
Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Attacking Wakanda.

Carl used telekinesis to slowly lift Speedy's Data Brain from its original body until it left Speed's original body. Then he immediately lifted Speedy's Data Brain He controlled it with his mind and put it into the vibranium body. This action was done in one go and was completed in two seconds. After putting the data intelligence brain into the vibranium body, Carl took a long breath. It was too much just now. Nervous!

After the extremely fast data brain was placed in the head of the vibranium body by Karl, the head of the vibranium body began to shrink the data brain and brought it into the head for protection. The eyes of the vibranium body even lit up. Get up. After its head returns to its original shape, it slowly stands up..

"Boss, we succeeded, now I have a vibranium body! I can feel that I am very powerful now. I can also transform into a fighter plane and my speed exceeds Mach 10! My weapon system has also been updated and is more powerful than before. Thank you, boss! ! "Stand up quickly���He said to Carl, and then informed Carl of his changes, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Carl. If Carl hadn't obtained the vibranium, it wouldn't have been able to have such a strong body!

"It's okay, as long as it succeeds, what should I do with this body of yours?" Karl asked, looking at Ji Su's previous body next to him. This is Ji Su's first body after all, and Karl won't make his own decisions. He wants this thing. It's no use either.

"Boss, please help me keep it contained. If it is exposed, it will cause a lot of trouble! "Zhisu was silent for a while and replied to Karl, because his body is a technology from Cybertron. If someone is interested in researching it, big trouble will probably happen..

"Okay, I'll keep it for you first, and let me know when you want it! "Karl walked to Jisu's original body and put his hand on it. Then the huge body disappeared and was taken into the system space by Karl. Then he said to Jisu.

"Let's go, it's time to visit the other party. I'm sorry that I took sixty tons of vibranium from him. "Carl walked out of the warehouse at the lead, and Speed followed Carl with his new vibranium body.

Of course Carl knew why the other party came, and he didn't care at all. They took it upon themselves to claim that all the vibranium was theirs. But it turns out that a meteorite fell on it. After that, several of their tribes relied on vibranium to develop. They were able to defend it. Karl naturally didn't say anything, but you didn't have the strength to say it was yours, and you even chased after it. He chased him to New York, and even flew the fighter plane directly to his manor.

It was difficult for Karl not to go there again. As for their Black Panther Goddess Karl, I was not particularly clear, but it seemed that she was indeed a god, and it seemed that she was from Egypt. One of the gods, but the mythological system she belongs to is no longer on the earth. (It appears in Thor 4!)

But even a god is just a creature with special powers, like the one in Asgard, so what? How about it? He has a red tank. No matter how powerful you are, how can you be better than his origin? What's more, it's hard to say whether the Black Panther Goddess will come, so Carl was only slightly afraid. Then Carl added Riven, Red Tank, Speed

and The two Wakandans from before took them with them, and

then led everyone into the world of shadows and quickly dived in the direction of Wakanda. As for the reason why they brought Raven with them, it was naturally because of the electromagnetic force. Everything in Wakanda They're all metal. Raven can subdue a lot of them with a wave of her hand. It's a good idea to bring her with her..


An hour later,

Carl and several people appeared outside the palace of Wakanda. They were surrounded by guards. With a wave of her hand, Raven controlled the guards directly in the air and threw them far away. Because Wakanda's guards have a lot of metal on their bodies.

The news that someone had invaded Wakanda and brought the king's two personal guards with him immediately reached the ears of the King of Wakanda. He immediately thought of the two personal guards he sent to New York. Knowing that they had already found him, he He walked outside the palace with the surrounding guards.

When I came outside, I saw a nearly nine-meter vibranium robot, a muscular man, a beautiful woman and a man with black hair and blue eyes. It seemed that they looked like the man with black hair and blue eyes. With Hitomi's man as the center, when Carl saw the opponent's king coming out, he raised his hand slightly, and all the aircraft surrounding them were blown away, and figures wearing black ninja uniforms appeared one after another around them!

Then everyone knelt down on one knee and saluted Karl. The king of Wakanda shrank his pupils severely when he saw this scene. It was estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of people in front of him. Prince T'Challa on the other side came with his army. He went to his father's side and looked at Karl and his group cautiously..

"Stranger, what do you want to do? Isn't it enough to steal our sixty tons of vibranium? Do you want war? "The king of Wakanda is also the Black Panther of this generation: T'Chaka asked Carl in a deep voice.

"oh? Interesting, you are just a country that developed with the help of vibranium. When did vibranium become yours? Since it's not yours, do I call it stealing? I call it taking it openly! As for war? Aren't I here just because you want war? Do you think your Wakanda technology will be useful to me? So let's try it and start a war! ! "Karl said with a sneer to T'Chaka, with a look of disdain on his face, and then directly ordered the war to begin..

"Roar————! Finally we can fight! ! "The red tank roared and rushed directly towards the place with the most people, and he created an impact that knocked everything on the road away. Maybe he can't hit the vibranium now, but he can still hit it away, and Wakanda's attacks had no effect on him.




The low-flying aircraft was constantly knocked away by the red tank, and he directly crushed the Wakandan soldiers. T'Chaka on the other side also ordered Carl and the others to be taken down. He didn't believe that he couldn't take down the opponent on his own territory?

The Sombra Ninjas also began to massacre Wakanda soldiers. Even though they used vibranium weapons, most of them were not wearing vibranium armor, and a lot of skin was exposed, giving the Sombra Ninjas a chance. If they They are all wearing vibranium armor and they may not be able to do anything to Wakanda's soldiers. After all, the attack power of the Sombra Ninja is limited..