
training with hela

The next day ashborn hesitated before going to the realm of dead as soon as he appeared hela is there, she looked at him with a smile and said," this is quite a surprise to see someone with four high level divinities, especially some with death divinity like me".

Ashborn shrugged and said," allfather found I have appeared in hel realm yesterday. Though he didn't restrict me from coming here, mother Frigga is very worried about you and also very angry at allfather. She is helpless to take a side and was sad that she has no power to release you".

Hela at first clenched her fist but then hearing Frigga's worries and efforts her expression softed. She asked how is Frigga doing in Asgard. After knowing frigga is very well and taking of the three of them, hela relaxed a little.

She then told ashborn about her past and about how Odin trained to be a perfect weapon in war. She also shared how they fought other pantheons, even Olympians feared hela in the battlefield.

She is quite merciless and powerful in the war. Once stepped in she didn't care about anything charging towards the fighting them with her swords of night sky condensed with her death energy.

She then asked him a question," if one day Odin banished you from Asgard, what will you do?", ashborn shrugged and said," I don't know. But I'll go to midgard for sometime I think".

Hela looked at him and said," midgard huh. What if Odin banished you into a similar realm like this", ashborn looked at her and said," he won't. If he did mother Frigga will probably be super mad at him, even if he did it didn't change anything for me. My power doesn't comes from Asgard".

At the last word, Hela is stunned and really checked if my power is connected to Asgard realm. But it didn't, she burst out laughing before looking at ashborn with a smirk and said," thinks are getting interesting. Prepare yourself for traning with me".

She drew her sword and ashborn took a stance but then he felt his body is spinning and was blown away with her kick. Looking back he saw her projection disappearing and opened his mouth wide in surprise, hela smirked and said," don't expect fairness in battlefield. These cheap tricks can also be strength in critical times. After a certain threshold these may not be suitable for combat but they're good for deception. Now again".

She started to fight him with her sword now and ashborn activated his divine reflection. Hela frowned as she saw the 8 pointed star. After a few moments she felt she is fighting her own self. This made her smirk even more. She started to use all her tactics making sure to confuse him everytime with her moves, she isn't a goddess of death and one of the most feared in nine realms for nothing.

Her battle prowess is simply too strong. Even with divine reflection, Adam's reaction and Ashborn's tough body, he still took a beating that made his body scream in pain. Tyr didn't hold a candle for what hela is showing.

Her strength is almost on par with Odin. It's a surprise he can still trap in this dimension. Looking at the goddess of death who is smiling like a battle maniac and kicking him black and blue ashborn felt embarrassed.

Though he didn't stop learning from her moves. He can move at unimaginable speeds thanks to Adam but he needs to progress the template further for that. His speed also increased but still he is no match for an experienced combatant like hela.

After an hour of fighting ashborn still persisted, his body is covered in bruises and small scratches. Hela still didn't use her sowrds to hurt him. She only fought as a spar yet violently beat ashborn.

She only stopped after a couple of hours later when ashborn is on the ground panting hard. Hela didn't even give him some gap, she is fighting like she wanted to kill him yet she didn't. This is something new for him. Spars are meant to improve prowess yet his progress stagnated due to not having serious battle.

With hela it's completely different, she don't care about a spar she will violently beat the opponent with her bloodlust at max. Though it's not that she will kill him but still who will not become serious at such an astonishing amount of bloodlust. Thor and loki are like piece of cakes compared to her.

Hela smiled looking at the boy who is trying hard to catch his breath and said," not bad, you almost reached the level of an elite soldier at such an young age. It's almost catching upto me. I'll give you new task, reach planetary level within a year, if you don't I'll use swords of night sky to beat you up next time and just because you can copy others doesn't mean you can mimic them perfectly, experienced fighters can simply use your advantage against you and will confuse you in real battle, so be careful to use that power".

Ashborn looked at her and said," so did you just use me as a punching bag to vent some anger? This is too much for our first fight but I must say it's exciting and I made a little progress", hela smiled and said," you're not a fool huh, well yes I really usedyou as a punching bag. Okay next time bring me something entertaining and also some food. I missed the feeling of food".