
The Black Beast (8)




Starring at the descending aircraft, I can feel my anger rising every second. How dare they try to get inside my mind?

Whoever this person is, he or she, I'm going to murder them.

I have been trying to strike the plane down when they are trying to land, but my Rashomon cannot go past the invisible barrier that seems to block every attack from my Rashomon.

So I simply stop attacking the aircraft and wait for it to land. The moment I see them in person, I will attack them immediately, no question ask. Whoever they are, they are not simple police or soldier. They have the power to stop my Rashomon, while one of them seem to have the power to enter a person mind.

Are they some sort of special force group? That would not be too out of this world.

Waiting for the plane to land, I start to think about what should I do? Do I have a chance to defeat them? How many of them are there? Are all of them are mutants? If that is the case, then what are their powers? If I somehow get defeated, will I have a chance to escape?

It's doesn't matter now, because the plane has finally landed.

The bottom of the plane slowly opens up, revealing a group of people. All I can see is their silhouette because of the smoke, and I can make out two female figures, three male figures and one of them seem to be in a wheelchair.

Immediately, I attack the man in the wheelchair. After all, he will be the easiest target to kill. Not only that, I have my speculation that, but this person is also the one that is responsible for getting into my mind, after all, who would be a cripple to a fight?

Turning my sleeve into Rashomon, its jaw fly toward the man in the wheelchair, but before it can hit him, a beam of red light hit my Rashomon in the air, destroying a part of it, causing me to retract it immediately.

Looking around, I can see that one of the male figure chests seem to be glowing, meaning that he is the one that is responsible for that attack.

Not wanting to give them a chance, Rashomon quickly grabs a nearby car and throw it at them. This time, the car was stopped by the same invisible field as before. But I already expect that, so I command my Rashomon to go into the ground, travelling underneath their feet.

Readying to pierce them from below, but before any of that can happen, I feel an invisible force push the car away, causing me to retract my Rashomon in instinct and use it to cut the car in half, causing it to explode behind me.

Before I can continue my assault, I feel something trying to enter my head again, this time even more powerful than before, like more than one person is trying to enter my head.

Are they trying to enter my head again?! There is no way I will let you!! If you are trying to enter my head then, I will let you know one thing.

'I'm going to kill you!! I'm going to kill you!! I'm going to kill you!! I'm going to kill you!! I'm going to kill you!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! I'M GONNA SLAUGHTER YOU ALL AND FEED YOUR BODIES TO STRAY DOGS!!'

Just like that, I can feel the invisible force that is trying to enter my mind gone.

''Jean!! Professor!! Are you alright!?'' I can hear one of the males from the group say.

When the smoke finally clear, I can see their appearance.

One of the women seems to have short red hair with blue skin, and she seems to have a yellow sclera, and she seems to be trying to help another female stand up.

The other female has long red hair and seems to be a little older than me, and she seems to be clutching her head, which I would assume is one of the people responsible for entering my head. She must be Jean.

Next is the male, who also has blue skin with a tail, and short black hair. He seems to be panicking right now, and he seems to be at least two years older than me.

The other one seems to be a male in his late teen with short brown hair, and his chest seems to glow a little, showing that he is the one responsible for shooting laser from before.

The last male seems to be the oldest one among the group, sitting in his wheelchair, clutching his head with black hair reaching his shoulder. He must be the professor.

''I'm fine, Alex.'' The professor said that I now identify as Alex, looking at the male with a glowing chest.

But before any of them can recover, I will kill them all before they can counter-attack me.

Rashomon quickly flies out from my cloth, aiming toward the blue-skinned male that seems to be still panicking, which cause him to be an easy target for me.

''Kurt, watch out!!'' The blue skin female shout, causing the male with the tail that I now identify as Kurt to have his eyes widen before disappearing in blue smoke, dodging my Rashomon, causing its jaw to bite on the plane that is behind them.

Before I can continue attacking, I can feel my Rashomon activating the shield blocking an attack from my left side.

Looking left, I can see that it was the Kurt guy, who seemed to appear right next to me with his fist extended, aiming to hit my jaw.

''Um... Zorry?'' He said with a, I think, German accent.

I simply growl in response before creating more Rashomon from my cloth to attack him, but he seems to disappear in smoke again.

Then I can feel my Rashomon devouring space again, causing my eyes to snap back toward the group, seeing that the Alex person seem to be shooting a laser out of his chest aiming toward me. But I would never have time to respond because I could feel those two trying to enter my mind again, causing me to lose concentration.

The next thing that I know is a feeling of a punch landing on my cheek from Kurt, causing me to stumble, but that is not all that happened, the laser seems to have broken the shield that Rashomon created and now is heading toward me.

My Rashomon would never have time to intercept the attack, so that is why I decided to do the next best thing that came into my mind.

Activating Rashomon under my cloth, I command it to cut directly under my skin. I can feel having a thin line of Rashomon covering my entire body, under my skin, It's hurt, but it will be worth it for me.

Next, I command it to devour space under my skin. Still, the technique takes time to activate, so the laser was able to hit me in the chest for a second, burning my skin. Still, the Rashomon was able to devour space fast enough from under my skin, stopping the attack from hurting me any further while also stopping the attack from penetrating my skin and bone.

With this, I will use Rashomon that are under my skin to keep devouring space all the time from now on so that no attack could hurt me. Of course, it's not a perfect defend because I can feel the constant pain under my skin of Rashomon moving around, but compared to what I felt before, This is nothing more than an annoyance.

But right now, I have a target. I will kill that Alex person, and his power seems to be the most destructive one out of them all.

My Rashomon quickly flew toward him, aiming to pierce his stomach, but that was not the only thing that I did. I also turned part of my pants into Rashomon and commanded it to go underground like before.

The Rashomon above ground was, of course, stopped by an invisible shield from those to telepath, then I can feel a punch land on my stomach, but due to Rashomon keep constantly devouring space under my skin, it stops the fist from hurting me.

I look at the mutant in front of me grabbing, his face with my hand; I turn my sleeve into Rashomon, readying to kill this person but before that can happen.

''Ryu, stop!!''

That voice...

Turning around, I can see Mia standing there behind me. How is she here?

My Rashomon is still trying to go past the invisible shield while also fighting against the laser beam. My hand was still holding the blue skin male with my hand, but he immediately disappeared in smoke when I was distracted. But I don't care about that right now.

How is Mia here? She should not be here. Can I see Mia looking at me with... love?

No, this person is Mia!!

''You think you can fool me!?'' I shouted immediately, commanding my Rashomon to attack her, but she could barely dodge it, and then Mia transformed into that blue skin woman from before.

Shapeshifting? How annoying.

But how did she know about her? It's must be that two telepaths might also have the power to talk with their mind, and when one of them enter my mind, they seem to be able to glimpse into my memories and see Mia.

So they try to use that as a way to calm me down? How stupid!! Even if the real Mia is here, she would never be able to stop me without using her power!!

Finally, my Rashomon, that tried to destroy the invisible shield, got stopped by the laser beam, and their attention seemed to turn toward me immediately. But I will not give them a chance to attack or speak!!

After all, that Rashomon is nothing more than a distraction.

The ground beneath the professor starts to crack, causing him to look down, his eyes wide, seemingly knowing what will happen next, but before any of that can happen, the laser guy Alex interfere.

''Professor!!'' He shouts, pushing the cripple away.

Rashomon comes out from the ground, piercing Alex stomach while destroying the wheelchair. With Rashomon in his stomach, he is now hanging in the air while spitting out blood.

''Alex!!'' All of them shout.

I will not give them a chance, and I will make sure that they will die immediately!

''Rashomon, kill him!!''

Obeying my command, Rashomon that is piercing Alex's stomach, quickly moved. It's starting to twist and turn, and in the next moment, Rashomon quickly cut that Alex person in half!

Blood comes out of his body like rain, while his intestine starts to fall out from his body.

But Rashomon didn't stop there before Alex body could even hit the ground; Rashomon opened its jaw and ate Alex body like the monster that it is.

All of them seem to be in shock from the sudden brutality with his blood covering them, and some of them seem to be covered by his intestines, but I will not stop there. I have my eyes on the next target.

The shapeshifter.

I quickly turn my head toward the shapeshifter that seems to be in shock like everyone else, and I start to smile.

''You're next.''







Well, there are only two chapters left before finishing this arc. So wait for it?

Also, can you guys leave a review for the story? I want to know your opinion of the story so that I can improve the story and change the aspect of the story that you don't like.

Anyway, have a good day~


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