, and realized that he had 50 missed calls, and 700 messages. He KNEW he was about to go through some hard times.