
Marvel : The Darkest Knight

Follow the journey of our hero as he goes from vigilante to a whole new level of superhero in the Marvel Universe. Picked up by the ROB after his death, he gets a fresh start as Bruce Wayne, the heir to Wayne Industries. With a handful of memories and a mysterious system, he grapples with his past life's ideals and the opportunities of his new one. This story promises a mix of superhero action, personal exploration, and the intriguing evolution of a vigilante into the Marvel limelight. Get ready for a comeback like no other! Get ready for a Dark Knight on steroids! I'm a new author here. I plan on uploading everyday. Your support with those precious gems will keep my creative fire burning and make my hands dish out more chapters. Let's make this journey epic together! Also check out my p word if you wish to be upto 7 chapters ahead: p*tre*n.c*m/NotCow Happy Reading Folks!

NotCow · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

8: Old Friend?

Tomi Shishido aka The Gorgon

The legendary Wolverine villain who had affiliations with some of the most evil organizations on the planet, from Hydra to The Hand, and even leading an extremist mutant group depending on which version of him this was. This man could very well be considered a supernatural terrorist.

My hopes of escape, already hanging by a thread, nearly evaporated. If this man wanted me here, there wasn't much I could do at this point. I was too weak to even stall him. My martial arts wouldn't be of much help when the person I was facing possessed superhuman strength and surpassed me in combat skills. This man had killed The Wolverine, The man known to be unkillable albeit he did return as comic deaths were often temporary.

As if sensing my surprise and caution a faint smile crept across his lips.

"Fear not, my child. I harbor no ill intentions." he reassured.

"Who are you?" I asked

"You can consider me an old friend of your father." He answered with a mysterious smile

"It's a rather far-fetched notion to assume my father would consort with criminals," I retorted, maintaining the air of composure. "My father was an honest, hardworking, and principled man, hardly the type to keep company with the likes of you.".

Gorgon's smirk widened, and he leaned in closer, his tone dripping with a blend of mockery and amusement. "You underestimate the man, my boy. Your dear father had a way of seeing opportunities where others saw obstacles. He was a shrewd businessman, and the world can be a dark and ruthless place. If you think his success was solely built on honesty and honor, then you're in for a harsh awakening."

Bruce stood firm, his expression guarded but inquisitive. "My father had high moral standards. He taught me to uphold justice and to make a difference in the world."

Gorgon chuckled, the sound grating on Bruce's ears. "High moral standards can be quite the façade, my young friend. I've learned from experience that life is a master of deception. The shadows hold more secrets than you can imagine."

Bruce's eyes narrowed. "What does my father's past have to do with my current situation? Why have I been brought here?"

Gorgon's smile faded, replaced by a hint of seriousness. "You're not here because of your father, Bruce. You're here because of who you are and what you have the potential to become."

Bruce remained stoic, trying to maintain his composure while the mysterious man continued to toy with his curiosity.

Gorgon's eyes locked onto mine, the intensity in his gaze unwavering. He leaned back into his seat, and his lips curved into a small, knowing smile as if he was about to share a long-guarded secret. The air was thick with anticipation.

"Many years ago, I had an encounter with a unique individual," Gorgon began. He gestured toward a nearby tea set, an unspoken invitation. "Would you like some tea, young Wayne?"

I accepted the offer, as I took a seat. As he poured the tea, Gorgon continued, his tone laced with a sense of reminiscence. "This individual was a prophetic mutant, gifted with the ability to peer into the tapestry of fate. Their insights, however, were often enigmatic, like riddles that begged to be deciphered."

Sipping the tea, I listened intently, my curiosity mounting. "And this mutant's insights... what did they foretell?"

Gorgon's eyes seemed to focus on a distant memory. "They foretold a great change, one that would alter the course of the world. It was a change, they said, intricately tied to the Wayne household."

The cryptic nature of the prophecy left me perplexed. "The Wayne household? But what does our family have to do with such a monumental shift in the world's destiny?"

Gorgon's gaze never wavered. "At first, I believed the message pertained to your father, Thomas Wayne. A remarkable man, undoubtedly, but as I delved deeper into the enigma, it became apparent that while he was an extraordinary businessman, he wasn't the harbinger of this change. The message wasn't about him; it was about someone else."

As Gorgon's words hung in the air, I found myself grappling with a swirling mix of emotions and thoughts. I was the change that was prophesised? the prophetic vision, was linked to my own destiny? I couldn't help but wonder if it was tied to my rebirth, the angel who had sent me to this world, or even the system that now resided within me.

The weight of the revelation pressed down on my shoulders, In a moment of clarity, I locked eyes with Gorgon, The words came out in a measured tone, laden with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, "Am I the great change you speak of?"

Gorgon's gaze remained steady as he nodded in agreement.

"For years, I maintained a vigilant watch over the Wayne family," Gorgon declared in his usual stern tone. "Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, and even their loyal butler were subjects of my unwavering scrutiny. I relentlessly sought any connection, any fragment of evidence, that could lead me to the prophesied harbinger of change."

As he continued to speak, his thoughts appeared to recede into the shadows of history. His piercing gaze remained locked on me. "Then, you were born. I observed your growth, and for a while, I held onto the hope that you might be the one. However, as time passed, it became increasingly clear that you were just a child, a promising young boy, sharing your father's intelligence but lacking the extraordinary qualities I had sought."

Gorgon's voice shifted, his bitterness resurfacing. "I abandoned my pursuit, convinced that the harbinger of change was not bound to the Wayne family. That the prophet was mistaken. I redirected my attention elsewhere."

With a thoughtful sip of tea, Gorgon continued, his memories resurfacing. "All of this persisted until the day I received word of the Wayne family's end. It lured me to their funeral – a final glimpse, perhaps driven by morbid curiosity. There, amid the mourning, I laid my eyes upon you. A mere child of twelve but he bore the gaze of a seasoned man. A gaze filled with determination towards a purpose, filled with a drive. A drive to bring about a great change. A change whether in oneself or across the entire world that was yet to be known. And so, I was back where I had started observing the Wayne's one more time."

I met Gorgon's gaze squarely, my curiosity driving me. "What did you discover during all those years of observation, and what did you find in me?"

In response to my question, "A genius, Wayne," he declared. "In you, I saw a genius."

With a heavy sigh, Gorgon continued, " I have no regrets in my life, except one – the regret that I did not abduct you when you were but a child I could have crafted you into an unparalleled warrior, a force beyond comparison, a true master of the martial arts. Every step of your growth reminded me of a younger version of myself. Your exceptional skills, intelligence, and unwavering determination echoed my own, albeit to a lesser degree. Your potential was undeniable."

I leaned forward, tone steady and devoid of emotion. "Is that why you kidnapped me? To train me?"

As the words hung in the air, my mind raced. I knew Gorgon too well to believe that such an elaborate scheme was devoid of an ulterior motive. Gorgon was not your typical villain; he operated with a purpose, a mastermind who seized opportunities and exploited them to their fullest extent. Even in the comics, he maintained his moral code and ethics, but beneath it all, he remained an opportunistic villain, always ready to adapt and take advantage of any situation that could further his agenda.

With a decisive nod, Gorgon confirmed suspicion. "Indeed, Wayne, I intend to train you, to shape you into a formidable presence. However, it will come with a condition." His voice bore the weight of an unspoken ultimatum, his gaze unyielding. "In return for the knowledge and skills I shall bestow upon you, you must pledge to assist me when I summon you, without a hint of hesitation, without a trace of inquiry, regardless of the task's nature, but just once."

As Gorgon outlined the terms, a storm of thoughts churned within my mind. It all seemed too good to be true, the prospect of acquiring knowledge and skills from a man like Gorgon. However, a lingering doubt persisted as I questioned the hidden intentions he might be harbouring. Gorgon was far too cunning and shrewd to engage in a simple, straightforward deal. Just as I was engrossed in my thoughts I heard a small chime go off in the back of my mind.

[Mind breach detected]

And it all started making sense, wasting no time I asked the system " What is the nature of the mind breach?"

[Mind breach detected

Type : Mental suggestion]

"Can you tell me what the suggestion is?"

[Certainly, The suggestion is for you to be agreeable to the deal and a very miniscule nudge towards gorgon's favourabilty]

[Should the breach be let in?]

"No" I replied hastily. I was right the gorgon did have something in mind. While I was aware Gorgon had mental manipulation I wasn't sure about its nature. His mental powers were never expanded upon properly in the comics it went from reading surface level thoughts to straight out extracting memories from someone. And now with the mental attack I now have a rough idea of his plans for me. First step being getting me to agree to the deal he proposed. Second being to eventually lower my guard to him. Next would be the constant mental suggestions even if the suggestion were trivial now but at the end of the training these suggestions would have made me completely subservient to him. I mind would be long gone by then. A terrifying but brilliant plan.

"What if I were to refuse your offer?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

Gorgon's response was blunt and cold "Death."

I maintained my composure, nodding thoughtfully. "If your task involves putting innocent lives in danger, then I will refuse your request, even if it means my own death." I knew this statement was merely a facade; I had no intention of ever fulfilling his bargain. My real plan was to use his mental attacks against me to manipulate my escape long before my training concluded.

With a hint of assurance, Gorgon responded, "Rest assured, no innocent lives will be lost at your hands."

"Very well, I accept," I declared, signaling my reluctant compliance.

Just as I said those words a familiar ding went off.



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