
Chapter 2: An Encounter and a new Disciple

it has been a few years and after a while i finally found the perfect place to reside it had a nice lake with clean drinkable water with a large waterfall the trees where very large as well and the area was hidden by gigantic mountains half the size of

my own body

now this is a nice place its a shame that in the future it'll all be destroyed by humans but maybe i can stop that its not like the humans can fight me and at full power i could even defeat comic Thanos and thanks to my ability to generate and manipulate all energy so the infinity stones are useless against me and even if they do manage to kill me my died body will just disappear as if i never existed and i'll be reborn in the next thousand years

so what do i do now you ask well protect it of course but the thing is even if i'm this powerful i can't be everywhere at once so i need servants and servants i shall have so i created 10 dragons with each one having strength equal to Odin himself and i also created hundreds of other dragons like Fire dragons water dragons earth dragons and so on as i then placed a barrier over the lands within the mountains only to slowly drift into a deep sleep


1000 years later

i have finally awaken after taking so much energy to create a barrier which could defend against world destroying powers now at first i didn't recognize where i was as before i went into a deep slumber this place was more of a tropical wonderland of a place but now its more of

a winter wonderland with snow and ice everywhere although it seemed the once forestry was not effected by the cold temperatures of the land but was actually thriving even better in this icy climate and if i had to guess it must have been caused by myself as my body probably automatically set up a defense measure to protect myself from danger and it seems its affected the entire area within the mountains as well and it also seems like this place has sunken under the ground but the weird thing is that the mountains are still there but the sky is nowhere in sight except for the giant hole at the top which is allowing sunlight to pierce through it

i must find out what happened in the time of my absence and theres only one way to do that so using my Dragon Mind Controlling as my spikes began to rapidly vibrate and my eyes began to rapidly shift i then let out my loudest roar possible alerting my children to come to me and to my surprise there are way more dragons than what i thought there would be as i only created about 10 god class dragons and about 100~200 other dragons and dragon sub species

now after about an hour one by one large flocks of dragons and dragon sub species came towards me either by land or through flying and some from the large connecting rivers all around the place and as they all gathered i even saw a couple hundred humans following them as the first 10 dragons that i created came forth bowing as all those present even the humans followed as i then began to speak

Akatosh come forth tell me what has happened since after my slumber as for the rest of you, you may leave us be 'wow i've never really spoken before outload as I've never had a reason to but damn i sound like one of those ominous Ancient masters as my voice was both that of male and female but at the same time not it gave the emotions of Majesty and power but at the same time giving a motherly/fatherly feeling or as if i was some old wisemen or grandmaster speaking to their disciple'

"yes creator i you so desire he said"

now that everyone has left my child come to me i have not seen you in so long my first born

"yes i feel the same my creator for myself to once again come face to face with a being of your stature"

oh Akatosh don't get all formal with me i might be your creator but i am in a way your mother or even you father whichever one you prefer

"y-yes mother anyway shall we go into human form as this isn't the most secure place to speak there may still be someone still creeping around"

oh yes shall we i said as my body rapidly shifted to the sized of a human until i was now standing naked which i didn't realize until after a minute of adjusting my body's structure

"um mother i think i should maybe get you some clothing although i don't get the humans and wearing rags on their body but I've been trying to make the dragons understand the humans more so i shall fetch us some clothing

ah yes hold that thought hey you child hiding behind the tree you know your not very stealthy come out i won't hurt you i just want to talk

"but mother this is a restricted area for all inhabitants of these lands expect for us the dragon gods can we really let her go unpunished"

oh stop worry akatosh she's but a child she must have gotten lost maybe we can walk here back and get some clothing on the way

"ye yes mother if you say so"

now come out little one i promise i wont hurt you

y-you promise

yes now come out

a-alright the girl said as she walked out from behind the tree and walked towards where me and akatosh stood and i have to say she was a cute little girl she was a redhead with fair skin and Beautiful bright amber eyes she wore a thick brown snow coat and pants with a pair of leather boots and she had a necklace wrapped around her neck which adorned three canine teeth which looked like they belonged to a wolf

so little girl what is your name

m-my name i-im Mala Mala Blackheart princess of the Blackheart Clan

ah thats nice and all although i have no clue who or what this Blackheart Clan is

"oh mother i can fill you in on that they are one of the groups of humans we found a few years after you went into slumper and they serve Antares as you apportioned him God Of Fire And King Of Dragons which doesn't extend to dragons of the god class and so he decided to keep those humans and he granted one family among them the power to bend the element of Fire and the special thing about them is that in some cases a small number of them are able to bend Blue Fire which is called soul fire by the humans"

oh i see so he taught them one of my teachings the art of Bending the elements in the physical form that begs the question though have any of you taught them that art

"n-no mother you specifically said not to and even if they did we would probably already sense and and kill them and the human even if they are our brother or sister"

good now Mala was it from now on you are my disciple and i shall teach you the art of Dragon Slaying

"wait but mother i thought you said it was to never be given to a human"

oh i said that well mala here is special although she can't use the blue fire or soul fire like they call it but she is pure to pure in fact she has the most beautiful soul I've seen yet"

hey miss um

"yes mother i shall live up to your expectations"

i then touched the head of mala as she passed out cold as i then walked with Akatosh with her on his back as we went to the nearest human village