

An ordinary man find himself as a certain alien hero from different universe in the Marvel Umiverse.

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



I am now a 12 years old boy who is currently in my bedroom with many kinds of books around me as I read them with my eyes read all the letters very fast as my brain comprehend them.

"And 30 books are done." I put a book about the law of physics as I look at the outside only to see the sun has just risen to make me take off my shirt and take my daily routine sunbathing.

If anyone ever told me that you can just get six and a body that makes many male models envious just by showing yourself with sun rays, I will not believe it but now, looking at my body, I whistled seeing it.

After all, my body is packed with muscles and most importantly six abs, one of my manly dream have been achieved in this new life.

What I never take note of this Kryptonian body of mine is that I see to be full of energy most of the time as I have not slept for a week, which my other never take notice of.

I take note of how my appearance is the same as no black spot spotted under my eyes.

My mother, Martha Miller, also noticed my current appearance and already ask me to become a model in which I refuse, not wanting myself to get a horde of girls that lust after my effect body.

My study in more school is not that bad as I try my hardest to not stand out very much despite I had to show off my smartest once in a time.

Excelling in all subjects are not my main objectives as I will only excel only a little amount of subjects and get an average mark in every subject.

These performances make my mother feel a little disappointed since she knew how mart an I but after reasoning with her, she seems to accept my action though he told me at least get the first rank every year for only one time.

And being the kind and obedient boy I am, I will get the first rank in every final year exam and sometimes midterm.

Which make the smartass kid piss at me but I never give a damn about his jealousy, unless he has Kryptonite then he will become a problem for me.

"Ben. Time for breakfast." My mother shouted at me as I stand up and wear back my black shirt.

In the kitchen, I am going down to Mother's apple pie that she made 6 of them just for me while she eats only one.

"Okay, Ben. Tonight I am going to be late since my boss wants to treat the whole office sushi. I want you to be in your best attitude and did not break many things when I am not at home okay?" She said to me as I nodded my head.

All while I am smiling in glee inside my mind knowing today is a perfect chance to practice my X-Ray vision to gain more money.

She then goes to her work by car but before that, she kisses my forehead and bid goodbye to me.

I waited for her car to disappear 5km away from this house as I use my microscopic vision of her car and when I see it has passed the range I want it to, I quickly sped to my room, while taking off my clothes.

Having a super-fast bath, I neat myself up by wearing a deep blue shirt and jeans, on top of that, I also wear a red cap on my head.

Seeing myself has competed for set up, I then run down as I lock the door of my house and then start to walk vastly, which mean I am now looking like I am running toward the town.

Searching for a lottery place is not that hard especially when they have a lottery thing that is used to test your luck to see if you had the chance to get a golden ball, the one where you will get a large sum of money.

"How about it young lad, want to give it a try? If you get a gold one, you will get 10000$." The owner said to me as I just see 2 grown-up men walk away from this place with a disheartened expression on their faces. , obviously, they missed their chance to win the grand prize.

I mean, who wouldn't want to win 10000$ just by thinking this lottery thingy?

"Don't I need to pay for it?" I ask as he just laughs and pats my head. It is annoying when people older than you kept patting your head so many time but I just feel glad their hand did not get injured due to my current body physiology.

Well, at least one kid who is acting all tough tries to get in a fight with me, since I am taller and biff than him, but due to me never excel in sports, many people think I am just a big guy bit is so terrible at sports.

Back to the story, he tries to push me but I did not even move since I can throw him to Kansas or Queens if I wanted to as he then delivers a punch to my right cheek.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the greatest mistake he made in his entire life as 2 of his five fingers end with bones inside crack which ended him wail loudly while rolling on the floor gripping his broken fingers.

My homeroom teacher ended up calling both of our parents and after the statement, I gave to the security cameras showed us all that, I get away with the not so tough kid ended up getting scolded by his father.

I did not even feel bad for him, I mean why should I? He is the one who causes that injury toward himself by delivering a punch toward my face.

"Nah. It is not like you will get the grand prize." The old man, who goes by the name, Mr Waller, based on his nametag on his shirt he wears.

"Really? Then if I get the golden ball, will I get the 10000$?" I ask him with enthusiasm like a boy my age does.

"Of course. " He replied though I know he will not believe that I will get the golden ball.

If only he know I have my ways to win the big prize.

Waller POV

"A week pass and no one wins the big prize," I mutter as a woman, who I presume to be in her 30s also fails to win though he gets the silver ball that grants her 5000$, half the nk one got he first prize.

And 2 dude enter with one of them has that smug expression that soon gonna turn into depression.

"Come on Mike. Win the first prize and then we will party all night tonight." His buddy said to Mike who confidently spins the lottery machine only to get a white ball, which equal hing.

As he is about to spin it again, I cough to hai their attention.

"You need to pay up 150$ to spin it again," I inform them as his buddy take out the money.

"Here you go, old man." He shoved the money into my hand as I just stare at Mike once again to get a white ball with the same gesture happen again about 10 times.

"FUCK!" The buddy finally snaps as he did not give me any money right now since Mike gets 10 white balls straight.

"This is hard," Mike commented which irk his buddy, as he cursed words that I will not let my grandchildren who are still a little brat hear those.

"Whatever. Let's just continue to search for other fun Ray. Maybe the arcade will cool off the anger?" Mike ask Ray who glares at him.

"Dude. I spent 1500$ for you to get the first prize and all you got are shits. You say that your luck is good. "

"Srey if my luck this time did not work okay. Come on, this time I will treat you." Mike told his biddy as they walk out from my place with disheartened feeling.

Until I spotted a boy who is a black-haired boy, blue eyes, wearing a red cap, a deep blue shirt and jeans as he seems to stare at the pottery machine.

Heh. Guess even kids at the modern time know what is pottery machine.

I decided to humour this kid by asking him to spin it.

"So do I have to pay for it?" He asks me a question that makes me chuckle as I just give this chance to spin it.

Being the innocent boy, he asks if he can tea the prize of getting the golden ball as I just nod my head, knowing there will be no way he will get the golden ball.


"Time to prove he is wrong." My eyes glow blue for a second as I use my X-Ray vision to see the content inside the lottery machine as I see the golden ball is at the centre and underneath white balls.

"Hmm. I need to " cheat" my way I get the gold ball." Grabbing the handle of the lottery machine, I use me to enhance strength to make the machine spin wildly as my eyes see the golden ball now start to move with the white balls are the same.

They keep hitting each other as I look out toward the owner who will have that annoying smirk seeing my supposed useless effort to win the grand prize.

Oh, old-timer, you ask for it. My perception time kick in as my eyes see everything in slow motion as I see the golden ball has 2 herbals blocking it from being free from that marine, a little spin make those 2 white balls moved away from the way out of the golden ball as I stop my arm from making more movements as the golden ball enter the hole that make it reveal to the eyes of the owner and mine.

I can see how he has his mouth open wide as he has that "I cannot believe this happen" expression on his face as I laugh seeing this.

"So, can I get the prize Mr Owner?" I ask him in a polite tone as he shakes out of his stupor.

"But call your guardian first. I mean, you are still a middle school student." He told me.

"Nah. Do not worry, I can hold my prize very safely. Unless," I narrow my eyes as I intimidate him with my eyes that have a fierce expression, the one no 12 years old did not suppose to have.

"you scam me. Hmm. I am taught to call for the police if I ever meet a scammer." I said to him as he is panicking.

"N-no. You did not have to." He gen the golden ball and inspect it many time to see if it is real.

"It is real. This boy did get it." He mutters in a low tone that makes normal humans unable to hear it but for me, I can hear them.

He then sighs in exasperation as he goes toward his office as I sit on a chair while cannot keep myself from smiling seeing I have used my powers to gain a decent large sum of money.

Surely, many people will slander me to use my powers in the wrong way but look at my face,

do I look like I care? Insult me all of want but these powers are mine and I can do whatever I wanted.

Then, the owner approaches me and I ouch bag that is not heavy, in my perceptions. He then drops to his knee and has a serious expression on his face.

"Look, boy. Go straight to your home okay. What are the bags are prizes that make people life happy? Do not go anywhere, just return to your home directly. Do you understand?" He asks me as I nod my head.

"Then go. But first, can you tell me how old are you?" He asks me.

"12 years old," I replied as he looks up while giggling.

"Hahaha. 12 years old boy just win the first prize in his first and single attempt. Guess your luck for today sorry good huh." He said to me as I just smile as I then walk out of that shop with me speed walking back to my house.

What a wonderful day I have experienced today.