

(I just want to say again that, physically, our mc is 22 yrs old. However, mentally, he's 17 yrs old.)

"-rant." Noah uttered as he appeared at the top of a building in a blaze of flame.

"Huh. 15 minutes ult, that's a new record." He uttered it to no one.


The sound of the system prompt reverberated in his head. Noah decided to check his system but was stopped by an unexpected visitor.

"Finish in your affairs, I assume?" A feminine voice resounded behind his back, causing Noah to turn around while he grabbed his gun and pointed it at her.

'Wtf? Of course, the Ancient One knows about me, holy f*ck, what do I do?!' I thought in panic.

"Who are you?" I asked her, pretending that I didn't know her.

"I believe you already know about me, right? Mr. Argento." She said, which caused me to have a look of incredulity.

"F*ck, then what the f*ck do you know about me!? F*ckity f*ck, can't you just come a little bit later, fu-" Due to the sudden turn of events, my already unstable brain was pushed into a state of collapse.

Ever since I was brought here, I knew there was something wrong with me. My thoughts and feelings were unaligned, making my actions go into a state of chaos.

Deciding and judging a man's worth, crippling him for his life. No normal stable 17-year-old human could ever do that. Everything just felt like a...game to me. Everything felt like a dream.

"Calm your mind, Mr. Argento, everything's okay," She said as she raised both of her arms and continued,

"I meant no harm, Noah... you're safe," she said as she looked deep into my eyes.

"No...no, no, no, what do you want with me?! I didn't do anything wrong! He deserved that! " I shouted from the top of my lungs, completely losing myself from everything.

"Breath, Noah, breathe," She said as she walked into me and grabbed my face.

"Don't touch me! No, no, no, please don't kill me, I want to live. Why..." I said as sudden drowsiness affected me.

"Why..." I said as my eyes were starting to become heavy.

"Everything will be fine, Mr. Noah. You will be fine."

That's the last thing I heard, then everything went black.


An anomaly.

That's what I called the events that transpired in this past month.

The 'Time Stone', the remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, representing the element of time, has only given me two possible future events that will take place in the future, and those two events are all connected to one man's choice.

Noah Argento...two choices, two futures. One is governed by order, justice, and life, while the other is governed by chaos, injustice, and death.

Killing that man will plunge this world into chaos, however not killing that man will plunge Noah's life into disarray.


A circular eldritch energy passed through us, teleporting us to my home, the sanctum of the mystical arts.

Sleeping in my arms is Noah Argento, his mind in turmoil because of the unstable energy that's surrounding him, an energy that's so alien that even I don't know what it is.

Raising my arms, creating spells after spells to diagnose his body's reaction to the energy, I found the reason for his unstable condition.

His mind and the unknown energy are in turmoil and collapsing inside his body.

Of course, I saw all the things that I would do in the future to heal him, but I still want to know the cause of his current state. Being an observer and a doer are two different things altogether.

Bringing him to a more spacious room that was covered with lines and different Sanskrit symbols, I made a spell that acted as a password, causing a small box of black and orange energy to descend from below.

"Yao, the life and death essence for the being of the void, the champion of above, that you now hold, activate the matrix and place him atop of the box and allow him to float."

-Your friendly sorcerer, once a Sorcerer Supreme, the omniversal traveler, Merlyn.

"Sigh...off you go, Mr. Noah." I said as I put Noah atop the box and activated the matrix, which teleported me outside the room.


Darkness, then bang!

It's like I'm experiencing the Big Bang itself. Unfortunately, I didn't bring any popcorn.


A sound echoed at my side as popcorn appeared out of nowhere.

'What the...I thank you, I guess?' I thought as I grabbed the popcorn and got a bite.

A few seconds later, a different cluster of planets and stars formed, then bang, and boom. That's all I can hear really. It's really peaceful here...

"Enjoying the view, my child?" A voice said, as the light revealed itself, brightening the cosmos itself.

A red-headed woman with a godly beauty appeared from the light as he took a step toward where I was and floated with me.

"Yeah...who are you?" A childish sound came out of my mouth, making me surprised. I looked at my hands and saw that they were too small, like those of a child.

'Hmmm, neat,' I thought to myself, ignoring the bizarre occurrence.

"You can call me Jean, Noah." Jean said as we look at the different clusters of stars that formed in the universe.

"Why am I here, Jean?" I said, with tranquility visible on my face as I watched the void space.

"Because you need me, Noah, because you chose life over death. If you chose death, then she would have been here with you," She said as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Just because I let that man live? Isn't that too much?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, but you're not just someone Noah, you're outside of everything, even the Beyonders's reach. Your choices will not only affect your universe but the multiverse too. " She said, still staring at my eyes with a complicated smile.

"That's too much of a responsibility to give to a mentally 17-year-old child." I said as I avoided her stare and continued my look at the void, only to find a little blue dot.

"Can we go there?" I inquired, while pointing at the little blue dot.

"Sure!" Jean replied as we flew through space, arriving only far enough to see a blue planet.

"Hmm, it's more peaceful to see it from above," I said to her while taking a seat in a crossed-legged position.

"Mmmh" she hummed with a nod, agreeing with what I just said.

"So what happened to me?" I asked while chomping my popcorn as I watched the blue planet go forward in time.

"Your mind, body, and energy are not in sync, but mostly the problems are in your mind." She said,

"So I really am psychopath." I uttered in a dejected voice.

"No! It's not because of that, sigh... All life is touched upon by me, and you, Noah, whose outside the force of this universe, will have a hard time coping with your mind, and in turn will mess with your energy, an energy that is also outside of this universe's law. " She revealed, making my eyes widen.

"So that's why I became more messed up when I came here, that and because I came here, which is unreal to me, because last time I know, you're all just #$#&@ to me," So, I'm not psychotic...maybe.

"A what gibberish? Anyways, for you to have unity in your mind, body, and the energy within you, I helped you contain the energy using one of my essences. The only thing that I gave you was containment and protection, so don't expect more, okay? "

Huh? I was supposed to say that they're all just fiction to me...someone interfered...anyways, I guess it's for the greater good...gosh, I sound like someone I would hate.

"Okay...sooo, the biggest question is why did you help me? As you said, I'm just an outsider, right? "

"A mission. In the future, you'll when the time is right Noah...it's time for our farewell Noah," She said this as her figure brightened, bathing the universe in light and leaving me alone in the void...

"... it's so peaceful here... I like it..." Those are the last things I said before my eyes became heavy and everything turned dark.


Inside an old wooden room, a man in his 20s is laying on a small bed. His figure brings out a vibe of tranquility and harmony, when suddenly, his eyes jerked awake and with a couple of blink in his eyes, he eyed his surroundings carefully, then he stared at the ceiling.


[Third Mission] {Complete}

[Difficulty- Moderate]

[Description- No good deed goes undone. Finally! You've come out of your mortal coils, now it's time to do you first good deed in like 10 years of your life. Kill or Knock-out the target. It's time to see where you belong.]

[Knock-out Reward: 100 VP, 1 primary weapon 'Bulldog', 1 Light Shield, $1000]


[Hidden Mission] {Complete}

[Difficulty- Hard]

[Description- Life or Death, choose your destiny!]

[Life's Reward: Phoenix Force's Essence-Protection Variant, Pure Radianite Manipulation}, Phoenix's Chain Events. New 'Gun' Feature]

[Death's Reward: ????]

"Hmmm" Noah hummed as he checked his system's prompt.

So there was a hidden mission...I wonder what's 'Death's Reward'? Anyways, no point in thinking something about that now, I need to check the contents of my reward.

{Phoenix Force's Essence-Protection Variant- A type of essence that came from the Phoenix's Force, it's main purpose is for it's user to have an absolute protection and containment for the user's mind.}

{Pure Radianite Manipulation- Due to the user's close contact with a cosmic entity in this universe, the user's physique and some of the user's Fire Radianite Energy have been cleansed and turned into its purer and stronger type of energy, enabling the user to have a blank slate ability that the user needs to level up to have his own type of 'Radianite Ability'.}

[Phoenix's Chain Events- Chain event that the Phoenix's Force gave to the user that the user most finished in the near future.]

[New 'Gun' Feature- "Killing you is a mercy", So cringe, but, if that's what your motto is, then the system is here to help you!]


[{Non-lethal}- In every gun that you aquired, you can toggle it's lethal and non-lethal property. All the shot that you make in Non-lethal settings will give your target a mental type of pain, that will hurt no less than the lethal one.]


'Pure Radianite Energy. huh.' I thought as I raised my left arm and willed my energy to come out.

A ghastly purple with a golden tinge hue energy covered my arm, the moment that it completely surrounded it, what I felt was something that I never felt before. I felt a raw of power situated in my arms ready to burst itself in a moments notice.

I willed it to change into my fire manipulation and it changed into a normal but much stronger, a blue flame scorching just above my palm. It's temperature is much hotter than compared to my previous fire. I controlled it's energy output to the lowest level making the blue fire change into orange.

So it increased the quality of my energy, my attack potency have surely increased from the looks of it. What about my physique I wonder...


[Noah Argento]


[Shield: 100%]

[Aquired Agent: Phoenix]


[•Collection- Ghost, Bulldog]



[Money: $355,400]

[VP(Valorant Points): 1,540 ]


[Passive Skills]

{Valorant Agent's Profile Lvl 30/?}

{Absolute Mind Protection Lvl ?}

[V.A.P Sub-skills]

{Body Augmentation}

{Body Kinesthetic}

{Nigh-Superhuman Senses}

{Accelerated Perception}

!!New!!{Accelerated Healing Factor}- Super power to heal oneself at a rate higher than the average human being.

[Special skills]

!!New!!{Pure Radianite Manipulation Lvl 0/?}

{Radianite Fire Manipulation Lvl 25/100}

'Neat' I thought in satisfaction.

The door to my room suddenly opened and the person who opened it was a bald woman wearing an orange robe.

"I hope, you're well rested now, Mr. Noah, we have so much to talk about." She stated with a calm and knowing smile on her face.

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