
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
Not enough ratings
189 Chs

Chapter 149: Gwen Stacey

Mike looked over at the police car.

In the back seat of the police car was a frightened little girl, and in the driver's seat was a policeman who had been shot and killed.

The little girl looked to be about five or six years old, with long, beautiful platinum blonde hair, a cute butterfly hairpin and a pink dress, like a delicate doll.

The little girl's mouth was wide open, she was gasping for breath, and she was looking at Mike with tears in her eyes, obviously very scared.

Mike bent down and took the little girl out of the car, holding her in his arms and patting her back: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

The little girl stiffened and then burst into tears.

People watched from afar and someone helped call the police.

After two minutes, when the little girl's voice was about to go hoarse, the police finally arrived.

At the sight of this, the faces of the police officers who had gotten out of the police car changed and they ran to the car to make sure that the officer who had been shot was okay.

"It's Sheriff Stacey!"

A policeman exclaimed, looking at his shattered heart, his eyes dimmed as he said, "It's hopeless."

This was the first thing Mike had confirmed when he arrived.

"Where is the criminal?"

A policeman spoke coldly, then frantically ran over to Mike, looked at the unconscious criminal and said angrily, "Damn it, it's Quirk! He's the one who killed Stacy!"

He shouted angrily and raised his foot to kick his opponent in the body, but before he could throw a second kick, two other policemen pulled him back and said, "Don't get angry! There's a lot of people here!"

"Damn it, I'll kill him! That bitch!"

The policeman cursed angrily.

"Stop it! Sheriff Stacey's daughter is still here!"

One of the officers shouted and the angry cop finally got a grip on himself, spat on the unconscious Quirk, broke away from his partner, grabbed his hair and hammered the car hard.

At the sight of this, the other three officers shook their heads.

"Did you knock him down, sir?"

A policeman pointed to Quirk on the ground.

Mike nodded.

The officers looked at Mike gratefully and said, "We need you to come with us to the police station, it won't be much trouble, just to take a statement."

Mike nodded.

The angry policeman calmed down and went to hug the little girl in Mike's arms, but as soon as his hand touched the girl, she cried out in fear.

Mike hurriedly took a step back and said, "I'll hold her."

The four policemen nodded.

One of the officers drove away in the back of the police car, while the other two officers pinned the criminal on the ground into a police car and rushed off to the police station.

Finally, with the little girl in his arms, Mike got into the last police car, driven by the policeman who was screaming about killing the criminal.

The atmosphere in the car was somewhat dull, with the little girl clinging to Mike's neck and sobbing quietly.

The policeman who was driving the car suddenly slammed the steering wheel, and after the car gave an ear-splitting sound, the policeman took a deep breath and said, "My name is Oliver, I'm a friend of Stacey's."

Mike nodded.

That made sense, but he understood why he was so angry.

Oliver said with a remorseful look on his face, "Damn it, I should have dragged him to the game with me! Bloody Quirk! How dare he, how dare he kill Stacy, bloody bastard! That's the kind of guy that should be executed! Goddamn it!"

He looked in the rear view mirror of the car at Mike and the two of them and saw the little girl still clinging to Mike, his face all heartbroken, and said, "This kid only has her dad, now ... ugh."

Mike gently patted the girl's back, "What's her name?"

"Gwen, Gwen Stacey."

At these words, Mike's hand gave an unnoticeable pause, then continued to pat, whispering, "Gwen, don't be afraid, Uncle is with you, don't be afraid."

Mike whispered in Gwen's ear, and Gwen's sobbing gradually stopped.

Glancing in the car's rear view mirror, Oliver sighed in relief.

The car was quiet again.

Soon, the the police car stopped and Mike walked into the station with Gwen in his arms and followed Oliver inside.

Several of George Stacey's police friends came over to the side and thanked Mike.

"Gwen, come with me."

A young policewoman reached out to hug Gwen, but before she could touch her, Gwen cried out and hugged Mike tightly around the neck.

The crowd looked on, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get Gwen to let go.

With a sigh, the police officers left Mike holding Gwen and went to take a statement.

The statement was quickly taken and Mike had no trouble, but he had a hard time looking at Gwen, who was clinging to him, wide-eyed and crying at every touch.

"Does the girl have any relatives?"

Mike asked Oliver, the policeman, who was standing by.

Oliver thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "George's parents are dead, and his wife was in a car accident with her own parents years ago."

The corner of Mike's mouth twitched and he said, "There aren't any aunts or uncles or anything like that?"

"No. ... I've known him all these years and I've never heard George mention it."

The two men stared at each other with wide eyes.

Oliver touched his head and said, "Why don't I take you guys home first, we'll take care of George's business and then pick you up afterwards."

Mike looked down into those pure eyes that were ready to burst into tears, full of fear and terror, and sighed, "That's all I can do."

There was no way he was going to spend the night at the police station anyway.

Mike took Gwen back to his home in Manhattan in Oliver's police car.

Oliver drove off after silently writing down Mike's address and room number.

Mike opened the door to his room, and sat down on the couch with Gwen in his arms.

Gwen was still holding Mike tightly.

Mike patted Gwen's back and said, "Don't be afraid, we're home, let go of me first and I'll make you something to eat, okay?"

Gwen looked at Mike, her big, bright eyes still full of fear.

What had happened today had really scared her, especially when she had watched her father shot dead in front of her face, her vision dominated by blood and the look on his face.

Gwen shook her head and hugged Mike harder.

With a sigh, Mike searched his mind and conjured up a soothing spell to soothe Gwen's heart.

With his current level of ability, it wouldn't take him long to manifest some simple abilities and skills.

The spell worked quickly and the frightened Gwen eventually calmed down.




