26 Peter's Agony

"Miss Mary, it was your idea to venture into space, and your wish to write on the moon. I merely assisted in bringing it to fruition; these fantasies were of your own creation," Christopher defended, his tone firm yet gentle.

Mary, undeterred, persisted, "But you helped make it happen!"

"I assisted because you're Peter's girlfriend," Christopher clarified.

"I don't care. I'm drawn to you regardless," Mary declared, her emotions running high as she even lunged towards Christopher.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Christopher instinctively blocked Mary's advance, though his positioning was awkward, inadvertently placing his hands on Mary's chest.

"I want you to accept me," Mary pleaded passionately.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man, concerned for Mary's well-being, opted to spend the night in her room instead of returning home.

In his half-conscious state, he thought he heard the distant hum of an airplane engine. Stirring from his sleep, he rose and strained to catch the sounds outside. Upon recognizing the voices of Christopher and Mary, relief washed over him. "Christopher and Mary are back," he mumbled with a sense of contentment.

Swiftly, he slipped out of the window, clinging to the wall with his spider-like agility, scaling the building's facade until he reached the rooftop. Just as he was about to make a call, a sight caught his eye, evoking a surge of emotion.

There, Christopher's hands were placed on his girlfriend's intimate areas.

And then came her words to Christopher: "I don't care, I'm in love with you anyway."

His heart was in agony.

Though a sense of foreboding had lingered in his mind, when reality struck, the weight of the blow became too much for him to bear.

Christopher, gifted with keen hearing, detected someone sobbing nearby. Swiftly turning around, he couldn't help but blurt out, "Damn."

His hands instinctively retreated, leaving an opening for Mary, who, unimpeded by Christopher's defenses, pounced on him like a ferocious tigress, unleashing her pent-up emotions with a visceral attack.

The scene unfolded with such intensity that even Spider-Man couldn't bear it any longer, erupting in frustration, "Mary, how could you do this?"

"Ahh!" Mary exclaimed, hastily getting up. Her face turned pale as she locked eyes with Spider-Man.

"How could you do this?" Spider-Man's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disappointment.

"I-I-" Mary hesitated, lost for words.

"Peter, would you believe it if I told you it was your girlfriend's wishful thinking?" Christopher interjected, his expression grim.

Spider-Man leaped up, pointing accusingly at Christopher, "I knew you had no good intentions from the beginning. You deliberately helped me save Mary, playing the hero to win her over. Then sneaking into Mary's room at night, claiming you were looking for me. Then taking her on a space trip. It's clear you're trying to steal her from me."

"Uh..." Christopher sighed inwardly, lamenting the depth of this misunderstanding, especially fueled by Spider-Man's jealousy, seemingly insurmountable.

Choosing not to explain, Christopher turned to Mary and simply said, "Miss Mary, you're home now. You can come down."

Mary clutched the cabin door handle stubbornly, asserting, "I won't come down. I want to be with you."

Christopher turned back, calling out to Spider-Man, "Peter, come here and take your girlfriend away."

Spider-Man remained unmoved, standing there in tears.

"Descend," Christopher demanded.

"No," Mary defiantly responded.

"If you don't come down, I'll take action," Christopher threatened.

"Go ahead! If you have the guts to harm a woman who loves you!" Mary boldly challenged, thinking Peter would witness her determination to stay with Christopher. In her eyes, Christopher was far superior than Peter.

Mary clung to the hatch handle, prepared to endure anything rather than let go.

Christopher's sudden action caught Mary off guard, causing her to cry out in surprise as she instinctively recoiled. Startled, she released her grip, allowing Christopher to swiftly maneuver her towards Spider-Man. Despite the tension between Spider-Man and Mary due to her betrayal, his compassion prevailed as he reached out to catch her, his hands open wide to prevent her from getting hurt.

"Optimus, let's go," Christopher commanded firmly.

"Yes, my liege," replied Optimus, obeying the order without hesitation.

With a powerful burst of energy, the mech, ascended into the sky. The roar of the engines filled the air as they soared away, leaving Mary watching with tears streaming down her face. Her heart heavy with emotion, she couldn't help but weep at the sight of Christopher's departure.

Feeling a mix of sympathy and confusion, Spider-Man pondered whether to console or confront Mary. After a moment of tears, Mary turned to Spider-Man, her voice trembling with accusation, blaming him for her unhappiness.

"It's all your fault," she accused bitterly. "You couldn't make me happy, yet you try to deny me the chance to find happiness elsewhere."

Stunned by her words, Spider-Man struggled to find a response, his usual eloquence failing him in the face of Mary's anger. As she pointed angrily to the moon, her voice rising with frustration.

Spider-Man, with his keen eyesight, could vaguely make out the words "Mary has been here" on the moon's surface, even without a telescope. The enormity of this gesture left him genuinely shocked.

Mary continued, "He can give me anything I want. Is it wrong to fall in love with him?"

Upon reflection, Spider-Man realized the truth in Mary's words. Everyone deserved the right to pursue happiness, just as he did.

Mary, engaged and on the verge of marrying a wealthy man, resonated with Spider-Man's predicament. Suddenly, the resentment towards Mary in his heart waned.

Placing his hands gently on Mary's shoulders, Spider-Man admitted, "Mary, I'm sorry. I was wrong. You have every right to pursue your own happiness."

"My happiness has flown away. Where do you expect me to find him?" Mary complained through tears.

"Harry and I are good friends. He can help me locate Christopher," Spider-Man said earnestly.

Wiping away her tears, Mary smiled, "Really?"

Spider-Man nodded emphatically, "Absolutely."

"In that case, I forgive you, and we'll be good friends from now on!" Mary declared.

"Uh, okay, good friend," Spider-Man responded, feeling a tinge of heartache.


As Spider-Man grappled with his emotions, Christopher departed from Mary's residence and made his way back to his private island retreat. There, he swiftly replaced his gadgets with upgraded versions—a new cold fusion reaction device and a specially crafted spider silk launching apparatus. Equipped with this advanced gear strapped to his wrist, he felt ready to return to the bustling streets of New York.

His mission was clear: obtain tritium from Harry, also known as the Green Goblin. Though he possessed the means to extract tritium himself, Christopher knew it would be a time-consuming process. Impatience gnawed at him, urging him to seek a quicker solution.

Determined to expedite his plans, Christopher wasted no time and headed straight for the Green Goblin's lair, his mind focused on securing the vital component for his project. Meanwhile, Christopher, having resolved to pursue his own agenda, embarked on a similar journey, driven by his own motivations and objectives.


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