
Chapter 76

Chapter 76: The whip rope

was naturally brought to them by Karl who asked the Black Shadow Ninja to bring them. They were originally Karl's men, so how could they not have any money on them? Although it was easy for Yelena and Red Tank to get money, Yelena relied on the spy His skills are so good that he can easily get money without being discovered. Red Tank may be even better. He will probably crash into the bank vault and remove all the US dollars inside!

There is still one month after Christmas before the Spring Festival, so Carl doesn't have much to do during this period, except for Tony's birthday. In the timeline, at Tony's birthday party, he and Rhodes wore battle suits to fight against each other, and then Rhodes wore battle suits. gone.

The next day Carl received a call from Tony, asking him to go racing in Monaco. Carl knew that the whip cord was coming, so he naturally agreed. Afterwards, Carl Tony took a private plane with him and took a red tank with him. Fly to Monaco.

Carl couldn't help but smile when he saw Natasha Romanoff next to Tony. Clark Fury still asked the Black Widow to be undercover next to Tony according to the original plot, and she also knew about his palladium poisoning. Tony saw Karl looking at Natalie next to him and thought he was interested in her..

"Hey Carl, you already have Raven and May, you can't do this, man. "Tony took a sip of wine and said to Karl. Karl just gave him a roll of the eyes. Of course he understood what Tony meant. He didn't even know that he was undercover. He still looked like this is mine. Karl was also drunk.

Soon After the plane landed, Tony, Carl, Pepper, Natalie, and Red Tank took a luxury car to the racing venue. After arriving, a man in a suit walked up. Just as he was about to approach them, Red Tank had a look on his face. Looking at the other person fiercely, he was of course the Justin Hammer!

Karl just glanced at him and had no intention of paying attention to him, and then walked aside with Tony. Natasha looked at the red tank and didn't know what she was thinking. What, after all, she knew Karl's strength and information. Now the director has listed him as a dangerous person and will not let any agents get close to him. And the people who appear next to him are naturally focused on the target. This muscular man used

to But no, it looked like he was the opponent's subordinate. Most people can't be the opponent's subordinate, so this muscular man is also very dangerous! After that, Tony and

Carl prepared to race. Unknown to Pepper, he planned to stop Tony at that time. Carl's strength will not hurt him even if he is in danger, but Tony is different, he is just an ordinary person! Red Tank looked at the major drivers on the screen angrily, because he was too big and couldn't get into the driver's seat. As a result, he was unable to participate! He was very angry!

As the event started, Carl immediately started playing death racing, almost stepping on the accelerator and not letting go even when turning, and soon left everyone behind. Seeing this, Tony accelerated and chased Karl unwillingly. Several people wearing work clothes suddenly appeared around the track. One even entered the track directly, and spread his hands slightly. Two three-meter-long whips appeared, and then It was filled with blue electric current!

The clothes on his body were also burned by the electric current, revealing the simple reactor on his chest, and he swung a whip at the speedi

ng car. The front of the car was cut off by the whip, and the entire car flew away. He got up and crashed around the track. The man with the whip didn't care about the life or death of the racing driver and kept attacking the passing cars. Some racing cars were unaware of the situation and saw

a person on the track and instinctively braked. As a result, the car behind directly rear-ended, causing an explosion. When it was Tony's car's turn to pass by, the opponent also split Tony's car in half. Pepper outside the stadium saw it and covered his mouth..

"Happy! Happy, go and drive, Tony's suit is still in the car! ! "Pepper came to Happy immediately. She didn't say it to the red tank next to her, because judging from the performance along the way, the other party didn't care about anyone except Karl..

"Hey, I'm here, come on! ! "Happy had already appeared outside the door in a Rolls-Royce and shouted to Pepper. Pepper immediately ran outside and got into Happy's car. Happy then drove a Rolls-Royce and rushed out. Entering the track, he rushed towards Tony's position in the opposite direction.

Karl on the other side also noticed the appearance of the man, and he also knew who the other person was, whip rope! It was also Ivan! Karl continued to drive along the track, and soon Arriving in front of Ivan, Ivan also whipped Karl's car, and directly turned Karl's car over. After the red tank outside saw the boss's car overturned, he immediately stood up and headed towards the track. He ran, and Natasha followed behind!

Boom !————! boom————!

The red tank directly smashed the wall and rushed directly into the track. Of course Carl was fine. In fact, he was still thinking about whether he could hit Ivan with the racing car. The moment his whip came down, Carl disappeared into the racing car. Inside, Ivan saw that there was no racing car approaching, and was about to continue attacking Tony's car. As soon as Tony climbed out of the wreckage of the racing car, he saw that the attack was already in front of him. He was about to dodge, but Ivan flew out directly. .


"Where is my boss! explain! ! "The red tank was knocked away by Ivan, and then he grabbed Ivan's collar and said, because he found that the boss was not in the car, not even next to it. He was so stubborn that he didn't even think about whether the boss left on his own. It was all the same anyway. It was the fault of the whip!


Seeing that the other party didn't answer him, the red tank pinched Ivan's feet and started smashing them, shooting left and right! After a while, Ivan was beaten to a bloody pulp, Tony Everyone was stunned after seeing this scene from behind the wreckage of the car. He didn't expect this big guy to be so cruel! Just now he saw the opponent smashing through the wall and rushing in! Happy and Pepper on the other side also came to Tony's

side , they were also stunned when they saw the red tank holding the whip monster and firing his bow from left to right. They did not expect that the other party was actually faster than themselves, and had even eliminated the enemy..

"Okay, Tank, I'm here, I'm fine. "Karl walked out of the wall that the red tank had smashed open, wearing a racing suit and holding a bottle of wine in his hand and pouring it into the glass. The red tank stopped when he heard Karl's voice and threw away Ivan like trash. , then walked to Karl and picked up the wine bottle Karl handed him and drank..