
Chapter 9 Offer at S.H.I.E.L.D

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There was no cover or hiding place around. Nothing to obstruct his shot. He was using a bow, not a gun, so there was no chance of a jam. As a master archer, Hawkeye was absolutely certain that once he released the arrow, it would hit its target without fail. The chance of missing was virtually zero.

Luck? Hawkeye looked at Indra with a cold smirk. Let's see how far your luck takes you, he thought, his eyes narrowing with determination. Drawing his bow to its fullest extent, Hawkeye couldn't help but admit he had a personal stake in this. Especially after Indra had challenged him. He wanted to see if Indra's luck could truly surpass his skill.

Just as he was about to release the arrow, there was a sudden "thud." The arrow inexplicably slipped from the bow and fell to the ground. The sudden failure left not only Black Widow and Nick Fury, who had just burst into the room, stunned, but also Hawkeye himself.

As a top-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, adept with various weapons and renowned for his unerring archery, Hawkeye was at a loss. Did his hand slip? He frowned, a whirlwind of emotions churning inside him. If I say the arrow just fell by itself, would anyone believe me? he thought, frustrated. This wasn't my level at all! I don't make such basic mistakes. So why did the arrow drop? Did I overdraw the bow? This is absurd…

Black Widow, standing at the door, looked at Indra in shock. Though Indra had surprised her many times, nothing compared to this. Was his luck really this extraordinary? Hawkeye never missed, especially not with something so simple. She had never seen him fail like this before.

A faint smile appeared on Nick Fury's face after a few seconds of astonishment. This was getting interesting. He walked over to Hawkeye, feigning surprise. "Agent Barton, I said to aim a little off, not that much."

Hawkeye was speechless, feeling bitter but unable to express it. How could he explain this? The arrow fell on its own? Well, it did.

Seeing Hawkeye's frustrated expression, Fury patted his shoulder and said with mock seriousness, "Don't worry, I didn't see anything."

Black Widow, mimicking Fury's tone, added, "Don't worry, I might not be able to say I didn't see anything, but I'll do my best not to mention it."

Hawkeye, now questioning his own competence, stared at Indra with a deep frown. Indra sighed and said sincerely, "I think you should change your name from Hawkeye to Blind Monk."

As Hawkeye seemed on the verge of an existential crisis, Fury's smile vanished. "You two, step outside. I need to talk to him."

Black Widow left immediately. Hawkeye cast a lingering look at Indra, still begrudging but compliant, and exited the room.

Once they were alone, Fury looked at Indra and said with a smile, "I have to admit, you are incredibly lucky."

Despite seeing the arrow slip from Hawkeye's hand, Fury knew it wasn't due to Hawkeye's error. Hawkeye had been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time, and Fury was well aware of his skill. Yet, Indra's luck was so extraordinary that it was astonishing.

Seeing Indra remain silent, Fury continued, "Let's get straight to the point. I want you to join S.H.I.E.L.D."


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