
Round 1

*1 hour before the invasion in Australia.*

The five girls sat inside a Quinjet shedding off their thick warm clothing and stretching out their legs.

"Wooo! Finally no more dreary snow!" Noriko said stretching out her legs.

"I can't wait to go back." Colleen said excitedly.

"Remember when you and Andrew were afraid to even hold hands in front of each other. Now you two spend every waking moment trying to bang each other." Laura said.

"Yeah, that was virgin Colleen. She didn't know what she was missing out on. Only a few more hours and we're back home."

"You mean pretty much a whole day in this thing." Kate corrected.

"Don't worry you four will be taking the express way home." Sarah said walking out of the cockpit.

The four of them turned to her perking an eyebrow up.

"You girls did great work helping me check the cities. I've called in a favour with Dr. Strange, he'll send you back to Australia using a portal. Now we just flew over Pittsburg Penslyvania, soooo you should all be back in about an hour or less."

"WOOOOOO!" The girls cheered.

When suddenly the Quinjet speed up and the girls were pulled to the side.

"What the hell?" They all said regaining their footing.

"Captain America, a priority request from Spider-man has been issued, I am currently sending you en route. ETA 30 minutes." J.A.R.V.I.S said.

"What the hell is happening?" Sarah asked concerned.

"An extra terrestrial life form has crash landed in central New York, approximately 10 minutes ago, decreeing himself as King Thanos. Spider-man cannot deal with the threat as he is not strong enough."

"Spider-man isn't strong enough to beat him in an one on one fight?" Sarah asked.

"Yes...patching through his transmission."

The screen on the quinjet changed to Spider-man with his costume torn and tattered, he was breathing heavily with blood dripping down his arm.

"Cap! You gotta get down here fast and bring everyone! This thing isn't f**king around...AHHHHHHHHH!" A woman's scream screeched out through the back with an explosion.

" GET THE F**KING CIVILIANS OUT OF HERE NOW!" Spider-man shouted swinging away dropping the phone.

"Everyone buckle in. J.A.R.V.I.S maximum speed."


The girls sat down and strapped themselves in, suddenly being pulled to the side as the Quinjet broke the sound barrier, creating a sonic boom. Spider-man swung up to the side of the building observing King Thanos standing in the middle of the Times Square, holding a large double edged sword, covered in his heavy thick golden plate armour, surrounded by flaming wreckage.

"This f**king thing moves faster than I can and he's five times my size. He barely flinched when I punched him. Guess I don't have to hold back on this guy." Spider-man thought swinging down.

He landed in front of Thanos, who greeted him with a malicious smile.

"I was told this place had Earth's mightiest. Yet you have been the only one to fight me."

"People have better things to do then deal with Grimace on roids."

"I am King Thanos, you will need to send all your forces if you wish to have a chance at defeating me."

"You're pretty full of yourself. There are beings on this planet that could shake the damn universe, if they wanted to. Consider yourself lucky that you only have to fight me."

Thanos flourished his blade behind his back.

"I grow tired of empty thre-*Thwip*" He looked down at his chest, before he was violently pulled towards Spider-man.

Thanos was pulled through the air and sent flying into a nearby building, by a jumping spin kick from Spider-man. He pulled himself out of the rubble, rubbing his chin, and spitting out some saliva and smiling. He was suddenly pulled out again and flew directly into Spider-man's fist, flying into another building. Thanos stood up cutting the webbing on his chest with his sword, and walked out stretching his neck, with Spider-man doing the same.

"That's more like it. Show me why the first's chose this planet."

Spider-man gave him a peculiar look, before going wide-eyed and leaping into air, as Thanos charged like a bull. He shot two lines of webbing down onto Thanos's shoulders, pulling himself down with all his might, slamming Thanos into the ground. Spider-man quickly flipped away, avoiding the wild swing of the sword. As Thanos stood up glaring at Spider-man a line of webbing attached to his stomach and Spider-man pulled himself under his legs, kicking him away with spinning double kick. Thanos fell to his hands and knees grunting, trying to stand up when Spider-man did a back flip punching Thanos's head into the ground.

"Stay down. Final warning Grimace." Spider-man said standing over his body.

Thanos stood up letting out a deep rumbling chuckle.

"Good, raise your spirits. Sending souls to the goddess filled with despair, are her favourite."


Spider-man threw a jumping round house. Thanos quickly caught his leg with one hand and with one twist threw him across the street creating a sonic boom. Spider-man bounced and tumbled over the pavement. He stood up weakly, coughing and wheezing, pulling half his mask up to vomit and cough out blood. Spider-man felt the ground underneath him shake and rumble, and looked up seeing Thanos charging in rapidly. He shot a web up to a nearby building pulling himself away. Thanos leapt high into the air, destroying the ground underneath him and grabbed Spider-man by the leg, hurling him into the ground creating another sonic boom. Spider-man was covered in rubble coughing and wheezing, gasping for air with blood filling his mouth.

Thanos looked down at him through the crater with irritation and anger.

"Pathetic. The goddess won't even enjoy this offering." Thanos said raising his doubled edge sword ready to throw it down.

Thanos was knocked away by a golden fist, and Spider-man was quickly dragged out by Kingpin.


"I know we aren't the calvery you were expecting Spider-man." Daredevil said smirking at the weak Spider-man.

"Get...away...he's too strong for you all..."

"We've been given permission to fight with all our strength....ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" Kingpin screamed.

Kingpin dropped Spider-man to the side, as a part of his arm was ripped off, with Daredevil watching on shocked.

"I've never once fought you two at full strength...Now chi or no chi...get the f**k out of here...and take every civilian away from him." Spider-man growled.

"Noted." Daredevil said astonished, grabbing Kingpin and running off.

Iron Fist and Connie stood behind Spider-man standing strong.

"We can help you fight him, unlike those two we aren't..."

Spider-man groggily stood up placing his hands onto their shoulders. They both felt their shoulders being crushed without him using any effort.

"If I can do that in my state...what do you think he can do to you?"

Connie and Danny shared a look before grabbing Spider-man and running in the opposite direction of Thanos.

"If we can't fight him Spider-man, then we need to run!" Connie said.

Spider-man planted his feet stopping the both of them, and slammed them both to the ground.

"We aren't doing anything...I'm going to hold him off till proper reinforcements come, until then you shitty little defenders are on crowd control. Find every single person within a 10 mile radius of this guy and evacuate them."

A Quinjet flew overhead bombing Thanos with a payload of missiles and Spider-man let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, the real reinforcements are here."

Wolverine, Hawkeye, Surge, and Captain America were all gently dropped down by Samurai in front of them.

"We'll move to a vantage point." Surge and Hawkeye said running into a nearby building.

Samurai, Wolverine and Captain America stood at the ready, seeing the shilouette of Thanos emerge from the smouldering craters and brushing the dust cloud away.

"My sister is the real reinforcements!? What the hell does she have that I don't!?" Connie said angrily.

"Guts." Spider-man said.

"I'm just as strong as she is! Probably even stronger!"

"Then why did you run?"

Connie froze. She dropped her head bitting her lip, as Danny pulled her up. Spider-man stood next to Captain America, holding his side.

"Are you alright Spider-man?" Captain America asked.

"I've been better." He chuckled.

"Power level?" Captain America asked.

"Armour is neigh indestructible, I hit him as hard as I could, and all it did was push him around. Strength and speed is more than mine, skill with that sword and martial arts TBD."

"Humanoid structure, probably still has the same weaknesses, albeit harder to exploit than a regular human." Captain America said.

"Anyone else coming, or is this it?" Spider-man asked.

"We got two more coming, ETA 20 minutes."

"Is this all Earth can muster for King Thanos!?"

"We're in position." Hawkeye said over the radio.

"Pick your shots, we'll do our best to get rid of that armour." Captain America said through the comms.

Wolverine, Spider-man, Captain America and Samurai all took a fighting stance, with Thanos flourishing his doubled edged sword, smiling at them with glee.

"FOR THE GODDESS!" He screamed charging in.

Samurai lowered herself closing her eyes, grabbing her hilt tightly by her side, taking a deep breath. Wolverine and Spider-man pulled themselves in, flipping over Thanos's shoulder, and kicking him in the back, with Captain America throwing her shield striking his face. He fell face first, with the shield flying back to Captain America, and the other two back getting some distance. He tried stand back up when, three large ballista bolts shattered against his back, and bolt of lightning crackled through the air striking him down. Letting out a primal booming roar he stood up boasting out his chest, and muscles.

"Shield your eyes from its brilliance. Dragon's flash!"

The ground beneath Samurai shattered and she appeared behind Thanos in a flash. His eyes widened, as thin mist of purple blood sprayed out from his shoulder, and a chunk of his golden armour flew off. Connie watched on from a distance clenching her fists and gnashing her teeth together.

"Damn it...just how strong have you gotten?" She thought.

Thanos fell to his knees clutching his shoulder and smashed his teeth together, breathing heavily.

"State your purpose for attacking Earth." Captain America said standing over him.

He began chuckling and looked up at her with a malicious smile.

"This planet was touched by the first ones, I must know why the Goddess has chosen such a weak planet, but I can see now. Beneath the surface of your weaklings, this planet is brimming with powerful life forms to cull."

"GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!" Dr. Strange yelled creating a portal behind everyone.

Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-man and Samurai where sucked through the portal, landing behind Dr. Strange. Thanos stood up removing his hand from his shoulder, now only a trickle of blood and grabbed his heavy gold plated armour, ripping it off. He tossed it to the side along with his helmet and they both crashed through the pavement in an instant. The thick leathery skin on his chest was covered in scars, burns and in the middle of his chest a black gem was imbedded deep inside with the skin around it diseased and dying.

"What...the...f**k." Samurai and Wolverine said.

"Do not touch that gem on his chest, it belongs to a Primordial god." Dr. Strange said.

"You mean the goddess he's been simping over is..." Spider-man said.

"The Primordial god of Death. I do not know the control he has over that fragment, but we must remove it from him immediately." Dr. Strange said summoning two magical circles over his hands.

The diseased flesh around his chest expanded and Thanos let out a pained grunt, before the diseased flesh retracted and he looked up smiling at them.

"I apologise my goddess. I have played with your offerings for too long."

"Uhhhh, I don't think we should be here anymore..." Spider-man said taking a step back.

Thanos split his doubled edge sword into two, and let out a deep rumbling battle cry, leaping towards them with the ground shattered beneath his feet, creating a shockwave. Dr. Strange created a portal in front of them, teleporting Thanos high above the city. They all looked up hearing his deep roar as he started to plummet towards the ground.

"Can't you just cut him in half with that thing?" Spider-man asked.

The black gem inside Thanos's chest pulsated out again and he let out a pained groan. Dr. Strange eyes went wide and he immediately created a portal behind Hawkeye and Surge pulling them through. The two of them landed behind Dr. Strange and he opened his clasp, creating a large green barrier, pulling everyone underneath.

"What are you doing Strange?" Captain America asked.

Thanos let out a scream in anguish as a black wave emitted out from his chest. As the wave touched the buildings, they began to age rapidly before turning to ash. The others looked at it shocked, before ducking under the barrier and behind Dr. Strange. The wave clashed against the green magical barrier, with Dr. Strange straining to hold the black wave back.

"Jesus Christ! Hold that thing back!" Samurai said.

"Don't lose your focus Strange, we're dead if that thing touches us." Captain America said.

"Shuuuuut...up...." Dr. Strange said annoyed and through his gnashing teeth.

The black wave finally settled against the barrier and Dr.Strange let out an exhausted sigh, breathing heavily. The others looked around terrified and shocked at the destroyed city, the ash being blown into the wind.

"Holy....shit..." They all said.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, please tell me civilians were evacuated." Spider-man asked.

"Unable to confirm all casualties, estimated number 2,000."

"J.A.R.V.I.S, issue a martial law evacuation of the city, and if any civilian says no, shoot them." Captain America said.

"Complying. Military has been mobilised and S.H.I.E.L.D agents are currently moving civilians out."

Thanos emerged from the crater as the dust blew past him, and smiled at them with glee.

"The Goddess demands sacrifice!"

"Strange...any ideas how we even get close to this guy without being reduced to ash?" Spider-man asked.

"Ha...ha...the fragment will start to kill him when he uses its power. Distract him for 30 minutes. I will gather the materials for the spell necessary to remove the gem." Dr. Strange said staggering through a portal.

"Oh you have to got to be f**king joking. We're the distraction squad?" Spider-man said.

"Suck it up, we gotta play keep away. Surge, Hawkeye get to a van....tage...point..." Captain America said looking around at the destroyed buildings.

"We'll manage something." Hawkeye said jumping onto Surge.

Surge crackled with lightning and took off.

"When did she get super speed?" Spider-man asked.

"Focus. Wolverine, Samurai don't rely on your healing abilities. If that thing is a Primordial God fragment, it's nothing to joke about. Keep your distance and don't keep on your engagements."

"Are you done planning!? The goddess requires sacrifice!" Thanos shouted flourishing his blades.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!?" Spider-man yelled.

Thanos charged in letting loose a battle cry.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, set a timer for 30 minutes." Captain America said.

"Timer has been set."

"AVENGERS!" She shouted.

"Oh god, I really hate it when she says this." Spider-man said taking a fighting stance.

Thanos leapt into the air raising his swords above his head. They all jumped off into different directions as Thanos crashed through the ground.


"WE JUST SCATTERED!" Spider-man shouted.

A grappling hook, a black rope and a line of webbing wrapped around Thanos. The three of them propelled themselves towards him, attacking him in unison. Wolverine's claws and Samurai's blade drew blood across his chest and back, with Spider-man's punch landing square on his chin. He stood strong not moving an inch, swinging his swords wildly at Spider-man, who frantically dodged each one, flipping over and under each swing. Captain America's shield bounced off his head and he barely flinched, looking at her with a malicious grin.

"You will satiate her hunger!" Thanos shouted leaping at her.

She raised her shield to block the attack, the two swords dug into her shield, pushing Captain America down to her knees. The ground cracked and crumbled under her, as Thanos began to throw a wild barrage of attacks each one shaking Captain America to her core. A web shot latched onto her back and she was pulled out, as her shield was shattered to pieces. She quickly stood up struggling to raise her arms, and her whole body shaking.

"Get back Sarah, you don't have the mobility anymore." Spider-man said.

"I can still fight..."

Spider-man grabbed the web line and started to spin throwing Captain America far out of the fight.

"Stubborn woman."

"IS SHE GONNA BE OKAY?" The two girls asked.

"SHE'S FINE JUST FOCUS!" Spider-man said dodging Thanos's wild attacks.

Captain America screamed the whole way down, before an arrow with a rope attached pierced through her suit pinning her to the wall. She quickly slid down the rope meeting up with Hawkeye and Surge, who was crackling with lightning and holding a power line.

"What the hell happened to you?" Hawkeye asked.

"He broke my shield. What are you two doing?"

"Super charging Surge and getting ready to rain fire down on him." Hawkeye said switching to the ballista form.

"Make it the biggest one possible." Captain America said walking away.

"Where the hell are you going?" Hawkeye asked.

"Getting reinforcments!"

Thanos swung his weapons wildly, as Wolverine, Samurai and Spider-man nimbly swung past him attacking him from all directions. He let out an angry scream throwing both his swords at them. The sonic boom from the swords being thrown, knocked Spider-man off course and he was choked slammed into the ground.

"INSECT!" Thanos growled.

"ARACHNID!" Spider-man shouted as Samurai kicked Thanos away.

Wolverine latched onto his back plunging both her claws through his ears. Thanos's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to his knees before landing on his face. Wolverine rolled off his body and the three of them stood over his twitching body, huffing and puffing.

"Holy shit...did you just finish it?" Spider-man asked.

"Yeah...I...I think so."

Spider-man raised his hand for a high five, when Samurai grabbed both of them and leapt away, as a black wave pulsed from his body chasing them. She gnashed her teeth together as she pooled her chi into her feet creating a shock wave on her skywalk. The three of them crash landed narrowly avoiding the black wave. They shot up looking behind them to see Thanos's body rising up like a puppet on strings.

"What....the...f**k!" Spider-man exclaimed.


"HE'S F**KING IMMORTAL!? WHAT?" Spider-man yelled out annoyed.

Samurai was taking deep breaths covered in sweat.

"She's running out of Chi, we gotta keep her out of the fight."

"J.A.R.V.I.S, how long have we been holding him off?" Spider-man asked as Thanos slowly marched towards them.

"10 minutes have elapsed."

"Take a break you three, we'll keep him busy for a bit." Hawkeye said over the comms.

A large ballista bolt flew past them, and then suddenly a large bolt of lightning crackled behind it, and the three of them covered their ears. Thanos caught the ballista bolt and was then knocked back by the lightning bolt. Spider-man grabbed Samurai and the three of them swung away as Thanos, was bombarded by ballista bolts followed by lightning bolt, but continued to push forward with a malicious grin. He caught another bolt and this time took a step to the side dodging the lightning bolt, and entered into a sprint. Each of his steps shook the ground as he charged towards them letting out a gleeful battle cry, with the decay on his chest growing.

Hawkeye and Surge attempted to retreat, but Thanos leapt into the air with the decay on his chest spreading, ready to unleash another black wave of death. When Wolverine swung in, knocking him back as Spider-man webbed them away, Kate's shoulder popped out of its socket. She fell to the ground clutching her shoulder.

"LAURA!" Surge shouted.

Wolverine was suddenly engulfed in the black wave, and as the black wave dissipated, Thanos stood strong holding the metal skull of Wolverine.

"A fine offering to the goddess!" Thanos said tossing Wolverine's skull aside.

Surge crackled with lightning and let out a blood curdling scream, running in and blowing the others away.

"NORI , DON'T!" Samurai shouted.

Thanos opened his arms wearing a smug smirk, and goaded Surge with his gesture. She stopped in front of him, crushing several taser batteries in her hand and creating a ball of crackling lightning.

"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She shouted releasing a cataclysmic ball of lightning that incinerated everything in its path.

The only thing that remained was Thanos's smouldering legs and the black gem fell to the ground, with Surge standing over him panting heavily.

"Eat....shit..." She said falling to her knees, struggling to stay awake.

Black tendrils suddenly shot out from the gem and begun reforming Thanos from the ashes. She fell back onto her hands and knees, as his skeleton and muscles reformed around the black gem. Thanos stood over her now, his body a dull grey purple, his scars gone and his eyes a pitch black.

"I cannot die. I am her harbinger. I AM INEVITABLE!" Thanos shouted raising his arm.

Surge covered up letting out a scream, when Spider-man and Samurai dove in kicking him away. But Thanos caught Spider-man's leg in mid-air and quickly recovered with a roll, slamming Spider-man into the ground by his leg repeatedly. Spider-man dangled in Thanos's grip, with twisted limbs and drenched in blood. Thanos grabbed Spider-man's arms and legs and raised him over his head, with a malicious grin. He then noticed Samurai land in front of him with her katana sheathed by her side, taking a deep heavy breath.

"Fear my wrath, dread my presence, and run amok in fear. DRAGON'S RAMPAGE!"

Thanos was cut into pieces in a flash. Samurai weakly caught Spider-man and attempted to walk him away, feeling her consciousness slipping. When the ground suddenly shook and a shadow loomed over them, and Thanos stood over them covered in a thin black aura. Samurai fell to the ground with Spider-man, weakly clutching her katana.

"I love you." The black rope around her katana said.

She clutched the katana tightly with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Andrew..."


Thanos stood over them opening his arms as the black gem started to hum. Hawkeye came sliding in and planted her ballista right in front of Thanos.

"EAT THIS!" She shouted firing 2 ballista bolts into his eyes.

Thanos's head exploded and his body fell limp. Hawkeye grabbed the black rope in her mouth and Spider-man in her good arm, using all her might to drag them away slowly. Thanos slowly stood up behind her, beginning to laugh.

"Yes, yes, yes! You will all be great offerings to Goddess. Defying your destiny with no hope of survival! She will love it."

Hawkeye continued to drag them away, as he strolled in front of her, glared down at her. She dropped the rope and let spider-man go, glaring up at Thanos and breathing heavily.

"You face death with such determination. The goddess will love you."

"You and your goddess, can go eat a dick!"

"Not many can face their death with such open arms."

"Not many people go fighting aliens with a bow and arrow, but here I am." Hawkeye said breathing heavily.

"Go and be with the goddess." Thanos said cocking back his fist.

Hawkeye closed her eyes, when Samurai leapt in front with her katana, and the two of them were blown away with a shock wave, the sonic boom pushing Spider-man away. Thanos looked over to Surge frozen in fear.

"You on the other hand, the goddess will hate. Someone who fears death, fears her presence."

Surge remained on the ground trembling, her lips quivering, gasping for words and tears streaming down her face.

"He....help....someone...help....please...somebody help."

Thanos stood over her angry and disgusted.

"Pathetic. You will be an inadequate offering to the goddess." Thanos said raising his boot.

A red laser beam knocked him down and sent him tumbling away. Thanos stood up seeing Cyclops adjusting his visor, and Captain America with a large minigun and trail of shotgun rounds on a belt. Thanos gave them a gleeful smile.

"Two more offerings for the Goddess."

"How much time do you need?" Cyclops asked.

"10 more minutes." Captain America said, whirling the minigun.