
Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Thor was banished.

After arriving at Jotunheim with his friends and Loki, Thor went deep into the world. In this world of ice and snow, there were almost no buildings or people. , until they walked forward for a long time and came to an iceberg behind the depths, where frost giants began to appear.

Thor and others excitedly killed the Frost Giants, and Thor even wielded the Meow Hammer and smashed at the Frost Giants until the King of the Frost Giants: Laufey! appeared, more Frost Giants appeared, surrounding the five people, and after some conversation and Loki's dissuasion, Thor was about to leave with his companions, but in the end he said: Go home quickly , little princess.

Loki and others secretly thought something bad after hearing this. Thor could no longer hold back his anger and took Mjolnir to attack the Frost Giants surrounding him and others, while several others The warriors and Loki could only attack the Frost Giants with Thor.





As the fight lasted longer, some of the three warriors were injured, and there were more and more Frost Giants around them. They could only start to retreat towards the place where they and others were descending. Thor also told them to hurry up. Click away, and he stayed behind there. As the three warriors, Sif, and Loki left, Thor was surrounded by the Frost Giants. He began to swing his Thor's Hammer and defeated all the surrounding Frost Giants.


Then he summoned lightning to attack the remaining Frost Giants. Loki and others on both sides felt uncomfortable, because although they escaped from there, there was still a giant monster chasing them, and they would soon catch up. Fortunately, they arrived at the place where they were waiting for others to arrive, but when they called Heimdall, the Rainbow Bridge did not appear.

At this time they all rang Heimdall said when they left the Rainbow Bridge: I will not open the Rainbow Bridge for you when there is something that will bring danger to Asgard. They didn't care at the time, but they didn't expect that the other party actually didn't open it at this moment, and the giant beast had already rushed in front of them!


Thor wielded Thor's hammer and descended from the sky, passed directly through the body of the giant beast, and killed the giant beast. Thor's appearance made them relieved, but Heimdall still did not open the Rainbow Bridge. Then the surrounding Frost Giants and Laufei were in front of them.



The Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky, and Odin also appeared in front of Thor and others, holding the eternal gun: Gangnir riding his eight-legged horse! Thor and others looked at Odin in surprise. They never expected that Odin would appear here..

"Father, it's great that you're here. We'll wipe out all the frost giants soon! Teach them a lesson! ! "Thor said excitedly to Odin before he could see the situation clearly. Loki couldn't help but smile when he saw Thor's appearance..

"Shut up, Thor! I'm sorry for their mistakes. "After Odin angrily yelled at Thor, and after speaking to Laufey, the Rainbow Bridge was activated. Odin took Thor, Loki and others and disappeared into Jotunheim! Without giving Laufei a chance to spe

ak at all, Even though he is old now, a Jotunheimer still doesn't know that God King Odin really apologized. (Thor and Thor are both names of Thors.) You must know that

Odin was the one who dared to challenge the gods alone when he was young. , and even conquered the nine major kingdoms. Even the Rainbow Bridge was a meteorite weapon. He really didn't look down on Jotunheim without the Ice Box. If it weren't for the kindness of old age, or for the sake of letting Toto Even if he grows up, he will not apologize to Laufey.

After returning to the Asa realm, the three great warriors and Sif were taken to heal by Odin. They did not have the strength of Thor, so they were naturally injured, and Loki He pretended to excuse Saul at first, but then said that he was just impulsive..

"No, Loki, I know exactly what I'm thinking! Odin, you are a coward! What's there to be afraid of from the Frost Giants? They're all knocking on your door and you don't even care! ! " Thor contradicted Odin, and even pointed directly at Odin's nose and cursed.

As a result, Odin was directly angered. He activated the rainbow bridge, destroyed Thor's suit, and gave Thor a kick. He kicked into the Rainbow Bridge, then picked up Thor's hammer, and then said to his mouth: Whoever picks up Thor's hammer will gain the power of Thor!

After saying that, he threw it into the Rainbow Bridge. , and then closed the Rainbow Bridge directly.



an astronomical observation vehicle in New Mexico is observing the sky in the countryside, and among them are Eric Selvig, Jane Foster, and Daisy Lewis. They happened to see the changes in the Rainbow Bridge, and Jane was excited At that time, Daisy drove the car back directly.

"Hey, Daisy, what are you doing! !"

"Shet, of course I'm running for my life, I don't want to lose my life for those few credits!"

"No, you go to a meeting with me! ! "

After that, Jane started to snatch the steering wheel from Daisy's hand. During the snatching process, the two of them bumped into a person. He was dropped by Odin. Thor! After they found out that they bumped into the person, they immediately got out of the car to see if the other person died. Afterwards, we found that he was a little delirious and kept talking about Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge, and Heimdall.

Daisy stunned our Thor with a stun gun, and then several people After Thor loaded into the car, he started to go into the town. At the same time, Jane also photographed traces of the Rainbow Bridge, and SHIELD satellites also detected it. There were also Stark Industries satellites, and they also detected Thor's hammer

. After Thor fell from the sky and made a big crater! Nick Fury on the other side was preparing to go to Tony Stark's house for the Superboy project. Natasha didn't know Tony's palladium poisoning has healed, and he doesn't even know that the big hole in his chest has healed. He just feels that Tony Stark and Pepper Potts have become younger. And he told Nick Fury the

news , Nick Fury was also very confused, but Tony Stark was an important part of his plan, and future actions would definitely require funds. So with Tony Stark as a big dog, the funds he applied for were You can enter your own pocket, and you can even build a few more secure bases..