
Marvel : The Darkest Knight

Follow the journey of our hero as he goes from vigilante to a whole new level of superhero in the Marvel Universe. Picked up by the ROB after his death, he gets a fresh start as Bruce Wayne, the heir to Wayne Industries. With a handful of memories and a mysterious system, he grapples with his past life's ideals and the opportunities of his new one. This story promises a mix of superhero action, personal exploration, and the intriguing evolution of a vigilante into the Marvel limelight. Get ready for a comeback like no other! Get ready for a Dark Knight on steroids! I'm a new author here. I plan on uploading everyday. Your support with those precious gems will keep my creative fire burning and make my hands dish out more chapters. Let's make this journey epic together! Also check out my p word if you wish to be upto 7 chapters ahead: p*tre*n.c*m/NotCow Happy Reading Folks!

NotCow · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

4: It starts

I stood there, a lone figure amidst the pouring rain, drenched to the bone in my dark suit. Alfred, my steadfast guardian, held an umbrella over me, protecting me from the relentless downpour. The cold, unforgiving raindrops slid off the sleek surface of the black umbrella while I fixed my gaze on the two tombstones that lay before me.

The tombstones bore the weight of history, etched with the names that held so much meaning in my life—Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, my beloved parents. Their lives had been snuffed out in a senseless act of violence, a tragedy that had left an indelible mark on my soul.

The memories of that fateful evening played in my mind like a heart-wrenching movie. On that evening, my parents had decided to catch a theatre drama. It was a date they had chosen, a way for them to bond over art and reignite their love. As they strolled out of the theatre, hand in hand, they were met by a ruthless assailant, the apparent mugging had taken a dark turn which had left my parents dead ,the specifics of that dreadful encounter remain mired in uncertainty. The shooter was quick to escape before the cops had got to the scene.

As I stood there lost in my thoughts, Alfred's voice gently broke through my reverie.

"Master Wayne," Alfred's voice carried a gentle but firm tone, "I believe it's time to depart. Everyone else has left, and we've been here for hours."

I nodded, acknowledging his words, and with a final, longing gaze at my parents' graves, I turned and followed Alfred back to the waiting car. The rain continued to pour, a somber backdrop to the weight of my memories and the path that lay ahead.

Leaving the cemetery, I couldn't help but notice a solitary figure standing beside my car, dressed in all black and shielded by an umbrella. It was Tony Stark. Although I hadn't expected to see him here, I could surmise why he might be present. Two years earlier, he had experienced a loss similar to mine when he lost his parents. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between us, transcending words. Our shared pain, our grief, and the weight of our respective tragedies hung in the air as we silently acknowledged each other's presence.

Our eyes met briefly, and I gave Tony a nod of acknowledgment. I got into my car, and we began to drive away from the cemetery, leaving Tony standing there. As we pulled away, Alfred turned to Tony, offering a sympathetic smile.

"I apologize, Mr. Stark," Alfred said gently. "Master Bruce needs some time to himself. It's been a trying day for him."

"It's no problem at all," Tony replied, his gaze still fixed on the distance. His tone was sincere and empathetic. He wasn't being his usual cocky self. "The Waynes were good friends of my father, and I wanted to pay my respects. If you are ever in need of assistance, don't be shy and reach out."

As I looked at Tony I thought to myself. He and I occupied two entirely different worlds within the same social circles. While we moved in similar affluent circles, our interactions were superficial at best. The occasional nods and polite exchanges during social events were the extent of our relationship. Our personalities clashed, as I was more reserved and cautious, while Tony's charisma and extroverted nature made him the life of the party.

Despite our infrequent interactions, I found myself appreciating Tony's presence on that somber day. Perhaps it was our shared understanding of grief and loss, a common thread that tied us together despite our differences. Our similar circumstances had a way of bridging the gap between our worlds, if only momentarily.

As we drove away from the cemetery, I had some time to reflect. The recent events had stirred something within me. I realized that, over the years, I had let myself become complacent. My initial goal of vigilantism had slowly dwindled as the comforts of my life of luxury had taken their toll. The sheltered atmosphere of my upbringing had made me soft, and I had almost forgotten how harsh life could be beyond the protective walls of the Wayne mansion.

The city was changing; the crime rates were on the rise, and the people were living in fear. The very fear that had once driven me to take a stand, to become something more. I had a responsibility to the city, to my parents' legacy. It was time to rise again, to become the symbol the city needed. 

And this time, I had the boon by the angel that lay ahead, one that would reveal itself in due course. I knew that I had to steel myself, both in mind and body, before this transformation could take place. The challenges awaiting me were immense, but I was determined to rise to the occasion.

I turned to Alfred and said, "Alfred, please inform all the employees to take the day off. It's been a hectic day, and they can resume their duties tomorrow." The weight of the day's events was still heavy on my shoulders, and I felt that everyone deserved a break.

"It will be done Master Bruce." 

"Alfred," I added, "you should also take a break. I can see that this has affected you as well, and I appreciate all that you've done for me." I could tell that the death of my parents had taken a toll on him, even if he tried not to show it. He had always been there for me, and now it was my turn to look out for him.

Alfred politely declined my offer, saying, "Thank you, Master Wayne, but I believe it's essential for me to ensure that everything runs smoothly during this challenging time. I can take a break later when things have settled." His dedication and commitment to our family's well-being were unwavering, and I respected his decision

Alfred continued, his voice carrying a hint of concern, "Master Wayne, you know it's alright to let your emotions show. It doesn't make you look weak. We all grieve in our own ways. If you ever need to talk or share your feelings, I'm here for you." His words were reassuring, and I knew I had a trusted confidant in him.

I nodded in acknowledgment and said, "I'm expressing my grief, Alfred, and I'm doing it right now. But if by emotions, you mean shedding tears, that's something I won't do. Crying won't alter the situation, and I believe my parents wouldn't want to see me in tears."

"I see" Alfred said with acknowledgement in his voice.

"Master Wayne," Alfred's voice was filled with concern as he added, "In light of recent events, have you had the opportunity to contemplate your aspirations and goals for the days ahead?"

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Aspirations? What do you mean by that, Alfred?"

Alfred continued, "I mean, what do you wish to pursue with your life, Master Wayne? While your father would have loved for you to take over the Wayne Enterprises, he also wouldn't want to burden you with such a heavy responsibility. He would want you to live your life to the fullest, to chase your dreams and passions, whatever they may be."

To which I replied, "I would like to take over eventually, but that will be after some time. Until then, I want you to continue with your guardianship. You've been a good friend to me, Alfred, and I trust your guidance and support."

Alfred's steady gaze met Bruce's, his voice carrying a depth of unwavering commitment as he responded, "I will continue to look after you without question, Master Wayne. Your well-being and your future are my utmost priorities. Your parents' legacy will be preserved, and you will have the time and space to decide what path you wish to follow in the future, just as they would have wanted."

I turned to Alfred, my appreciation for his unwavering support clear in my eyes. After a brief pause, I conveyed my earnest desire, " Alfred, I want you to hire the best combat specialists, from martial artists to marksmen, to teach me combat."

To my unusual request Alfred inquired, his caring tone underlining his words, "I don't mean to intrude, Master Wayne, but if self-defense is your primary concern, I have the capability to be an exceptional instructor. My dedication to your safety is unwavering, and I have experience in various forms of martial arts and combat training."

I appreciated Alfred's genuine concern,"Alfred, it's not just about self-defense," I replied, my voice steady and determined. "These skills represent a deeper purpose, a commitment to a greater cause. I aim to be more than just an heir to a fortune; I want to become a force for change, for the betterment of the city and beyond. These trainings are an essential part of the journey I've set for myself."

Alfred took a brief pause, his gaze filled with a mix of pride and concern. "Understood, Master Wayne. I'll stand by your side and support your endeavors. Your resolve is truly commendable, and I have no doubt that your parents would be proud of the man you aim to become."

I gazed at Alfred and inquired, "And what if my path leads to my death?"

Alfred responded with a touch of wisdom in his voice while matching my gaze, "While your death would sadden me deeply, I would still stand by your side, even if the path you choose carries the shadow of mortality. For, in the end, it is not the duration of one's life that defines them but the purpose they find and the impact they make during their journey."

I gave Alfred a thankful nod and said, "Thank you, Alfred, for being on the same page as me."

I took a moment to appreciate Alfred's unwavering support. The man had been my guardian, my mentor, and my confidant. His loyalty was unbreakable, and his wisdom was invaluable. Despite my stoic demeanor, I couldn't deny the warmth that swelled within me, knowing that I had such a dependable ally by my side. Alfred was not just a butler; he was family, and in my quest to become something more, he was the rock on which I could rely. His words resonated in my mind, reminding me that I was not alone in this journey, no matter how perilous it might become.