Ughh, man...

I gotta apologize.

I'm sorry for expecting too much from y'all on this app even after my writer friends warned me not to.

I'm sorry for thinking that maybe, just maybe, some people would understand that my Marvel fanfic ain't like the same old recycled plot we've seen a million times.

I'm sorry for repeating again and again that this is an interconnected storyline fanfic where I have to introduce multiple characters together that wouldn't generally be together.

But hey, I wanted to write something different, and I'm sorry if that's not your cup of tea.

Anyway, I gotta stop the fanfic, I just can't deal with all the hate comments calling me an idiot or saying my story is crap.

So, yeah, sorry again and have a great day.




















HAHA, I'm just messin' with y'all! This was all a prank!

I couldn't resist doing this after the previous chapter.

I'm not stopping my fanfic, no matter how many people try to bring me down.

For those of you who are into it, thanks for the support, I love y'all.

And for my patrons, I really appreciate you, you guys rock!

Remember to spread love, not hate, and have a fantastic day!

Later :))))

Next chapter