
Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Carl was furious.

Nick Fury finally breathed a sigh of relief after talking to Charles on the phone, because Charles had agreed to take action, but he had to change the current situation of the mutants, but Nick Fury didn't do it at all. He intends to help them, but he intends to use his hands empty-handed! After all, let alone the World Security Council, even the American congressmen and the president would not agree, so this is simply impossible. Even if Charles knows, what can he do?

Because S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed psychic defense devices a long time ago, but because of the scarcity of them, only a few senior executives including Nick Fury wear them, and he knows that Charles does not dare to use the brainwave amplifier frequently, otherwise he will become an idiot. It will speed up, and the brainwave amplifier will cause Charles' brain to overload. If it is used continuously, it will cause brain damage and turn him into an idiot.

As long as he takes action against Carl, even if Charles finds out about Nick, he won't be afraid. He has already identified Charles' character. He can't start a war between mutants and humans just because of this, not to mention that there is no shortage of things to do now. , major research laboratories are constantly catching mutants for research, and mutants headed by Magneto are launching terrorist attacks everywhere.

Now even the people don't like mutants, let alone change, but what he doesn't know is that Nick thought he had tricked himself into becoming Charles, but Charles had already known through the brainwave amplifier that the current status of mutants was not Nick Fury at all. One person can change.

This is because he did this when Nick Fury came to him last time. He found that many congressmen and even high-ranking officials were full of malice towards mutants. How could Nick Fury change it alone? At the same time, he also guessed that Nick · Fury planned to use his hands empty-handed. He thought about it and then prepared to invade Carl's mind.

But once he entered Karl's mind, he found that it was protected by a hard barrier. He could not invade at all. When Karl on the other side was invaded by Charles, the system immediately prompted Karl and turned on the defense..

[Ding! Someone attempts to invade the host's mind and read the memory, and the system defense is automatically activated! ]

Carl was quite excited at first, after all, he thought he could sign in again, but after the system voice fell, Carl's face became gloomy and scary, and then a large number of black shadow ninjas appeared around him and spread out outside the manor. Check to see if anyone is around.

After the information fed back by the Black Shadow Ninja, the veins on Carl's forehead swelled! He already knows who it is. After all, there are many people with psychic abilities in the Marvel world, and there are even several mutants, including the White Queen of the Hellfire Club and Charles of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters!

But only Charles had a brainwave amplifier and could invade other people's minds remotely. Carl was furious at the moment, and then Peter suddenly walked up to him and said to Carl stiffly: "Mr. Carl, I am Xavier Academy for Gifted

Youth Dean, I….."

"Charles, you are seeking death! ! ! "

Before Charles could finish speaking, Carl directly used his freezing ability to freeze Peter, and roared at Charles. Then the Black Shadow Ninja instantly brought Aunt May, Wanda, and Pilot to Carl. Carl didn't say anything. , immediately freeze them all. Although fr

eezing can kill people, it can also save people. After reaching a certain temperature, the person's blood, organs, and all will be frozen, and this can be maintained for a long time, putting people in a state of suspended animation. .The

reason why Carl did this was to protect them from being controlled by Charles. After bringing the four of them into the world of shadow, Carl disappeared and appeared in Tony's underground studio the next moment, and Tony saw Carl's sudden appearance. He was a little surprised when he arrived, and then he said:

"What's wrong, Karl, don't you have to organize your things? Why did you come to me all of a sudden? You can't..."

Charles on the other side saw through Peter that Karl was so decisive in freezing the people under his control, and even said angrily to him, and he found that all the people in the house where Karl was located had disappeared, and he couldn't sense it anymore. After all, the black man The shadow world belongs to another latitude, so naturally he cannot sense it.

Then he took off his helmet and said to Jean Gray next to him:

"Qin, let them get ready. It seems that I have provoked a strong person for the academy.."

"What? who is he? "Qin looked at Charles doubtfully and said.

"He is a shareholder of Stark Industries, Carl Augustus Chang, also Iron Man, a good friend of Tony Stark, and the person SHIELD wanted me to deal with. I tried to invade his mind, but failed. , and pissed him off, he should be coming to Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters soon..."Charles sighed and said.

"this..."After hearing what Charles said, Qin didn't know what to say. After all, he was a director of Stark Industries, and even a good friend of Tony Stark. Tony Stark stood up to resist mutants, and he didn't even need to The big media's push and pressure from public opinion will directly make the situation of mutants more difficult.

You must know that after Tony Stark publicly stated that he was Iron Man, the stock price of Stark Industries soared, and the streets were full of reports about Tony Stark. His fans were almost everywhere, and Stark Industry is one of the major conglomerates in the United States!

Don't underestimate these consortia. If Tony Stark takes the lead in organizing the consortium to resist mutants, then major laboratories will be more unscrupulous in arresting mutants for research, and may even directly cause harm to ordinary people and mutants. Charles naturally knew the consequences of the war, but now that it had happened, he had no choice but to accept it.

He also regretted very much at this moment that he had used the power of his mind on Karl, and when the invasion failed, he also invaded his side and tried to talk to him, causing Karl to become furious!

"Charles from the Mutant Academy just tried to invade my mind, but failed. He invaded Peter's mind and wanted to talk to me. I froze Peter, May, Wanda, and Pilot, and put them in the shadows. In the world, I'm going to make trouble for mutants now, why don't you go?" After Carl appeared in Tony's underground studio, he ignored Tony's teasing and said to Tony with a sullen face..

"good! Wait for me, the two of us are not enough. "Tony also put away his smile after listening to Carl's words, and then replied solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he operated on the computer. Soon after, several armed helicopters fell from the sky, and they were the most advanced ones from Stark Industries. , it is also equipped with Stark Industries' most advanced missiles and is controlled by Jarvis.