
Ashborn vs Olympic gods

Zeus then turned to hera who is caring about Ares and treating his wounds. Ares has a cold expression on his face, while Athena is thinking about something. Zeus then said," tomorrow Athena, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Artemis and hercules will go to the battlefield. I want to see Ashborn Morson's head".

Hercules came forward and nodded, Athena also nodded after some hesitation while Ares eyes became bloodthirsty. He wants to get revenge on ashborn for humiliating the god war this much. But he didn't know even if they all appeared once they can't do anything.

Ashborn now possess chains of heaven's that can bind gods and made their divinity fade from them as long as they're bound by the chains. So they're doomed to fail and this time ashborn planned to capture any god that appeared on battlefield.

For that he asked a few loyal soldiers to place space lock around the battlefield, bifrost is the only way of travel now with the space lock along wth zeus thunderbolt. Without these two only the tesseract can do the trick but it's in Asgard.

Ashborn is now standing on the grounds of musfleheim stronghold waiting for the Olympians to arrive. Fire giants and frost giants suffered massive casualties under Ashborn's powers.

Asgard is in high moral with their third prince support, ashborn is stretching his hands as he sensed the space magic and smirked. Once the portal opened the 6 gods of olympus appeared. Asgardian forces also became high alert while Thor and loki looked at this with wide eyes.

Ashborn didn't speak nonsense, he immediately flew into air and opened his gate of Babylon bombarding all forces that appeared from olympus gate and when they stopped he ordered the forces to activate the space lock completely.

The 6 gods who are running at him immediately undertsood this is a plan for ashborn, but it's already late. Their space gate to olympus is destroyed. Ashborn rampaged on the battlefield once again with the Olympian forces.

He came across the trio Apollo, Ares and Hermes. Smiling he said," let's dance shall we?", he activated his divinities and coated his weapons with their powers. The lunar blade shined and emited a dangerous aura while the the 3 gods of Olympus said," do you think we aren't here without a back up plan?".

The 3 also joined while all remaining forces of Olympus rushed at asgardian fortress. Thor and loki are busy while the warriors tried to stop the forces. Ashborn is now on his own but he didn't even flinch and said," so this is your plan".

Athena looked at him and said," combining our powers we'll kill you ashborn. We must admit you're a formidable opponent but against all our teamwork you're nothing", ashborn looked at her and said," dying together is also considered teamwork".

Ares is the first one to rush at him followed by the other 4 gods while Artemis arrows chased at ashborn. But ashborn used unlimited blade works and called forth weapons out of thin air defecting them.

He then launched his shadows while the gods smiled and said," your shadows can't help you in domain of abyss", the 6 of them took out orbs of abyss power. While ashborn felt some suppression to his shadows divinity.

But his shadows aren't hindered while the 6 of them are surprised he said," you really think all contingencies Athena. But it's a pity, you didn't know suppressing my power to one level down and suppressing my divinities won't make you any stronger ".

As soon as he spoke a massive torrent of weapons all fired while the unlimited blade works controlled many of them making them rush yowards the 6 gods at rapid speed. Hercules tried to defend himself with the golden mace and the namian lion fur but he is also injured.

Artemis used all her power to make a shield and also tried to deflect her arrows that ashborn snatched and attacking her with them. Athena used her aegis splitting it into 8 parts and covering herself with it, she managed defend herself.

Ares is roaring and using all his divinity to strengthen himself and fight the stream of weapons. Ashborn didn't even use ea sword yet the gods of Olympus are suppressed even with their domain of abyss from tartarus himself.

( Note : tartarus is a Greek primordial like Gaia, the hell Hades is ruling is the connected to tartarus and he is the manifestation of abyss power ).