
Chapter 46. Shades of the Emerald and the Sapphire.

[Slytherin Common room]

After I gave my word to Cissy, I made my way toward Slytherin's common room, my mind set on finding Ashton and Barty.

Upon entering, I spotted Ashton engaged in teaching a group of juniors, and Barty was laughing heartily with some half-blood students. I settled onto the nearest couch, patiently waiting for them to finish their activities.

My attention was drawn to Ashton, who seemed so at ease with the juniors, laughing along with them.

But my mind was preoccupied with another plan, one that required the kind of environment Ashton had managed to create around himself and his junior students.

Both Ashton and Barty noticed my presence and politely excused themselves from their respective groups before joining me on the couch.

"Good afternoon, Severus,"

"Good afternoon, Prince,"

"Good afternoon."

Barty wasted no time and asked directly, "Is it true that you are dating Narcissa Black?"


Ashton pressed on, "Why?"


"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was questioning your dating life. Let me clarify. Narcissa Black is a Pure-blood who has expressed her disdain for muggle-borns and barely tolerates half-bloods. What I don't understand is why you, who are trying to help muggles and half-bloods, are dating someone who despises everything you stand for. Is it part of some sort of plan?" Ashton clarified.

Ashton had encountered Narcissa before, and those memories lingered vividly in his mind.

He recalled the disdainful looks she gave him and the slurs she used against muggles. Holding me in high regard, Ashton expressed doubt about my willingness to date someone like Narcissa Black.

"She's too scary, you know," Barty shivered, recollecting a time when he attempted a prank on her, only to be sent to the hospital wing in return. Since then, he made sure to be polite whenever he encountered her.

I wasn't overly concerned by Ashton's reservations about Narcissa. I understood that he wasn't the only one who might have a problem with her joining our circle, but I was confident in my ability to handle the situation.

"Ashton, there's no need to worry about Cissy. She's changed. She's not the same person she used to be."

"Really?" Ashton remained skeptical.

"Yes, you don't have to be skeptical about her. You're working with Barty, who used to be much worse, aren't you?" I pointed out. "He may not have been perfect, but he has changed, or at least he's trying to appear that way."

"Hey! I wasn't that bad," Barty protested.

I raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"Try to convince yourself, mate," Ashton smirked.

"Whatever...let's leave the past behind," Barty suggested, attempting to move the conversation forward.

"Let's stop talking about my dating life. I'm here to discuss the students you've marked," I said, shifting the focus to the more pressing matter.

"The number of potential recruits from within the house has increased," Ashton informed me.

"A lot of purebloods are having second thoughts about joining the Death Eaters since we started spreading information about the consequences of becoming one," Barty added.

I had a plan in mind – a way to sow fear among potential Death Eater recruits. Spreading awareness of their actions and the consequences and cruelty they have to endure on joining their ranks would make many students hesitant to join. While some might not be affected, it would still prevent some from falling into their clutches.

"Do you both have a group of students willing to follow you?"

"Yes," Ashton and Barty replied in unison.

"And how trustworthy are they?".

"Very trustworthy. Most of them just need someone to lean on, especially the younger students, ranging from first to third years," Ashton explained.

"The older students, fourth to sixth years, are more concerned about their futures after Hogwarts," Barty added.

"Alright then, by the end of this week, make a list of the students in your groups," I directed.

"Why?" Ashton asked, seeking clarification.

"Because you'll need a place to gather all the potential recruits together. I'm starting a club," I revealed.

I had made a promise to Charlott…my sister to create a club that would bring students from all houses together, not just for specific activities or sports, but for support and comfort.

During these dark times, with Death Eaters causing division and fear, such a club could offer a safe haven.

"Oh, I see. We'll make a list and inform the students about this club," Ashton agreed.

"What about those who might want to join but aren't part of your plan?" Barty inquired.

"Let them be. This club is more than just our group; it's a place for all potential recruits and students in need of help. Like those for the orphanage. And not everyone will be interested in the organization, and even if they are, the spots will already be filled by the students you eight will bring in."



"Ashton, how is your mother?" I inquired.

"She is fine. She bought a house in a magical locality after she divorced my father. Thank you for your help again, Severus," Ashton replied gratefully.

I learned about Ashton's family situation when I delved into his mind. It struck me how similar it was to my own, prompting me to take action.

I sent a letter to Tor, requesting that he deposit some money into Ashton's bank account and advised Ashton on the steps to take.

Following my advice, Ashton composed a detailed letter to his mother. She then utilized the money from Ashton's account to file a complaint against her husband within the wizarding world while getting help to erase his memory of her and Ashton being magical. However, in the muggle world, they were still officially married.

To help Ashton's mother without causing any legal complications in the muggle world, I enlisted Robert's aid. With his help, Ashton's mother secured her freedom and found her suitable employment.

It genuinely felt good to assist him.

"It was no trouble at all. I'm glad she found a place to settle in." I replied sincerely.

Using the provided funds, she must have purchased a house near a wizarding locality.

"She sent a letter expressing her gratitude for your help. We both are eternally thankful. With this organization, we hope to save as many people as we can. She also requested if you could dine with us for dinner," Ashton spoke genuinely.

Hearing Ashton's sincerity, a pang of guilt momentarily tugged at my consciousness. While I would have helped them regardless, my quick response was also driven by my desire to strengthen Ashton's loyalty to me.

Nevertheless, I pushed aside those feelings, knowing that it was a clever decision on my part.

With a smile, I replied, "I would love to dine with your family, Ashton."

Ashton beamed happily at my response.

Standing up, I added, "Inform the others about this dinner gathering tonight at the usual time," before leaving the common room.

"Okay" "Sure."

After I departed, Ashton and Barty returned to their group to spread the news about the club.


[Clubs Administration Office]

I made my way to the administration office to request permission to start a club.

As I stepped inside, I spotted Professor Flitwick seated at the desk. It was a common practice for a staff member to act as the administrator for newly starting clubs each term.

Many clubs came and went quickly, but the ones initiated by teachers or the most popular ones endured over the years. The challenge wasn't in starting the club; it was in maintaining its existence. However, for me, that wasn't a major concern.

"Please come in, Mr. Prince." greeted Professor Flitwick warmly.

"Good afternoon, Professor," I replied politely.

"Please take a seat," he gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

"Thank you, sir," I said, settling down.

"How may I help you, Mr. Prince?"

"I came here to request permission to start a club."

"What kind of club is it?" he asked, curious for more details.

"It's a study group,"

"Can you elaborate, please? Will it be focused on a particular subject, specific year students, or a particular house?" he inquired further.

"It is open to students from all years and houses. There won't be any specific subjects. Senior-year students can help juniors with their homework, and the seniors can also work together on their assignments. Fifth-year students can benefit from the guidance provided by sixth and seventh years to prepare for their Owls," I outlined the purpose of the club.

Professor Flitwick thought about it for a moment, and a pleasant smile graced his face. He always cared deeply about the students' studies and development.

"Hmm...sounds excellent, Mr. Prince. This will not only help the juniors, but it will also give the 6th and 7th-year students a chance to review their basics. Please fill out the form, and I will approve it and assign a room for your club activities," he said appreciatively.

"Thank you, Professor," I expressed my gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me, Mr. Prince. I like the idea of this club, and I'll be happy to assist the students in this group whenever I have the time," Professor Flitwick replied warmly.

I filled out the required form and then left the office. While the study club was presented as a simple academic gathering, its true purpose was to allow me to meet and closely monitor the students we needed, as well as those who needed an escape.

[Hogwarts Library]

[Lily's POV]

I haven't seen Narcissa since the day she and Sev went out on a date. The jealousy I felt back then still lingers within me.

It was only after our friendship fell apart that I realized the depth of my feelings. It all began as a simple crush, but as Sev started spending time with Avery and Mulciber, I became acutely aware of how much I cared for him.

When Sev called me Mudblood, my heart shattered into a million pieces. In anger, I lashed out at him, and we broke our friendship. The pain was overwhelming, especially seeing my best friend getting closer to a group of xenophobes.

But this year has been different. Severus has changed; he distanced himself from those xenophobes and began helping those who were bullied. Yet, there's a haunting sadness in his eyes. I desperately wanted to know why he appeared so detached.

I had been there for him during his difficult times before, but this seemed different. So, I struck a deal with Narcissa Black to find out what he was hiding, what caused him so much pain after we patched things up.

At first, I tried to be civil with her, mainly for Sev's sake, but she gave me the cold shoulder. I persisted, annoying her until she finally spoke to me. In the passing weeks, I found myself strangely enjoying her company.

While she wasn't the hyperactive type, I was used to dealing with people who kept to themselves. Gradually, she began to show some expression around me, and she even offered an apology for calling me Mudblood, though it was conveyed in her own peculiar way when she gave me ballet lessons.

Despite feeling hurt that Sev went on a date with Narcissa, I couldn't help but acknowledge that she genuinely loved him.

So, I mustered up some happiness for them and wished that their date went well. Still, I couldn't shake the dirty thoughts of what they might have done on the date that plagued my mind, and they only fueled my jealousy.

My thoughts were interrupted by Marlene's voice.

"Earth to Lily, Earth to Lily," Marlene called, shaking me.

"Stop shaking me, Marlene."

"Finally! You've been brooding for the last 15 minutes,"

"Hey, Mar, I think she's brooding because of the rumors about Severus and Black dating," Mary whispered to Marlene, glancing in my direction.

"Oh...So Lily has a crush on her former best friend," Marlene responded, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"No, I don't have a crush on him. And he's still my best friend," I denied, not wanting to be the subject of gossip and not wanting to make things awkward for Sev, now that he's with Narcissa.

Mary raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of my statement. She knew about my feelings for Sev, but thankfully, she kept that knowledge to herself.

"So...did you both patch things up?"


"Really? When did it happen? I hope you two have cleared everything that went wrong between you. You were so upset and cried a lot after the two of you ended your friendship," Marlene expressed genuine concern.

I smiled appreciatively at her concern. "Yes, we buried all that happened in the past. We're friends again."

"Good. I saw his change, he's no longer friends with those bastards, and he even exposed Potter and his gang. Still gives me the creeps when I step into the shower," Marlene shivered, recalling that frightening incident.

All three of us shared a collective shiver, remembering the terrifying revelations that day.

"I cast the Humaneo Revealo spell every time I enter the bathroom," Mary admitted.

"Me too," I added.

Marlene nodded in agreement, disgusted by the thought of encountering some creep in her bathroom.

"Me too. That Potter's confession about spying on me using that map gives me nightmares,"

"It would be best for those four never to return to Hogwarts," Mary said.

"If they do, they'll spend every day in the hospital wing," Marlene declared with a cold edge to her voice.

"I'd be more than happy to personally send them to the hospital wing,"

I truly felt like cursing Potter and teaching him a lesson when he was exposed. Well, at least I got the chance later.

"You're not alone, Girlfriend. Both Mary and I would love to curse their behinds if they were to return," Marlene winked at Mary, who returned a mischievous grin of her own.

We continued talking quietly, sharing laughs over Marlene's jokes.

After a while, Marlene and Mary decided to leave.

"Let's head back to the common room, Lily," Mary said, collecting her books.

"You both go ahead. I'll stay back to review some chapters," I replied.

"*sigh* Okay, but don't lose track of time. You always forget it when you're in the library. Be sure to-" Marlene began in a stern tone.

"Sure, Mum," I teased, cutting her off.

Both Mary and Marlene laughed before leaving the library.


[3rd POV]

After a passionate make-out session with Severus, Narcissa's heart raced with excitement as she sought out Lily to share her plans for their meeting later that night.

She knew exactly where to find Lily at this time of day—the library. Initially, Narcissa had dismissed Lily as undeserving of her attention, except for the training they had promised to undertake together. But as time passed, their friendship blossomed unexpectedly.

What fascinated Narcissa the most was Lily's knowledge and enthusiasm for muggle things.

With Lily, she felt free to shed the usual pureblood facade she maintained around others. Listening to Lily, she discovered the struggles faced by muggle-borns upon learning of their magical abilities, and this newfound understanding changed her perspective significantly.

Upon entering the library, Narcissa's keen eyes immediately spotted Lily in the furthest corner, fully engrossed in a book.

She approached her and greeted, "Hello, Evans."

Lily lifted her head from the book and smiled, "Oh, Hey, Narcissa. Good to see you."

"You too," Narcissa replied as she took a seat in front of her friend.

Curiosity got the best of Lily, and she couldn't wait to hear about the date.

"So, how was the date?" she asked enthusiastically.

"It was good," Narcissa replied coyly.

"And...?" Lily prodded further, unable to contain her eagerness, "Where did he take you? What did you both do? I need details."

Narcissa couldn't resist teasing Lily a little, a mischievous grin forming on her face.

"Why should I share those details with you?" she said with a smirk.

"Why not? I'm your friend, aren't I? Please tell me, I'm dying to know what Severus planned. I've always wondered how he'd handle a date Like where did he take you, what you both did on the date." Lily pleaded, her curiosity bubbling over.

Pretending to contemplate, Narcissa acted as if she wasn't going to share but eventually relented, knowing she wanted to tell Lily all along.

"Okay, I'll tell you," she said.

"Really?!" Lily's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yes, so it started with..."

Narcissa began recounting the details of the date, from the beginning until the moment Severus took her to his mansion.

Lily listened with rapt attention, her expressions shifting from shock to awe to happiness as she absorbed every word.

"WOW, I had no idea Severus would come up with such a great date."

"It was you who told him about my newfound interest in cars, didn't you?" she inquired, giving Lily a knowing look.

Lily playfully grinned, "Yes, I thought it might be a good idea since Severus is a talented driver, and showcasing this side of him might earn him some points on the date."

"He certainly did. I loved the ride; it felt like flying on a broomstick at full speed," Narcissa admitted, recalling the exhilarating experience.

Eager to hear more, Lily asked, "So, what happened after your performance?"

Narcissa's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she recalled the intimate moments shared with Severus, her thoughts drifting back to their encounter.

"Nothing much," Narcissa replied nonchalantly, regaining her composure, "we just went to his mansion."

Lily, perceptive as ever, noticed the subtle change in her friend's complexion.

The realization dawned on Lily, and her eyes widened as she connected the dots.

She had a premonition earlier this day, and now it seemed to have come true.

"You both-"

Before Lily could finish her sentence, Narcissa quickly placed a hand over her mouth, stopping her from blurting anything out loud.

"Shhh...We're in the library. I'll remove my hand, but please don't overreact. Understand?"

Nodding in shock, Lily agreed to keep her emotions in check.

Narcissa gently removed her hand and settled back in her seat.

Lily remained silent, staring blankly at Narcissa, trying to process the revelation.


Narcissa, irritated by Lily's prolonged stare, finally spoke up, "Can you stop staring at me?"

Lily cleared her throat, snapping back to reality, "How..?

"What do you mean, how?" Narcissa replied, feeling a mix of surprise and judgment.

"I mean, what led you both to... you know... shag? And how was it?"

Narcissa couldn't believe Lily was asking such questions and thought she might be joking, but it was evident that Lily was serious.

"Are you ….seriously asking me about this?"

"Hey! Don't judge me. I'm just curious, you know. Teenagers at this age are meant to be curious about those things, hormones and all. So, tell me, how was it? Does it hurt? Was he gentle?"

Narcissa was taken aback by Lily's enthusiasm for the topic and found it a little weird.

"No, I won't! And you better close your mouth; your perverted side is showing."

"I'm not a pervert. It's just science,"

"Whatever. By now, you should know I'm not someone who would share those things."

"*Groans* Yeah, you won't."

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Narcissa teased, "It was good, though."

Lily grumbled in response, "You know, you're evil for this."

A more serious topic interrupted their banter as Narcissa spoke, "I'm here to inform you that Severus is going to tell you about what you were dreading to know."

Lily's mood shifted from lighthearted to serious, curious about what Severus had to say.


"Yes, meet me after dinner."

"Thank you,"

"Why?" Narcissa questioned, puzzled by Lily's appreciation.

"For teaching me Occlumency."

"That was part of the deal."

"Yes, but my part wasn't really worth that much. You already knew so much about Severus. Because of you, Severus will share his pain."

To Lily, knowing what caused Severus pain meant everything. She longed to understand the depths of his suffering and the secrets he had kept hidden.

Their bond was strong, having shared their lives since childhood, and Lily yearned to be the pillar of support he could lean on.

Narcissa felt a pang of sadness, knowing that Lily might shed tears once she learns the truth about what troubled Severus.

Nevertheless, she couldn't bring herself to regret the decision she made when she started considering Lily as a friend.

"The deal was off the day I started considering you my friend. I care for those whom I consider mine. You don't have to be thankful. You do consider me your friend, don't you?" Narcissa's genuine smile, usually reserved for Severus and her sisters, softened her expression.

Lily returned the smile, adding a touch of humor, "Yes, I consider you a friend, even though you can get a bit bossy sometimes, sorry... I mean all the time."

"Well, I was born to be the boss. I do love to make others do my bidding,"

Lily teased playfully, "Oh... Should I fear the rise of the dark lady Narcissa Black, thou who shall rule Great Britain?"

Narcissa pretended to contemplate the idea, her eyes sparkling with humor,

"....Maybe? You should. It doesn't seem like a bad idea. Lady Evans, would you join my ranks in taking Great Britain?"

"Of course, My Lady. What is our goal behind this?"

"Hmmm... Good question. We will think about it later."

Both girls tried to maintain a composed facade, but their laughter gave away their mirth, and they were eventually asked to leave the library.

"Meet me after dinner at the entrance of the Great Hall, Evans,"

Narcissa instructed as they started to make their way toward their respective common rooms.

"Okay, Bye," Lily bid her farewell, a smile still lingering on her lips.

Next chapter