
Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Loki was captured

but did not hit Nick Fury but hit the instrument that originally held the Cosmic Cube. Then Hawkeye shot an arrow at Loki, but Loki dodged it. He passed by, and then appeared in front of Hawkeye in an instant. He pointed the scepter at Hawkeye's chest, and blue energy was injected into Hawkeye's body. Then he put down his weapon and looked at Loki respectfully.

Loki used the same method to control Eric Selvig and several other agents. He had no intention of paying attention to Nick Fury, and was about to leave with Hawkeye and the Cosmic Cube..

"You are starting a war! "Nick Fury struggled to stand up from the ground and said to Loki. Although the energy wave just now did not hit him, the aftermath also shocked him badly. He has just barely recovered now..

"war? No, no, no, it is indeed war for you, but it is domination for me! The difference between the rebels and me is shoes and ants. Does the shoe need the ant's permission to kill the ant? "After Loki said this to Nick Fury, he left. After

they left, Nick Fury used the earphone to tell Mary Hill that Barton and others had rebelled, and asked them to stop him and take the Returning to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I also quickly ran to the top of the base. Because the energy I studied before was unstable, it would explode soon!

Boom !—!

Nick Fury boarded the helicopter at the last moment, and then the helicopter took off and chased Loki's vehicle. Nick Fury took a small pistol and shot at Loki and the others below, but there was no shot. In the middle, Loki also held the scepter and fired another blue energy wave at the helicopter. Although it missed, Nick Fury had no intention of chasing it anymore.

After he returned to SHIELD headquarters, he immediately began to gather the pre-selected members of the Avengers. Natasha also returned from Carl's manor. As for whether she would tell Nick Fury some of the information here, I don't know. , even telling Nick Fury would only increase his fear.

At the same time, Nick Fury also found Steve Rogers and asked Coulson to go to Tony Stark to explain the situation. Natasha went to find Banner hiding in the Brazilian slums, and also took the He took out a pager and took a look. If the earth really fell, he would have no choice but to get Captain Marvel back..

"Mr. Tony Stark, I think you should take a look at this first. This is a war and an alien threat, so please think about it. "Colson met Tony through Pepper, but Tony didn't want to meet anyone from SHIELD at all and immediately told him to leave. Although Coulson didn't know the reason, he still left the information and left.

Even Pepper didn't know what was going on. She had never seen Tony like this. After sending Colson away, she saw him looking at the information Colson left. She did not choose to disturb Tony, and then prepared to go back to the company.

Tony Looking at the information above, he didn't know whether to believe it or not, so he dialed Karl's phone:

"What's wrong, Tony? Call me now, what's the matter? "Karl's voice came from Tony's mobile phone, with doubts in his language..

"That's right, Carl

, Coulson from SHIELD came to me just now and showed me a piece of information. I don't know if they are looking for you, but this information said that aliens are going to invade the earth. You What do you think? Tony took a deep breath and said to Karl on the other side of the phone..

"OK OK, I get it, you don't have to be so nervous, this is the army brought by Thor's brother, named Kirita! It can indeed be said to be an alien invasion, but it is not an invasion from Asgard. After Thor returned to Asgard, he had a fight with Loki, and then Loki fell into the space crack, so Thor should be there soon. Can come down."

"You can go if you want to. I can still handle this matter, but the people behind this army are the real enemies. Well, you can think about it yourself. Anyway, you are wearing a vibranium suit now and you cannot die. "Carl first explained what happened to Tony, and then asked him to decide whether to go or not.

Carl knew without thinking that SHIELD was pulling people, and the outcome would be the same whether Tony went or not. The instrument would still be there. It is set up on top of Stark Tower, and Carl's goal is the Space Stone and the Mind Stone. As for the others, they have nothing to do with him..

"OK, then I'd better go and have a look, otherwise I won't be able to rest assured, and I will call you if I can't hold on any longer! "After Tony thought for a while, he decided to go and have a look, because he was worried about SHIELD, let alone now that he wanted to try his vibranium suit. Loki on the other side was probed by

SHIELD as soon as he appeared. When they arrived, Natasha took Steve Rogers and drove there in the Quince fighter. Tony also detected Loki's location. After assembling the vibranium suit, he flew to that location! It's worth mentioning

that , Tony's current suit is equipped with five new element reactors! Therefore, his speed can easily break Mach 1, and it is still accelerating. It can be said that Tony's current suit has been enhanced to an epic level. !

On the other side, Loki started his ruling language when everyone in the square knelt down, but an old man stood up openly. Loki stretched out his scepter, blue energy flashed, and he just pointed at The old man cums.


However, a man held a shield to block the attack, and even threw the shield directly at Loki, knocking him to the ground. On the other side, Natasha drove a Kunj fighter with a weapon hanging under it and aimed it at Loki. At this time, a piece of music sounded!


Tony appeared on stage in his suit, punched Loki, and then said:

"Put your hands up, you Bambi! No, reindeer!"

Natasha helplessly After looking at Tony for a moment, Tony glanced at Steve Rogers and then shook his head. Is this the man his father admired so much? It was a shame he wasn't on stage to perform, and then Tony followed them into the Quincy.

Steve Rogers also looked at his friend's son curiously. It seemed a little different from what he thought. The gap between the two eras was too deep, so he didn't say much. At this time, lightning and thunder began outside, and Luo Ji looked scared.