
Marvel: Super Relations System

In the heart of New York City, Arthur, a transmigrator from another world, finds himself navigating life in the Marvel Universe.

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Chapter 5 Bruce Banner

But she couldn't say it out loud.

Thinking about a recent troubling matter, Gwen said, "Jessica, you've seen the reports about the Black Spider, right? Because of the Black Spider, Dad doesn't think much of the Ghost Spider either."

"What does that have to do with you?"

Jessica put her arm around Gwen's shoulder and teased, "Are you a fan of the Ghost Spider too?"

"Fan?... Ah, sort of."

Gwen said reluctantly.

Being your own fan... it's too embarrassing.

Gwen being a fan of the Ghost Spider—Jessica got an idea.

She started typing a message to her brother on her phone.

Meanwhile, on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

In a luxuriously decorated high-end art studio.

"Dr. Banner, coming from home to the studio isn't a short trip."

Looking at the man visiting him, Arthur forced a calm expression and said, "I usually come here once or twice a week, so I hope you're not joking about wanting to learn to paint from me?"

That's right, sitting in front of him was Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

Although Arthur was confident he could handle the Hulk before he fully transformed, he was still worried the green guy might destroy the studio.

That's why he chose to meet at his nominal workplace rather than at home after receiving the message.

If it weren't for the system, Arthur wouldn't want to see this doctor at all.

Honestly, he was starting to regret it now.

The Hulk template was indeed powerful, but it wasn't aesthetically pleasing.

Not only did it involve constant wardrobe malfunctions, but he was also completely green...

And getting close to Banner, being defined by the system as Banner's [Extraordinary Relation], wasn't a quick task.

Without this prerequisite identity, he couldn't trigger Banner's mission.

"Yes, Mr. Arthur."

Banner looked somewhat despondent, "It's said that the art of painting can calm the mind, and I want to give it a try."

"If your emotions are unstable, I think you should see a doctor."

Arthur shrugged, "Sometimes painting can indeed cleanse the soul."

"But it can also make you more agitated."

"Like Vincent Willem van Gogh, everyone knows that."

"Dr. Banner, do I need to give other examples?"

Banner nodded.

"I know it might not help.

"But I've tried many ways to control my emotions, and there's no harm in trying this one too."

You might not lose anything, but I might.

Just as Arthur was about to say something, his phone beeped.

Only messages from Jessica and the others were set to alert, so he casually took a look.

It was a message from Jessica:

[Arthur, I want to start a Ghost Spider fan club!]

[You like the Ghost Spider too, right? Can you help me draw a poster of the Ghost Spider?]

[I plan to announce it at the party tonight.]

[Hehe~ Gwen is also a fan of the Ghost Spider, I'll definitely surprise her.]

She'll probably be really surprised...

Arthur had to admire Jessica's cunning.

Gwen a fan of the Ghost Spider? Haha, that's interesting.

He turned to the computer beside him with interest.

To make a large poster by tonight, hand-drawing wouldn't work; he'd need software assistance.

"Banner, I agree."

Arthur said while operating the computer, "You'll be my assistant for now until you feel it doesn't help anymore."

Banner smiled, "Thanks, Arthur."

No need to thank me.

Free labor, might as well use it.


Back at Midtown High School.

Gwen and her classmates were already in class.

The lecture was given by a one-armed middle-aged man named Curtis "Curt" Connors.

As a biology professor, his expertise gave him unique insights into certain points, making his lectures engaging.

Gwen listened attentively; she had interned at Oscorp over the summer, learning from Dr. Connors.

Beside her, Jessica was distracted, still fiddling with her phone, replying to Arthur's message.

Arthur: [I'm working on the poster, I'll bring it over tonight.]

Jessica: [For once, you're not being lazy, brother.]

Arthur: [I have a good helper here, he's a genius and learns quickly.]

Jessica: [Thank that helper, and thank you too, Arthur. I can make you the vice president of the club.]

Arthur: [Wait, aren't you supposed to be in class right now?]

Jessica: [Um... (ー〃)]

Arthur: [Put the phone down, Jessica. Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson.]

Damn, my brother is too cunning!

Jessica reluctantly put her phone down, knowing she'd get in trouble later.

Gwen nudged her, "Jessica, Dr. Connors rarely lectures, you should listen."

She tilted her smooth chin towards a boy in front, "Look how attentively Peter is listening."


Jessica pouted, "That nerd, I even have to save him when Thompson bullies him."