
Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Back to

New York Tony did not aim, but shot directly at the bald head based on his feeling. Although it missed a little, it knocked him to the ground. After that, Tony slowly walked out of the cave, and outside the cave The terrorists started shooting wildly at Tony, and even the heavy machine guns were aimed at Tony and started shooting wildly!

Tony opened the flamethrowers on both sides of his arms and sprayed them at the terrorists below. After a while, most of the terrorists were defeated, but the remaining terrorists immediately stepped forward, and then the machine gun on his left A man walked over and pointed his gun at Tony and fired. Although Tony was wearing a steel suit, he was still suppressed by the firepower and knelt down on one knee.

When Carl from the world of shadows saw this, he knew it was time for him to appear, and then a large number of shadow ninjas appeared from behind the terrorists from the world of shadows, and then inserted samurai swords into their bodies. Carl also came out of the world of shadows, and even more His eyes flashed blue, and all the surrounding terrorists were frozen!

When Tony saw the gunfire suddenly stopped, he looked up and saw a young man standing in front of him, looking around his uniform..

"Hey hey hey, who are you? How did you deal with them, you're a mutant? "After Tony saw that all the terrorists around him were dead, he couldn't help but ask the young people surrounding his suit. Because he was the only one left at the scene, he was the one who did it..

"Oh, my name is Carl, and I'm here to save you. I've been looking for you for two months. No, no, no, I'm not a mutant, and my abilities don't come from genes. Do you want to come out now? It's safe here now. "Karl said to Tony with a smile, and his eyes were looking at Tony's armor. As expected of Tony, he even knocked out a armor..

"Okay Carl, are you an acquired ability? cool! I actually feel cold in this big desert, no, I must destroy these weapons! Tony replied looking at the young man in front of him, but he was relieved to know that the other person was here to save him. If he was also a terrorist, he probably wouldn't be able to escape. Although he didn't see Karl's hand just now

, But being surrounded by the corpses of terrorists undoubtedly does not mean that Carl is very strong..

"Oh, okay then, go ahead and blow it up. I can fly, so don't worry about blowing it up. "Carl also knew what Tony was thinking, so he asked him to do it himself. After all, it doesn't matter if he is kidnapped by terrorists. The key is that the other party is using weapons manufactured by his company, and they have the name of Stark Industries printed on them. It is simply naked. Sarcasm!

"OK OK, see if you can keep up with me!" "After Tony finished speaking, he fired a homemade bomb at the missile placed next to him.



After the launch, it flew directly into the sky, and the homemade bomb detonated all the missiles, and a pair of blue crystal wings appeared behind Karl, but they were made of ice! Then he followed Tony and flew upwards, not even slower than Tony.

After flying to a high altitude, Tony's jet device failed and he fell into the desert. Carl watched Tony fall. This favor came again, and he quickly followed up, creating a slide made of ice. Appearing under Tony, Tony just happened to be wearing a suit and fell on it, and then slid forward. Kalfi created a slide in front, and Tony slid behind.

Finally landing safely, Carl didn't think about gra

bbing Tony and flying him down. But Tony weighed at least eight or nine hundred pounds, and with the impact of the fall, he might not be able to catch him, and he might even be able to catch him. Being thrown down with Tony, although Karl's body has been strengthened by the black shadow energy, he has not yet reached the point where he can lift something weighing nearly four or five tons..

"Wuhu! Stimulate! Good boy, okay, I thought I was going to fall, but you saved me again! "Tony said to Karl excitedly, his face full of excitement.

"You owe me three favors now, Tony. "Karl said to Tony with a smile after dispersing the frozen slide..

"Oh Fake, it's obviously two! Where are there three! Tony said loudly to Karl.

"Are you sure, who do you think that is? "Karl looked at Tony with a smile and pointed behind him. Behind Tony, two shadow ninjas came out of the shadow world with Yingsen..

"What is who, my law! Yingsen, you're okay! ! Oh my God! ! "Tony turned his head disapprovingly and saw a familiar figure, and immediately exclaimed, because Yingsen was the one who saved his life, and even lured away the terrorists in order to delay him..

"Hey, Tony, Carl saved me, so I'm okay. " Yingsen also looked at Tony with a smile on his face, and then the two hugged.

"Okay, okay, Freeze, three! And where did you hide Yingsen just now? There's obviously no one here! "Tony said helplessly to Carl, but with his unwillingness to admit defeat, he immediately ridiculed Carl as a frozen kid..

"I placed Yingsen in the shadow world, which is the other side of the world. "Karl ignored Tony's teasing, but rolled his eyes at him, and then explained, and Tony's poisonous tongue was well understood by Carl when watching the movie..

"Oh~ Okay, how do we leave now? "Although Tony was a little curious, he did not ask directly, but asked how to leave now..

"It depends on where you want to go, the nearest military base, New York, or your own home in Marbury, California. "Karl raised his eyebrows and said to Tony casually..

"Can you take me back to my own home now? How can we go there? Where is the car? Inside the plane? Are you planning to fly us back directly? "Tony looked at Karl suspiciously and said. After all, Karl came alone. Even if he has a car and a plane, he still has to park at the airport..

"No, just say where you want to go. "Karl said to Tony calmly..

"Go to New York! Yingsen, please go back with me. If you return to your hometown now, you can't change the status quo. You can only do it with me. Besides, I am also the chairman of Stark Industries! "After Tony and Karl finished talking, they persuaded Yingsen. Tony already regarded Yingsen as his friend. He didn't want Yingsen to return to his hometown, and there was still war there. If Yingsen went back, , it is estimated that there will be more bad luck than good.

"this...good! " Yingsen thought for a moment after listening to Tony's words, and then agreed. Tony was right. Even if he goes back, he will only rely on his own medical skills to save some injured people. It is different with Tony. He is also from Stark Industries. President, he must be able to do more than if he went back!

After Tony saw Yingson agreeing, he looked at Carl, and Carl smiled mysteriously, and then two shadow ninjas appeared behind Yingson and Tony, leading them into the world of shadows , and one also appeared behind Carl. After Tony entered the world of shadows, he immediately looked around, and there was only darkness all around, even a little scary..