
Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Wanda and Pilot awakened their abilities

. After they came back, Red Tank drove his super off-road vehicle to an unknown place, while Carl drove Tony back to his mansion in a Lamborghini and left. , after returning to the manor, Carl found something was wrong. Wanda and Pilot were sitting on the sofa with their heads lowered, and Mei and Raven were also sitting next to them..

"What happened? Wanda and Pilot committed an offense? "Carl asked Mei and Raven in confusion after walking into the living room, because before, when Pilot and Peter were causing trouble in school, Mei looked at them like this. They lowered their heads and prepared to be criticized..

"Today, Wanda and Pilot awakened their abilities at school and injured several people. The matter seemed to have been spread. "Mei looked at Wanda and Pilot explaining to Carl with a worried look, and since they had superpowers at such a young age, she was afraid that someone would catch them..

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. What are your abilities? "Karl smiled casually and asked Wanda and Pilot. He was not worried at all that someone would dare to cause trouble. Not to mention that he was a shareholder of Stark Industries. He was also very powerful, and there was Red. Tank, speed, etc..

"Mine is about controlling objects, and Pilot seems to be running very fast. "Wanda raised her little head and looked at Karl with tears in her eyes, and said to him, and demonstrated. Red energy emerged from her hands, and the water glass on the table levitated. Pilot quickly ran around the living room, moving at extremely fast speeds. He quickly took a drink from the refrigerator and placed it in front of Karl, and returned to his position again..

"Very good ability. I know your ability, Wanda, but you haven't developed all of it yet. Pilot's ability is also very good. Move quickly. When you move quickly, will your thinking also improve? You can develop in this area, but your physical fitness is too weak. When you are older and injected with the super gene serum, I will ask Tony to get you a vibranium suit. "Karl commented on Wanda and Pilot's abilities and told them the direction of developing their abilities..

"We get it, Carl, but….We were at school, were we really going to be in trouble? I could feel someone watching us when Mei came to pick us up. "Wanda said worriedly to Karl. She is a relatively well-behaved type, so she is naturally afraid of causing trouble for Karl..

"Okay, you don't have to worry, just do whatever you have to do, you are our family, don't worry about getting into trouble, and this matter is beyond your control, who knows you will suddenly awaken your abilities. "Carl sat next to Wanda, rubbed her little head and said.


"Boss, someone wants to attack the manor. They have been captured, but there seems to be an army coming outside. You'd better take a look." Yelena's voice rang from the TV next to her, and then a surveillance screen appeared on the screen. A group of soldiers and armored vehicles are outside, and there are even heavy weapons pointing at the manor..

"Okay, I understand. I'll be there soon. Raven, stay in the house with May, Peter, Wanda, and Pilot. Don't run around. I'll deal with it. It seems that after Tony loses power, all kinds of monsters will dare to come. Step on me. "Carl first spoke to Yelena and then ordered to Raven, and then walked out o

f the house.

Now that Tony has just been attacked, and it was discovered that there are still people who can build the reactor, the military must be very dissatisfied with Tony, so naturally There will be some people who will not be wary of the connections and power of Stark Industries. This is why suddenly an army dared to surround Carl's home. His apparent identity is that he is a shareholder of Stark Industries and Tony Stark's. Friend!

When Carl came to the door, he found that the leader was none other than William Stryker! When he learned that two superpowers appeared in a school in New York, his first reaction was the little mutant, and he immediately summoned the army Coming here, and knowing that the other person was the child of a Stark Industries shareholder, and even when that shareholder was a good friend of Tony Stark, he did hesitate. After all, he just wanted to study mutants, and there was no need to offend Stark.

But when he heard the news that the military was preparing to put pressure on Tony Stark, he had no scruples. Even in Manhattan, New York, he dared to lead the army directly into it, even with heavy weapons . There happens to be a shortage of a few little mutants in the laboratory. Since Tony Stark has lost power, he is just a shareholder. What should he care about?.

"William Stryker, are you bringing an army to my door to arrest me? What, did I break the law? "Karl walked out of the door and said to William Stryker, and as he spoke, the institutions in the manor behind him were surging, and various heavy weapons were pointing in the direction of the army brought by William Stryker. These were all made by Ji Jiquji himself. Yes, it's okay to just add weapons to the manor, especially after the last Red Room incident. And

these weapons are all Stark Industries weapons. They were leftover from the last time Carl attacked the Mutant Academy, and the Jericho missiles are still there. There were quite a few of them, and they were all pointed in the direction of Stryker. When the soldiers saw so many weapons, and even missiles, all pointed at them, they immediately picked up their guns and pointed them at Karl who came out. .

And cold sweat broke out on his forehead. These are all strategic weapons. It is hard to imagine that they would appear in a manor. Moreover, they are all famous weapons of Stark Industries, especially the Jericho missile. There is no soldier who has not seen it. Watch the video of it exploding!

"Hey! hey-hey! Carl Augusten Zhang, we are not here to capture you. The two children in your family are mutants. They are very dangerous. You must hand them over to me! "William Stryker quickly explained to Carl that even if he studies mutants, he knows that if all these weapons are launched, all the troops he brought will have to stay here, and he has no authority to enter Manhattan. Carl If you open fire, it can even be said to be self-defense!

"Oh? Really, even if I don't hand it over to you, what can you do? Mutant research is stupid, I don't care if he is a mutant or not, even if he is, it's not your turn to talk about the power of Jericho missiles. Do you want to try it? Let me see who gets it if I kill you in Manhattan! "Karl said to William Stryker coldly and expressionlessly.

Because the laws of the United States include that if someone enters your territory privately, if you kill the other person, it is just self-defense!