
Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Captain Marvel VS Carl.

The President of the United States and others in the Black Palace directly convened a meeting and called all the powerful generals back for a meeting. There was no movement in the World Security Council. Only Hydra saw Carl. After seeing such strength, my heart trembled! Pierce broke into a cold sweat when he thought that he had planned to arrest the people around him and threaten him. The X-Men and others from the Mutant Academy gathered around and looked at the picture on the screen.

At this moment, they finally understood why the dean rejected Nick Fury's conditions and refused to get involved with Carl and SHIELD. With Carl's strength in the picture, the aftermath of the battle with that woman was likely to destroy them. Shocked to death, Qin looked at the scene of Carl fighting with the woman in the screen. A trace of red energy flashed in her eyes, but she quickly fell silent again, and no one noticed this scene.

Even Charles himself didn't notice that there was a problem with his mental cage. The Phoenix at this moment could already interfere with Qin's personality! But Phoenix seemed to be very interested in Karl, but it was far from the time to come out, so it fell silent again.


The battle between Carl and Carol has reached from the sky to the universe. Their battle can only be captured through satellites. Carl continues to attack Captain Marvel expressionlessly. Captain Marvel naturally also attacks Carl, but she Will avoid Carl's attacks.

Unlike Carl who doesn't avoid cards at all���Er's attack allowed her to hit him, but it did not cause any damage. This is also due to the work of the Golden Saint Cloth and the Horse Talisman. It can repair everything, including the Golden Saint Cloth and the Holy Horse Talisman. Although the clothes were not destroyed by Carol, they would still be damaged by continuous attacks. With the existence of the horse charm, the golden holy clothes would always be in good condition.

Even Carl has always been in peak condition under the blessing of the Dog Talisman and the Horse Talisman. The two have fought for hundreds of rounds, but Carol has been fighting against Carl in peak condition. Although her double star state can absorb energy to maintain She was at her peak, but it was impossible for the other party to give her this opportunity!


"Absolute zero freezing! ! "After Carl knocked Carol away with one move, a large amount of blue energy emerged from his body and blasted towards Carol. Carl directly used absolute zero freezing. The blue energy began to freeze Carol, and her body Her energy also slowly disappeared, and her body began to freeze. Although she continued to explode with stronger energy in her body at this moment, she was still frozen by the blue absolute zero energy, making her move completely ineffective.


After a while, Carol was frozen by Karl's absolute zero, but Karl did not stop attacking, but stood there, and the surrounding energy began to surge towards Karl. How could Carol be a Heavenly Father-level strongman? Otherwise, it is impossible for the absolute zero freeze to solve her. At most, it will only trap her for a while, but it is enough for Karl to gather energy and use Kaio Fist to enhance himself!

Now Carl's body is filled with terrifying energy molecules, which are constantly being absorbed by Carl. In order to deal with Carol, Carl directly uses the Kaio Fist to increase himself a hundred times, but it does not have the blessing of the Golden Saint Cloth and t

he Ruyi Golden Cudgel. The strength is a hundred times his own strength, and he uses it with the blessing of the Horse Talisman and the Dog Talisman. Otherwise, his body will collapse and die. If it weren't for these two things, he really wouldn't dare to use it!

The Inhumans on the moon also discovered the fight between Carl and Carol. Even Black Bolt was surprised by the strength of the two of them, actually fighting like this in the universe. At the same time, he was also very worried about whether the other party would hit the moon. , these two people may not be able to beat them themselves.


At this time, Carol, who was frozen by absolute zero, began to erupt with more powerful energy. Even the surrounding meteorites were turned into powder by the energy. Her eyes burst out with golden light and looked in the direction of Karl. Compared with before, Karl's whole body was now It swelled a lot, and it was filled with a terrifying energy.


Carl suddenly raised his head and looked at Carol, and all the energy in his body began to mobilize. Carl used his right hand to blast out, using a hundred times Kaio Fist, and the golden terrifying energy directly hit Carol. Carol looked solemnly. Following this attack, after being unable to dodge, he could only assume a defensive posture to resist Karl's attack.


When the attack hit Carol, she was instantly knocked away and hit Mars directly, and Mars was directly penetrated by the attack! Carol was also shocked. At this moment, she was almost covered in blood, but there was still energy flowing in her body, and she seemed to have the strength to fight again.

The major organizations on Earth almost dropped their jaws when they saw that Karl's attack even penetrated Mars! After all, that is a planet, but your battle penetrated the planet? ? If this attack falls on the earth, will the earth be affected? Which country can compete with such a strong man? President Black Palace, as the representative, began to reformulate its attitude towards Karl. All previous plans for uniforms, control, etc. were cancelled!

Just kidding, if this ancestor is unhappy one day, who among them can beat him? Who dares to go up? Even Dongfang saw this scene. They had been paying attention to Karl since he took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. At first, they thought why the Golden Cudgel was unblocked by a foreigner. After investigating Karl's information, he just Adopted by his father, he is technically an Asian, with oriental blood flowing in his body!


In the universe, Carl did not give Carol a chance to rest. The golden cudgel hit Carol's body again, knocking her away again. Even though Carol struggled to launch the energy impact, Carl directly carried the energy impact and attacked the card. Roll, Carol at this moment was almost severely injured after receiving Carl's Kaio Fist attack.

Because Carl finally added the power of the Golden Cudgel and Holy Cloth to Kaioken, although it was slightly increased by Kaioken, it has almost reached the peak of the Heavenly Father-level attack. Carol and Carl are both in the early and middle stages. Suddenly, there was a peak attack. How could she withstand it? In addition, she had been helping the Cree people find a new home for these years and had not improved her strength at all. Now she was beaten by Karl!

The aftermath of Carl's Kaio Fist was repaired by the Horse Talisman in almost a second. Coupled with the infinite energy of the Dog Talisman, he is still in peak condition at this moment!