
Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Obadiah-Death

"Tony, I want to pick up Obadiah for a while. He has to atone for the sins he committed before. Of course, you can also come and take a look." Carl appeared in Tony In front of him, he directly told him his purpose, and without waiting for Tony to answer, he walked towards Obadiah's position..

"Oh Shet, are you asking me? This is obviously a notice, you damn guy! "Tony said to Karl angrily, and followed Karl to Obadiah. Obadiah looked at Tony and Karl without saying a word. He knew that he lost and had nothing to say. Say more. It was useless.

Karl stepped forward and pulled Obadiah out of Iron Overlord, and carried him in the other direction. Even Iron Overlord was taken into the world of shadow by Karl using Sombra Ninja, Tony Naturally, there would be no objection. After all, Karl saved his life. Besides, if Karl wanted, he could even make a steel suit for him..

"Hey wait sir, this is Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., and you should leave Obadiah at our disposal now. "Colson walked up to Carl and Tony with a few agents and said. Carl looked at the bald man in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Carl naturally knew who he was. Colson was praised as a good old man by many netizens in his previous life. Phil! But Carl doesn't think so. Coulson is an agent. He has nothing to do with the good guys. He just does things better for others. Carl doesn't think that such a person can be regarded as a good guy. Maybe he is just a good guy. Be kind and approachable to people with strong strength, background, connections, resources, and owners. If you were an ordinary person, I would win it for you in minutes..

"Didn't Nick Fury tell you not to mess with me? "Karl looked at Colson and several agents indifferently, and a blue light flashed in his eyes, and the surrounding temperature immediately dropped a lot..

"How do you know our director, who are you! Don't move, raise your hands! ! "When Coulson heard Carl say Nick Fury's name in a bad tone, he immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at Carl, and the agents behind him did the same..

"Hey! hey-hey! ! I think it's better for you to put down your guns. I'm sure you don't want to annoy him. "After Tony saw Colson and several agents pointing pistols at Carl, he said to Colson casually and in a very unkind tone. After all, Carl was his friend. Although Colson had met him several times, But he didn't even remember the name of their organization. He must be helping Karl..

"roll! ! "Karl frowned, and then a burst of blue energy burst out from his body, hitting Coulson and several other agents directly. They were immediately frozen, and even their expressions looked frightened, and Holding the pistol, Karl didn't look at them and walked forward directly carrying Obadiah. Pepper also came over and saw this scene.

She didn't speak, although Coulson had just helped him with a few agents. , but even if she spoke out, she would only get Carl's displeasure, and even Tony would be unhappy. She still knew clearly about the side of things, and then followed Tony. Carl stood in the open space and waited

. Two minutes later, a black Lamborghini appeared in their sight, and then drove in front of Carl. Wanda and Pilot walked down. When they saw Tony, they looked at him with compl

icated eyes, while Carl looked calmly. He said to Jisu:

"Jisu, I need a display screen that can view the contents of the USB flash drive!"

"Okay, boss! "A

very fast electronic sound sounded, and then an interface appeared on the car body. After Carl inserted the USB flash drive, a blue projection screen appeared. Carl then rummaged around and found the order from the Sokovia terrorists, and adjusted it. He came out to show Wanda and Pilot. Tony looked at Carl's black sports car in surprise. He didn't expect that Carl had such technology, and there was even something suspected of artificial intelligence..

"You see, these are the arms that Obadiah privately traded with the terrorists in Sokovia. Tony did not sell those weapons to them. "Karl said calmly to Wanda and Pilot, and motioned for them to come over and take a look. Wanda and Pilot also stepped forward and looked at the arms order on the blue projection screen..

"Hey, what are you talking about? What does it have to do with me? "Tony asked Karl in confusion, because he just heard his name..

"I rescued the two of them from the ruins of a house in Sokovia. They even had a Stark Industries missile in their house at that time. The two children watched the missile trapped in the ruins for several days. Do you think it has anything to do with you? "Karl said to Tony calmly, and Tony fell silent after listening. Even Pepper opened his mouth, not knowing what to say..

"I'm sorry, I hope you can give me a chance to make amends….."Tony walked up to Wanda and Pilot and apologized to them sincerely..

"Now that the real murderer is here, you can avenge your dead parents and what happened to you. "Karl said calmly to Wanda and Pilot, and threw Obadiah on the side in front of them, and froze Obadiah's limbs on the floor, and condensed two ice swords in Wang. In front of Da and Pilot.

Pilot looked at Obadiah in front of him, with a trace of hatred in his eyes. He suddenly picked up the ice sword on the ground and stabbed Obadiah in the stomach, and then fell down in horror. On the ground, and shrinking back, Pepper just wanted to stop, but their appearance of only ten years old made them…..But her feet were frozen by Karl and she couldn't move..

"Wanda, pick up the ice sword in front of you and kill him. Then you can avenge your parents and hometown. Otherwise, all you can do is let go of your hatred! ! "Karl looked at Wanda indifferently and said. Wanda struggled to pick up the sword in front of him and stabbed Obadiah in the chest.

Then he squatted on the ground and started crying. Karl walked up to Wanda and stabbed Obadiah in the chest. She held her in her arms and comforted her, saying that this was probably the only way Wanda and the others could let go of their hatred, otherwise the hatred would be with them for a long time. Karl didn't want them to live in hatred all day long, and the long-term pain would be worse than the short-term pain. Afterwards, Karl waved his hand and said

Obadiah Ya was killed directly by him, and he took Wanda and Pilot into the car and left, leaving Tony and Pepper with their eyes wide open. After that, they also went back. At the same time, the agents on the other side also notified the headquarters for support. Even Coulson was frozen directly.