

Andrew looked around as the members of the Black order moved in closer. He quickly switched his sword into soul-fire expanding it, and engulfing everything. Ebony Maw raised his hand redirecting the soul-fire, and Black Swan blocked the soul fire, while everyone else covered their eyes. As the fire disappitated, Andrew was high in the air bringing his sword down, cleaving Promixa Midnight in half from head to two. Before her body could split into two, Andrew swung his sword up towards Corvius Glaive, but was then thrown to side by Ebony maw.

"PROXIMA!" Corvius cried out, falling to his knees, clutching the halves.

Andrew was held in the air and then slammed into the side of a building, with the walls enveloping over him. He struggle to pull himself free, as he pulled a limb out the rubble would continue to envelop him. Ebony Maw levitated in front of him with a small tornado of dust underneath him.

"What a fascinating creature you are. You will make a fine offering to the Goddess."

Andrew quickly started to sink deeper into the wall, when he smirked at Ebony, who looked at him puzzled. The rubble around him spiked out impaling Ebony Maw multiple times, as he gasped for air and struggling to breathe, Andrew plunged his sword through his skull, severing his body in half. He dropped down from the wall, huffing and looked up at the other four.

"That's two down, who's next?"

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Corvius Glaive leapt in screaming with his spear raised high up.

Andrew grabbed the spear head with one hand, being pushed back, as Corvius Glavie growled at him trying to push is spear. Andrew stood his ground, suddenly grabbing the spear with two hands and flinging Corvius over his shoulder, as he bounced off the ground, Andrew plunged his sword down, splitting his face in half. Black Dwarf let out a roar, charging in raising his axe high up, Andrew let out a small sigh. A black rope bound Black Dwarf instantly and was whipped into the ground, quickly breaking free, but was then absorbed into the ground. Black Dwarf roared thrashing widely as the ground continued to reform constantly and continue to envelope him. Andrew slowly walked over dragging his sword along the ground, as Black Swan and Dione watched on, as Black Dwarf's arms and legs were dragged into the ground, before he swiftly decapitated.

Dione looked at Black Swan gesturing with his head for her to attack. Her eyes shone brightly filled with red plasma, shooting a red laser beam. Andrew created his shield being pushed back, sliding on the ground. He continued to move forward scowling at Black Swan. She fired another laser beam, this time the ground underneath his feet shifted him to the side, continuing to close the distance. She snarled at him and letting out a roar with a large laser beam, which left nothing behind but smouldering rubble and dirt. She smirked and looked back at Dione with a smug smile, when Andrew appeared out of the ground slicing her head off.

Dione began applauding Andrew with a slow clap, his heavy silver plate armour clanking with motion, the ground underneath him cracking.

"Alright, they clearly weren't your generals. There's no way you intended to cull this entire planet with some weak shit like that." Andrew said scowling up at Dione.

"You are right, they are what you would call team leaders."

Andrew stood in front of him lightly huffing holding his sword tightly in front of him.

"So, what's your real army look like?"

"Hurt me and I will consider calling them in." Dione said smirking at Andrew.

Andrew shifted his sword into a spear throwing it in the opposite direction, with Dione raising an eyebrow at him, and Andrew turned around smirking at him.

"You're about to regret those words in 10 seconds." Andrew said breathing heavily.

Dione looked up seeing a small glint, quickly raising his spear to block, as the first piece of the black spear connected. He held his ground for a second and was then violently blown back by the tremendous force as the spear reformed, tumbling backwards with the destroyed surroundings. Dione stood up from the rubble looking at Andrew breathing heavily, and tore off his cracked silver plated armour, and wiped the small trickle of purple blood off his chest. He smiled at Andrew raising his hand up.

"I deem Earth worthy to fight full force of Titan."

Andrew looked up seeing the ship above him fly up, his eyes widening as it was absorbed into a larger warship. It's monolithic size enveloping the entire city in a shadow, suddenly dropping hundred of pods, each one plummeting to the ground and crushing everything in its path. From the pods emerged legions of slightly smaller purple giants, covered in bronze plated armour holding large swords and clubs.

Andrew summoned his sword as the giants surrounded him, he looked around slouched over and breathing heavily, letting out a chuckle.

"Well, I'm in danger."

Dione offered out his hand.

"Will you join us? Now that you see the might of..."

A sword flew through the air, splitting the giant's face that stood next to Dione, his corpse falling to the ground.

"Get the f**k off my planet." Andrew growled.

"TITANS! WHO DO WE SERVE?" Dione shouted.

"THE GODDESS!" The soldiers chanted.


"THE GODDESS!" The soldiers chanted.


"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They roared, charging at Andrew.

Andrew quickly engulfed the entire area in black fire. As the soldiers stopped in confusion, Andrew leapt high into the air, hiding behind the ledge of a building, taking deep breaths.

"I can't manipulate their armour or weapons, and that one guy was strong enough to take my strongest attack, and walk it off. Don't know how many more aliens are hiding in that damn ship, and what it's packing. I've blown a lot of Chi already and can't afford to pass out in the middle of all of this." Andrew thought.

Andrew suddenly felt the building begin to rumble and shake. He looked over the ledge seeing the titans scaling the building, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come the f**k on! Give me a minute to think on how to kill you all!" Andrew yelled jumping to another building.

Landing in another building he found a cracked phone, rushing over to it, picking up, and hiding in the corner. The sound of Titan soldiers rumbled the ground around him, as they scoured each building.

"Hawkins, please tell me you can hear me." Andrew whispered.

The phone lit up with a cracked screen.

"Hello Andrew, the army is currently being pushed back with Civilians now in the cross fire. Ant-man and Wasp have engaged the Chitauri flying worms."

"Tell those two to come to my location, we need to cut this shit at the source. The army should be able to handle moving the people out safely."


"HE'S IN HERE!" A Titan soldier shouted spotting Andrew from outside.

Andrew rolled his head in frustration. Throwing his sword through the Titan's head and quickly rushed out of the building the soldiers running behind him, with each step rumbling the ground.

"These guys are easier to kill, but there's way too many, I have to distract them long enough for the civilians to get out." Andrew thought.

He spotted an intact S.H.I.E.L.D station and quickly ran inside with the soldiers charging behind him. Andrew tackled his way through the reception desk and into the main lobby, frantically scanning the room.

"Hawkins! Where the hell is armoury in this station?"

"Second door in the left corridor." Hawkins said over the speakers.

Andrew quickly destroyed the armour door with the Titan soldiers swarming in behind him. Andrew grabbed a shotgun and loaded one shell in covering it soul-fire and fired the round. He was blown back into the wall, as the Titan soldiers were blown to pieces with half of the S.H.I.E.L.D station. Andrew coughed and wheezed clutching his chest as the shotgun turned to dust on his lap.

"F**k me! Even when I used Chi to stabilize myself I still got blown back."

Andrew dusted himself off grabbing another shotgun, and grabbing a small box of shotgun shells. The Titan soldiers stood outside peering through the destruction with the scattered guts and blood, Andrew emerged from the destroyed wall cocking the shotgun imbued with soul-fire and fired another round. A wave of the soldiers were eviscerated into a fine purple mist and infused with the dust and rubble, and Andrew was sent tumbling backwards. He quickly recovered and saw another horde of Titan soldiers charging towards him. Andrew fired another round being blown back through a building, and stood back up coughing and groaning.

"F**king Christ, how many god damn soldiers did they bring?"

A shield appeared above Andrew and he looked up confused, before the ceiling of the roof was blown to pieces by a large plasma bolt. Andrew pushed the rubble of his body covered in dust and dirt, coughing and spitting out blood, as the ground beneath him rumbled.

"Good...eugh....save...Mimi....ah...." Andrew said crawling out, clutching the flaming shotgun.

Mimi appeared next to Andrew dragging him out of the rubble.

"Master, we must fall back, they are too many for us, they have begun bombarding the city with their ship."

"Ha.....they're going to run rampant if we don't attract their attention. They're a bunch of death seeking aliens, and they're gonna get more of it." Andrew said standing up.

He looked at the shotgun turning grey, and spat out some more blood.

"Let's go kill them."Andrew said limping out of the rubble seeing the warship above the city rain fire down.


The Titan soldier was tackled by Mimi to the ground and his throat ripped out. Andrew panned around seeing the soldiers scattered all around the destroyed city, marching towards him.

"Colleen...if you get this message....haaaaa....I love you...and stay safe...." Andrew whispered.

He took a deep breath letting out a battlecry and leaping into the middle of the crowd. He fired a round turning a portion of them into a fine mist and was blown back, knocking them over, and rolled over their shoulders. Andrew fired another round in the air being shot high into the air as he destroyed the ground and painted it purple with the guts and blood. A shadow loomed over him as he turned around seeing a plasma bolt from the warship barrelling towards him. He quickly summoned his shield, closing his eyes and bracing himself, when he heard a high pitched fluttering and was then scooped to the side. He opened his eyes to see a middle aged woman with brown hair, holding him in her arms and smiling at him.

"Sorry we took so long honey, we didn't know where to find you."

Andrew looked down seeing the Titan soldiers being torn limb from limb by Ant-man. His razor sharp claws shredded and slashed through them with ease. His mandibles crushing their limbs like paper. Ant-man tore through the crowd in a flurry of purple guts, limbs and armour, before flying up to Wasp and Andrew.

"Hey kid! Crazy ass afternoon isn't it!?"

Andrew looked at him confused, as he waved at Andrew, before flying down off to find another horde of Titan soldiers. Wasp gently dropped Andrew off, pinching his cheek with a smile, before she slammed her visor down and flying off.

"Get some rest! We can't have you dying on us!"

Andrew slumped against the wall breathing heavily, seeing the shotgun in his hand turn to ash, feeling his arms and legs trembling.

"F**k! There's too damn many..."

Andrew took out his phone in his trembling hand.

"Hawkins....is there anywhere else in the world....being attacked right now...?"

"New York has reported the prescence of one threat. He has announced himself as King Thanos."

"Shit.....If these things all follow him....how f**king strong is he?" Andrew thought struggling to keep the phone in his hand.

He looked up to the warship casting a shadow over his destroyed city.

"I don't know if you can hear me...but...you guys owe me a favour....I'm calling it in now...Thor...help them kill King Thanos." Andrew said.

"Thor Odinson will answer the call to help a brother." Thor's voice said inside Andrew's mind.

Andrew's eyes lit up, and he smirked forcing himself to stand up.

"Was beginning to think you guys had forgotten me..." Andrew said smiling as he walked onto the street.

He looked up seeing another pod crash nearby shaking the ground, wincing away as the dust kicked up hitting him in the face, and more Titan soldiers poured out. The speakers on his phone began vibrate and shake, he looked down at it confused, hearing the tune of CCR- Fortune Sun.


The ground began to rumble and the world began vibrating, and a deafening sound echoed out. Andrew fell to his knees clutching his ears and falling to the ground, as the sound became louder and louder, feeling his whole body shake. The Titan soldiers fell to their knees holding their ears tightly, screaming out in pain, and then Andrew suddenly heard nothing but silence and felt no vibrations.

"You did good Andrew, we'll take it from here." Daisy said behind him.

He turned breathing a sigh of relief, as Daisy walked next to him with her hand raised to the sky. She wore a black jumpsuit with two large silver gauntlets on her hand.

"I can still fight...."

"You've burnt yourself out holding them off, your job is done here."

"I'm not going to...just sit here...while everyone else..." Andrew said struggling to stand back up.

She took a knee next to him, with her hand still raised to the sky.

"What do you intend to do in your state? You can barely stand, and I bet you're on the verge of collapsing from the stress of taxing your Chi reserves."

Andrew clenched his fist standing back up and summoning his sword.

"I can still fight." He growled.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, but I can't let you die for your ego."

Daisy waved her other hand in front of Andrew and he fell unconscious, being slowly lowered to the ground. She placed her hand over her ear.

"Tony, I found him. Ant-man, Wasp, are you in place?"

"In 30 seconds!" Ant-man said.

"Good. Tony you are free to engage."

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LET'S F**KING DO THIS!" Tony cheered through the comms.

Dione, the Titan soldiers, the Chitauri soldiers and everyone else looked on stunned, as the Iron Man flew over them, propelled through the air by the rockets under its feet and arms. Daisy tucked Andrew under her arm and took off into the air with a seismic blast. Everything watched in awe as the Iron Man unit landed crushing the ground beneath it, the water pipes bursting and buildings turned to dust underneath it, however there was no sound coming from it. Daisy landed onto the 100m tall metal suit. Its bulky and clunky design had two colossal sized metal barrels under its arms with two large metal barrels in front of its hands.

"You're clear to engage, I don't sense any one worth saving in the city." Daisy said.

The Iron Man unit slammed the two metal barrels together ignite the tips with a gigantic flame.


Two streams of blue plasma fire shot out from the Iron Man unit's arms, melting everything within seconds. The large warship turned its guns down, but was instantly liquefied by the two streams, the molten metal pouring down on to the Titan and Chitauri Soldiers. Nevertheless they charged in against the Iron Man unit with out fear, letting out their battle cries as they were reduced to ash or a fine past under the metal boot.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" Tony cheered as everything in the city was reduced to a molten liquid.

Dione stood there frozen seeing the Chitauri soldiers trying desperately to run away, and then fall to the ground clutching their ears.

"I'm pulling out Tony, there's no need for me to control the noise anymore." Daisy said, leaping off the shoulder.

"I'M NEVER PULLING OUT OF THIS! AHAHAHAHAH!" Tony let said letting out an evil laugh.

"For the Goddess." Dione whispered.

Dione flourished his spear before raising it high above his shoulder, taking a running start, and hurled his spear with loud roar.

The spear flew through the air piercing through one of the tanks attached under the arm. The tank exploded, with pieces of shrapnel exploding out.

"SHIT DAISY HELP!" Tony called out, pulling on the ejector seat.

Daisy turned around pulling Tony in close, the explosion chained up from the arm, and was suddenly contained. Daisy struggled with all her might to contain the explosion as she plummeted to ground with Tony and Andrew under her arm.

"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT SAVE US!" Tony yelled clutching Daisy tightly.

"ANT-MAN! SWAP!" Daisy shouted pushing Tony and Andrew high into the air.

"F************************************K!" Tony shouted flailing in the air.

Daisy held her arms out, containing the explosion, when the other tank exploded.

"SHIT!" She said.

The gauntlets on her arms broke off and she threw her hands directly up. The explosion's energy flew directly into the air and the blow back sent her crashing to the ground. Wasp swooped in, breaking her fall, the two of them tumbling and bouncing off the ground. Ant-Man flew in grabbing Tony and Andrew under his arms.

"GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSS!" Tony shouted squirming under his arm.

The blast knocked Ant-man down, he quickly turned around clutching tony and Andrew into his chest, landing on his back. The three of them tumbled and bounced off the concrete. Tony woke up feeling a gooey gelatines substance over his body, seeing Ant-man's eye on his chest, he let out a high pitched yelp throwing it off. He quickly stood up seeing a naked middle aged man inside the broken husk, and Andrew off further away. Tony felt the blood drip down his head, his body feeling like a feather, his hands wavy and distorted.

"Ooooh...I have a concussion...that makes sense..."

"For the goddess." Dione growled behind him.

Tony turned around to see Dione emerge from the dust cloud, half his body burned and cut up, with purple blood trickling down. Tony fell back down crawling back to Ant-man.

"Hank. Hank! HANK! WAKE UP!" Tony screamed shaking Ant-man.

Dione slowly marched towards Tony with a sinister grin, when he was riddled with bullets, and covered his face with his arm, with the bullets bouncing off his thick skin.

"MOVE IN AND SECURE!" A soldier shouted.

A small group of soldiers rushed in dragging Hank away and helped Tony off his feet.

"WE NEED TO MOVE SIR!" The soldier shouted as they continued to fire at Dione.

Tony followed them in a daze as they retreated back and their guns started to click and lock.

"You're out of bullets?" Tony asked in a daze, as he was thrown into an APC, with Andrew lying in the middle.

"We've barely got shit left sir!" The soldier shouted, as the sped off.

Tony peered threw the rear windshield, seeing Dione charge out with a small group of Titan soldiers running behind him, battered and bruised, and small legion of Chitauri soldiers.

"We're evacuating with the Civies, until more reinforcements arrive!"

"What...what about the others?"

"We found them and they're being driven away as well. ETA on help is over 3 hours."

Andrew reached out grabbing a soldier on the leg.


The soldier leaned in trying to his whispers.



"He's asking for Epinephrine!" The soldier yelled out.

A medic inside in the APC frantically opened up a pocket on his uniform and took out a large Epipen, slamming into his chest. Andrew shot up taking a large gasp of air, taking deep breaths.

"F*******K THAT'S GOOD!" He said energetically.

He sat up to everyone's fright.

"What weapons do we have left?"




"Stop the damn car and give me those bullets."

"Are you crazy? Did you not see thos...EUGH!"

Andrew grabbed Tony's throat pinning him down, growling at him.

"I said stop the car."

The APC came to a screeching halt, and Andrew stepped out, with the soldiers quickly carrying out several cases of ammo. Dione and his army continued their march towards them.

"Pour the bullets out onto the ground." Andrew ordered.

The soldiers looked at each other confused, before Andrew turned around glaring at them, and they saw a visage of a monsterous wolf hovering over them. They frantically poured the thousands of bullets onto the ground, and took a steep back.

"What's he planning to do?" one of the soldiers whispered.

"Get back in the car and get to a safe distance. I can't guarantee your safety."

They all quickly jumped into the APC and drove off, with Andrew standing weakly amidst the bullets.

He summoned out his soul-fire panting heavily.

"Stay conscious Andrew..." He whispered to himself.

The black fire engulfed all the bullets and the surroundings. The bullets were all reformed into one gigantic bullet, loaded into a make shift cannon formed from the ground. Andrew stumbled over breathing heavily and gritting his teeth, his vision going blurry and his body felt like it was being stomped down.

"Don't...don't pass out yet you c**t. Get up. GET UP!" Andrew shouted forcing himself to stand.

He leaned against the cannon, taking a deep breath before covering the entire cannon in soul-fire, and smirking. Dione and has army closed in when the pin behind the cannon slammed down. The cannon bullet fired out, creating a double sonic boom, the ground was completely razed up and destroyed. Dione and his army were instantly vaporised with the remnants of the city, Andrew was thrown through the air bouncing off the ground, and the APC over 200 meters away, entered into a tail spin and spun out of control. The soldiers and Tony all stepped out in awe looking at the complete destruction left from the soul-fire cannon.

"Please retrieve the body of Avenger Warg and administer medicinal treatment immediately." Hawkins said over their radios.

Hey everyone. Just letting you know that my uploads during the weekdays will be iffy, I'm working on a second story. with starting a new job and my own activities, I'm not gonna have a super steady upload rate anymore, but I will strive to put out at least 2 chapters in the week.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope you all enjoy it.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695creators' thoughts