
Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Tony's life hangs on a thread.

"So, I plan to take back Tony Stark's position as CEO. Because of his actions, our Stark Industries stock has fallen sharply, and even the military has We expressed dissatisfaction, so he is no longer suitable for the position of CEO.."

"We have made our fortune in arms, so I hope that the major directors will support me as the CEO of Stark Industries. I will restart the weapons manufacturing department and bring more benefits to everyone. After all, don't have trouble with the fragrant Franklin.."

"What do you think, directors? "Obadiah stood on the top and gave a passionate speech, and denounced Tony's behavior of closing the weapons manufacturing department. Carl even wanted to laugh a little when he saw it. After Obadiah finished speaking, the other directors present began to discuss, of course This is just a show, Obadiah has already bribed most of the directors to support him on the board of directors.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


"Great, then I will become CEO of Stark Industries and restart the weapons manufacturing division! "Obadiah saw that most of the directors below supported him as he expected. A smile appeared on his face and he said solemnly..

"I disagree! ! "Just when Obadiah thought he was sure of victory, the door of the conference room was opened from the outside, and a voice of objection came in. Karl smiled after hearing the familiar voice, and Obadiah's face immediately changed. He sank, no longer as high-spirited as before.

The person who came was none other than Tony Stark. After he knew that Obadiah was going to kick him out yesterday, he planned to attend this board meeting, even though he had already gotten up early. Quite a bit. I didn't expect Obadiah to have already started, but luckily I caught up..

"Hey Carl, when you look at him like this, you don't have anything to say? Can you sit still? Oh my gosh. "Tony didn't even talk to Obadiah, but directly greeted Karl below. Obadiah had an ominous premonition after seeing this scene..

"Am I not leaving the opportunity to you? "Karl chuckled and said to Tony..

"Oh, okay, then I announce that all of Obadiah's positions in Stark Industries will be revoked starting today. Two people on my side agree, and it will take effect if the shareholding exceeds 50%! "After Tony finished speaking to Carl, he walked to the conference table and announced the decision to all the directors..

"Oh no Tony, you don't own more than 50% of the shares, what you said doesn't count! "Obadiah said to Tony with a victorious expression on his face..

"oh? Really, I now own all the shares that have not come to see the directors, which adds up to 45% and Carl owns 8%, the two of us add up to over 50% so this order takes effect! Are you right, Carl? "Tony said calmly after taking a look at Obadiah, and even asked Karl in the end..

"Of course, you're right Tony. "Karl raised his eyebrows and said to Tony..

"you….you..."Obadiah didn't expect that Karl would be involved, causing him to lose. Seeing this, the other directors immediately agreed to Tony's proposal and kicked Obadiah out.

Obadiah was so angry that he slammed t

he door and walked out. Carl and Tony looked at each other and couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene..


Just now when Obadiah, Karl and others were in the conference room, Pepper entered his office according to Tony's instructions and inserted the USB flash drive given by Tony into the computer. The data in it directly broke through the firewall, and then Obadiah All the data in Daiya's computer can be viewed by Pepper.

Then she found the video sent to Obadiah by the Middle Eastern terrorists, and saw from the video that it was Obadiah who asked Tony to be killed, but because it was Tony, the terrorists spared it and took a video to Obadiah and said he needs to pay a price.

Pepper covered her face and mouth in surprise. She never expected that Tony's uncle Obadiah would actually kill Tony. Later, she saw various arms orders privately traded with terrorists on her computer, and even There are blueprints for a huge steel armor, and it even shows that it has been manufactured in the factory.

After she transferred all the files to the USB flash drive Tony gave her, she immediately left Obadiah's office before he came back and prepared to show these things to Tony.

After the meeting on the other side, Obadiah left first. When he returned to the office, he found traces of the files being viewed. The only person in the company who could crack the Stark Industrial firewall was Tony himself. He immediately thought of doing it himself. Things may have been exposed, and then drove to Tony's villa. He couldn't care so much now. As long as he got the reactor on Tony's chest, he still had a chance!

And he already hates Karl now. If Karl hadn't been involved, he might have succeeded now. He blamed Karl for all the reasons for his failure, and also blamed Karl for the exposure of the matter.

On the other side, Carl had already driven his Lamborghini home, and Tony had naturally gone home too. Tony originally invited Carl to have a drink, but Carl refused! After all, Carl planned to take Wanda, Pilot, and Peter shopping today, so Tony had to go home and continue studying the steel suit.

Not long after Tony returned home, Obadiah also came to Tony's house, and Tony was the only one in the mansion at the moment. Yingsen was still in the biological laboratory established by Tony, and Obadiah owned Tony's mansion. With authority, he easily entered Tony's home.

At this moment, Tony is talking to Pepper on the phone.

"Tony, listen! It was Obadiah who asked the terrorists to kidnap you, and he originally planned to kill you directly! The terrorists decided to kidnap you after they found out it was you! You have to be careful about Obadiah, he has been secretly conducting arms transactions with terrorists from various countries, and even made a super large steel armor! "Pepper's anxious voice came from the phone, and Tony listened in disbelief.

After all, Obadiah is his only relative and uncle, and the person who wants to kill him is also his uncle. He At first, they only suspected that Obadiah was conducting private arms transactions, but they didn't expect that he actually wanted to kill himself!
