
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
Not enough ratings
189 Chs

Chapter 21: Leaving the scene.

/[T/N] okay one more for today.

I got you👌\


   In the next ten seconds, accompanied by furious clanging sounds and Logan's mad slashing, the Zanpakuto blade in the hands of the two collided with the Adamantium blades of the Weapon XI many times., and managed to make a few cut on the Weapon XI

   "The time is up."

   Mike said suddenly.


   Logan stared blood-red eyes, panted and asked, looking at the Weapon XI that teleported away again, and clenched the blade in his hand.

  "Didn't you ask about the effect of this knife?" Mike chuckled, "You will know it soon."

The Weapon XI disappeared in place. Logan licked the blood from the corner of his mouth. Just when he thought the opponent would attack from there, the XI weapon appeared in front of Mike.

   "Hurry up!"

   Logan screamed and stood in front of Mike.

   Mike didn't have his physique. When he was stabbed, Clark might be become an orphan.

   But Mike just looked at Weapon XI and smiled, and said faintly: "Kneel down!"

The next second, Logan was stunned by the scene before him.

   he saw the arm raised by the Weapon XI, as if it was unable to support the weight of of his own arm, as it just hung to the side, and it's legs were bent, and it knelt in front of the two of them. .

   is like a penitent sinner.

   Mike held up the blade in his hand, and quickly swiped a cuts on the Weapon XI,

letting it completely lie on the ground, and said: "This knife will continue to double the weight of the object."

"Hiss!" Logan took a deep breath, stroked the Zanpakuto blade in his hand, and said, "This thing is badass."

   "Do what you want."

   Mike looked at Logan and motioned him.

   Logan chuckled and walked to the Weapon XI. He couldn't help tapping the Weapon XI a few more times with his Blade. Adamantium claws stretched out from the back of his hand and cut the neck of the Weapon XI

Just when Logan's claws were about to touch the Weapon XI, it's body that was lying on the ground suddenly disappeared.


   Logan was surprised, looked up, and then couldn't help laughing with Mike.

   They saw the it teleport a few meters away from them, but it's still lying on the floor.


   Logan's continued to laugh.

   Mike endured the urge to laugh, and said: "Hurry up and solve him, we can't say if anything suddenly happened."

   Logan nodded to Mike, and strode over.

   But the next second, the Weapon XI on the ground disappeared.

   Mike and Logan turned their heads, looking at each other.


   But the Weapon XI that has been ordered will not leave until the task is completed, so…

   Mike raised his head, his eyes narrowed, and he shouted: "Logan! Be careful! Above your head!"

Logan looked up, and saw that Weapon XI teleported to the top of his head, and when it fell towards him, it's eyes glowed with dazzling red light.

   Without hesitation, Mike turned and ran, but Logan could only cross his claws on top of his head, and he was enveloped by a hot beam of light.

   "Boom, boom!"

   The hot beam of light destroyed everything around Logan, as if to press Logan into the ground.

   Mike's mouth twitched slightly.

   "This guys mind can actually think of that kind of attack"


Mike smiled, looked at the Weapon XI that fell quickly from mid-air, throwing away the Wabisuke in his hand, and once again took out a sharp card.

   With a thought, a short weird knife appeared in front of Mike when the card turned into a light spot and disappeared.

   Mike held a sharp spear, pointed it at the XI weapon, and chanted in a low voice: "Kunai,!"


   A ray of light flashed, and the blade of the sharp kunai instantly passed through the space in front of him, directly penetrating the head of the Weapon that was concentrating on blasting Logan.

   The scorching rays disappeared,


   The head of the Weapon XI burst like a watermelon and fell from the air, and drops of blood poured on Logan's face like rain.

Logan wiped the blood on his face, watching the blade that continued to fly and struck a concrete creating a small crack, with a flash of surprise, he helplessly said: "Is it necessary to do that?"

   Mike nodded seriously, and said: "You don't know how abnormal his self-healing ability is. It's better to be safe."

   Mike walked over to the body again, and

checked if it's really dead.

   "Huh!" Mike exhaled and murmured, "I feel relieved now."

   Fortunately, the Weapon XI only has two knives made of Adamantium, If the bones of it's whole body are covered by it like Logan… this battle will be difficult.

   Mike turned his head to look at Logan.

   Logan stand up and wiped a few more chunks of meat flesh on his face, then grinned at Mike, pointed in the direction where the Black King and Mr. Sinister were: "That's it?"

  "They're monsters, so don't worry about it."

   Mike said, "Let's go quickly."

   Logan hesitated and said: "Those mutants who are being held, they…"

  "Don't worry about them." Mike said: "The Black King of the Hellfire Club is here to save them."

  "Black King" Logan was taken aback, but nodded and relaxed.

  The Black King has done a lot of things all over the world, and he is very well-known in the mutant group. As a mutant, Logan naturally also knows the other party and knows the other's behavior.

   The two ran out of the battlefield.

   Mike turned his head and glanced, only to see a figure flying in the air, manipulating the shattered building, and blasted it to the ground.

   Is this Mr. Sinister?

   He remembered that the Black King did not have the ability to fly.

   "Boom, boom!"

   The roar sounded throughout the island, and the buildings that fell crashingly were shattered.

   Smoke and dust are everywhere, Mr. Sinister rises to the sky, and disappears quickly.

   "Did he just run?"

   Mike was stunned, and then whispered: "he can't beat Shaw? Or is his 'collectibles' have been rescued?"

  Mr. Sinister is not so easy to defeat.But he left so hurriedly, he thought it was mostly because of the second possibility.

Since the collection has been rescued, he naturally has no reason to continue fighting.


   On the other side, seeing Mr. Sinister flying away like that, the Black King patted the dust all over his body and snorted coldly.


   The red smoke appeared, and the Azazel appeared beside the him.

  "How about it? Have all our compatriots left"?.

Azazel nodded: "Basically all gone."


   The Black Emperor stared at the red devil, waiting for the other's explanation.

   Red Devil said: "A woman named Kayla refused to come with us. She went to find another compatriot named Logan. She said that was her lover."

   The Black Emperor groaned and said: "Let her go, let's go."

   The red devil pressed the Shaw's shoulder, a red mist flashed, and the two disappeared.
