
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
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189 Chs

Chapter 142: Breakfast


  Mike laughed as he watched the agency lady leave, tossing the slip of paper casually aside.

  Young people today, always looking for shortcuts.

  With a sigh, Mike turned his head to see Charles and Eric staring at him with burning eyes and raised an eyebrow, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Dad! Where did you get all this money? How do you have so much money? I don't suppose Fury's money has come in yet?"

  Charles still had a surreal feeling.

  Mike: "Ah, it's just, it just comes from that."

  He had some money of his own, then the White Queen had to give him a big thank-you payment, and Howard gave him a big cheque, and he was a rich man. ...

  Eric couldn't resist saying, "Dad, tell me honestly, are you a prince of some country?"

  "How old are you? How old are you to think such naive thoughts?"

  Mike shattered Eric's illusions.

  "Dad, I have a very serious question to ask you." Charles rubbed his hands together and said, "How much money do you have left?"

  The way Mike bought the estate and didn't care about it, it didn't look like he had spent it all.

  Mike did some silent calculations and said, "I could probably buy seven or eight more."

  "What!" Erik exclaimed, "Seven or eight?"

  Charles held his forehead, "So our family is that rich!?"

  The two men looked at each other and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

  When they thought of the toys they couldn't afford to buy when they were young, the two of them saving up to buy a meal to share between the two of them, or even when they were in college, saving money and even working odd jobs to be able to afford gifts for their girlfriends, they couldn't help but want to hug their heads and cry.

  "Is that a lot of money?" Mike frowned and said, "Not even close to the real billionaires!"

  At this rate, the money will soon be gone.

  The brothers were speechless, is this what his dad thinks?

  Looking at their expressions, Mike laughed in his heart, then his face straightened and he said solemnly, "Okay, the place for the school has been bought, when will you start enrolling students? When are you going to start?"

  When it came to business, the two brothers pushed down their sudden wealth, and after a moment of silence, Eric said, "I'll be leaving soon."

  "Eric ...," Charles murmured, worry in his eyes.

  "Leave," he said, but only if he knew what it meant to leave this time could he appreciate the weight of those words.

  "Tell me in advance when you're leaving." Mike murmured.

  Eric nodded and said, "I know."

  "The admissions thing has to go, we need a good opportunity."

  Now was not the time for admissions, as the school had not yet made its presence felt, and rushing into admissions would only lead to pressure from all sides and a compendium.

  Mike raised an eyebrow and said, "So, the opportunity is the Black Queen, right?"

  In their plans, the Black Queen had a great deal of value.

  The two men nodded and Eric said, "I will sneak into Hellfire, but it will take a little time to gain their trust, build my authority."

  Charles cupped his chin and said, "I will wait for your signal, and in the meantime I will look for opportunities to make my name known."

  The two men nodded and Mike looked at his watch and said, "Well, that's enough about that, now let's go and fill our bellies, I've got my eye on a restaurant nearby, let's ..."

  Eric suddenly said, "Dad, let's go home, I want to eat what you've cooked."

  He squeezed out a smile and said, "I won't be able to go home for a long time."

  Charles grimaced as Mike nodded and a card appeared in his hand, and with a thought, it transformed into a portal that appeared behind them and the three walked in.


  Three days later, Mike's house.

  This morning, Eric got up early, cleaned up his room, stood at the door, looked around, closed the door and headed downstairs.

  He came quietly into the kitchen, stood for a moment in a daze, remembering, and then began to prepare the food in a bit of a frenzy.

  In Mike room.

  He had heard Eric when he got up, and he watched him with super-vision as he went about his work in the kitchen, a smile slipping from his lips before he sighed.

  Mike rested his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling, his eyes seemingly out of focus as a scene flashed before his eyes.

  The smiling faces of the three kids chasing each other around the house.

  The way he looked when he was in trouble at school, when he met him in the teacher's office and avoided looking at him.

  The first time he called his dad, the funny look on his face when he learned to walk ...

  Even the first time he met his three children is still vivid in his mind.

  But in the blink of an eye, the three of them are now so big, and they are even going their separate ways.

  It's sad.

But ...

  I'm not sure what I'm thinking, but I'm just thinking about how great they're going to be in the future, and I'm suddenly happy.

  It's true, I'm still worried.

  But lying down wasn't going to solve anything.

  Mike got up, washed his face and walked downstairs.

  "Dad, you're up?"

  Eric peeked out of the kitchen and smiled at Mike, looking a little nervous.

  Mike deliberately asked, "What are you doing sneaking around?"

  Eric retracted his head and came out with two bowl of noodles, setting them down in front of Mike with some nervousness.

  Mike looked at it, and it didn't look too bad.

  So ...he had done this many times before?

  He caught the point sharply.

  "Dad, how about a try?"

  Eric handed the cutlery to Mike.

  Mike gave a faint nod, but it made Eric nervous.

  His dad looked a little upset?

  Was it because he was leaving today?

  Eric was gloomy.

  Mike tasted it and said: "It tastes good."

  So, it must not be the first time he's done it!

  Eric gave a smile, but in the next instant, his expression froze.

  "So, you made breakfast for quite a few girls when you were at university, did you?"

  Mike looked at Eric with a slightly dangerous look in his eyes.

  Eric froze, and on a whim, he hurriedly said, "I only tried my luck with them!"

  You ...

  This was a very good reason.

  Mike couldn't help but laugh: "You kid, am I that scary?"

  Eric shook his head and said, "I'm just a little ashamed."

  He hadn't done anything for his dad in over twenty years, except for this breakfast.

  Mike said, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm your dad, so eat up, it's really good."

  Eric nodded and his heart warmed as he watched Mike eat his breakfast with a satisfied look on his face.

  At that moment, Charles came out of the room, looked at the two of them eating their breakfast and squeezed a smile on his face, went into the kitchen, served his own breakfast and sat opposite them, eating in silence.
