
Chapter 127

Chapter 127: The Golden Cudgel Unsealed

From the Earth's perspective, Tony may join them in resisting the alien invasion, but if they want to take action against Carl, Tony will not hesitate to attack them, even if So what if it was his own father who admired Steve Rogers! Thor is even more so. Karl can be said to be the person who helped him the most when he lost his divine power. He also enlightened him. In addition, he is also his friend. If anyone takes action against him, he will not hesitate to do so..

"nonono! We have no intention of taking action against you, don't get excited! ! "Natasha said immediately when she saw Tony and the others were about to take action. Hawkeye's hands next to her were trembling. He could remember that he met the opponent twice. Once he was beaten violently, and once he even lost his weapon. He couldn't beat him at all..

"Okay, I'll take Loki away. You can go find Jane. Tony gave Thor a communicator to prevent him from finding us and left. "Karl glanced at Natasha and then said to Thor. Then with a surge of thought, he opened a portal and took Loki in. He also did not forget to remind Tony to give Thor a communicator. On the other

side Steve Rogers looked at Carl's leaving figure and didn't know what to think. After that, Natasha held the bald head and talked to Nick Fury about the phone call just now. After that, everyone left Stark Tower. Come here

. A few days later, Tony and others became well-known superheroes. Only the mysterious man who mysteriously appeared and sent the nuclear bomb into the portal was unknown. After Carl deliberately let Speedy control the public opinion on the Internet, people gradually decreased. After discussing themselves, New York City began to rebuild buildings, roads, etc., and strong public protests broke out near the Black Palace. Large-scale public protests and demonstrations can often be seen in New York! There is even

news When this incident began to be broadcast, some people thought that all this was caused by superheroes. They should be responsible for these dead people, damaged buildings, and people's losses. Of course, no one would pay attention to them. , this voice also belongs to the minority. Most people are grateful to Tony for saving New York and saving the earth!

Just when they were in the limelight, Carl entered the shadow world and took the Ruyi Golden Cudgel out of the system space. came out, and then took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and Loki's scepter together, and then exploded Loki's scepter, revealing a yellow gem. Karl used his telekinesis to levitate them next to the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and used his own Use the energy to mobilize the energy of the Universe Rubik's Cube and the Mind Gem, and inject the energy of the two gems into the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

With the injection of energy, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel began to turn golden from one end to the other, and it slowly spread. Come on, until a full three hours passed, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel burst out with a powerful energy in the dark shadow world. The golden light directly illuminated the entire black shadow world. Karl then held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand. , his body also began to change, and golden energy began to flow on the surface of his body!

Karl could feel that his current strength had improved a lot, and with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, he could at least reach the level of Ya Tianfu Level! If he adds the Golden Saint Cloth, his strength can be increased to the Heavenly Father level! So now Carl

doesn't need to worry about Captain Marvel at all! Because when Carl's freezing power reached

absolute zero, his strength was almost the same He has already reached the sub-Heavenly Father level. With the increase of the golden cudgel, he will naturally enter the sub-heavenly father level. With the addition of the golden holy clothes, he can reach the sub-heavenly father level! After feeling the

power in his body for a while, Karl took the golden cudgel back to himself. In the system space, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Mind Stone were also put back together. After that, Carl left the Shadow World and returned to his manor. Now Loki was still placed by Carl at Speedy's place, and was used by Speedy to use vibranium. The chain was locked, almost his whole body was locked, and there was a clicking device on his neck. Once he left his original position, he would release an electric current, which was enough to stun Loki, who had the physique of a Frost Giant. This was mainly because Carl said

casually Ji Su said that this thing is easy to escape, so be careful, and then Ji Su wanted to use vibranium to tie Loki into a rice dumpling! Then there was a scene like this. Loki looked helplessly at the tall mechanical creature in front of him..


On the other side, Nick Fury at the SHIELD headquarters heard that Carl had taken away the Cosmic Cube and Loki's scepter, and he secretly thought something bad, and when the bald man was escorted back to SHIELD by Natasha He died, and then the clues were cut off, resulting in him not knowing if there were any Hydra members in SHIELD! Hydra was also shocked. They didn't expect that Karl would actually know the identities of their members, and they even revealed it directly. Pierce was even more furious and vowed to make Karl pay the price!

At night, Nick Fury was holding Captain Marvel's pager and thinking about whether to call her back to take down Carl. The opponent was already so powerful before, and now he also has the Cosmic Cube and Loki's scepter. No one can stop him! Nick Fury returned to his secret base and found that Tony's reactors were everywhere, which were just palladium reactors, and steel robots were everywhere!

These were created by Nick Fury after looking at the reactor drawings in the relics left by Howard Stark to Tony. These were actually used to deal with Carl, but after experiencing the previous incident with the Destroyer, he discovered The opponent was so powerful that after careful consideration, he pressed Captain Marvel's pager! ! !

Such an unstable factor is the biggest threat to the earth. Nick Fury is habitually in control of everything. If there is an existence that he cannot control, and he can't even restrain or threaten the other party, he will naturally regard it as a thorn in his side!

He contacted many superpowers, and even Banner was on his list. As long as the price was high enough, Hulk could deal with Carl. However, the Mutant Academy was not willing to interfere with their affairs. Just turned down Nick Fury!

Carol Danvers, who was full of energy flowing through the universe, found that the pager she gave to Nick Fury was actually calling her, and then immediately flew towards the earth. Nick Fury is a stable person, not What big things usually don't call you!

Many people noticed when Carol Danvers flew to Earth, but Carl didn't know that taking the Cosmic Cube and Loki's scepter would allow Nick Fury to get Captain Marvel back. Even if he knew Don't care either!