
Chapter 118

Chapter 118:

After receiving the New Year's money, Yingsen and others also said a few words, and then everyone started to eat. Because it was the Spring Festival, the food on the table was all Chinese food. Only Karl walked out after eating half of his meal. He came to the top position and congratulated it. Because its body was too big and it was an Autobot, it couldn't enter the house or eat. Carl could only let him study the energy block by himself, and then the two of them symbolically had a drink.

After everyone finished eating, they sat in the manor and prepared to set off the fireworks. Tony pulled Pepper to his sports car, took out a stack of red envelopes and started filling them with money. The two of them filled a total of 20 red envelopes. Each red envelope was stuffed with a bulging red envelope, estimated to be at least 10,000 US dollars. After they returned to the stands, the others came back together as if they had a tacit understanding. Everyone showed a tacit understanding, except for Wanda and Piro. Special, Peter, I don't know what's going on.


Carl used his mind to ignite the fireworks. After a while, the fireworks shot up and bloomed in the air. The colorful rays of light directly illuminated the entire sky of New York. Naturally, fireworks cannot be released in Manhattan, but who is Carl? The bank will help him solve this problem, not to mention that the New York police chief is here, and everyone is sitting in the stands watching the fireworks in the sky.

Tony hugged Pepper, George also hugged Helen and watched. Carl hugged three people by himself, and even inadvertently grabbed Helen Zhao's little hand, which caused her to roll her eyes, but she did not break away from Carl's hand. No one said anything and watched the fireworks quietly until they were set off..

"OKOK, I announce that we will now start giving out Eastern New Year money! Hahahahahahaha, this is yours, Little Wanda, Piro, come here quickly, you boy! "Tony announced loudly to everyone with a smile, and then took out one big and thick red envelope after another from his pocket..

"Wow, I actually still have lucky money! very nice! Thank you Tony, Big Shit." When Pirot heard Tony calling him, he immediately appeared next to Tony. He knew that this wealthy businessman was very generous, and every time he gave the most gifts and red envelopes! "

Hahaha Hahahaha, Tony the shit! "Yingsen burst out laughing when he heard this title again, and the others also laughed. Anyone who knew a little Chinese knew what it meant, but he didn't expect that Pilot would actually tease Tony..

"Hey! Brat! It's Tony Stark! ! "Tony shouted helplessly as he looked at Pilot who had already taken the red envelope and ran away, but he kept a smile on his lips and was not angry. This is not enough, let alone everyone is happy. Natasha

looked When Tony started handing out red envelopes, saying that this was lucky money, she looked at her sister. She didn't know anything. Her sister should be prepared. It seemed that everyone should be prepared. Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing if they were the only ones not? Fortunately, Yelena gave her a reassuring look. After the previous Christmas gifts, she specially studied the Spring Festival and knew about this custom, so she was prepared early. Tony handed out red envelopes all the way, and even Natasha was no exception

. received a big red envelope from Tony. Almost everyone except himself gave a red envelope, and Carl was no exception! Then Yingsen and Samuel also began to take out their own red enve

lopes and send blessings to everyone, although there were no Tony's bag is so thick, but there are thousands of dollars in it. Money is secondary, blessings are important. This is what Yingsen and Samuel want. Even Helen Zhao is no exception and takes money

from her bag. He took out his red envelope and started sending out blessings until everyone had done so. Now only Karl was left. Even Red Tank took out the big red envelope he had wrapped. It was very distinctive. There were hundreds of thousands of dollars wrapped in a piece of red cloth. , one bag a day, and started to give it directly to George and the others. They were confused, and they were given out like this?

Red Tank knew that red envelopes were going to be given out because Mei told him when she gave him clothes, and he didn't look for any red envelopes. The red envelopes were not Is it just red stuff wrapped up? When he knew that he would put some U.S. dollars inside as a blessing, he asked Mei for a large red cloth, then went to the third floor of his house and started wrapping the red envelopes with the pile of U.S. dollars. Mei didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw the red envelope in Red Tank's bag. They also told their subordinates that this was Red Tank's intention.

But Red Tank calculated the top speed more carefully than anyone else, which made Tony and others instantly embarrassed. , none of them took the extreme speed into account, even Mei and Ruiwen subconsciously ignored the extreme speed, but the big boss Red Tank actually noticed it, and even gave him a big red envelope. Just as everyone was

preparing When I went to compensate Extreme Speed, ice blocks that looked like cards began to appear around me, and they began to circle around everyone. Then red envelopes slowly appeared, and keels also appeared suspended in the air. Red envelopes, ice cards, and keel bones appeared in succession. , three things were suspended in front of everyone, and then a huge piece of metal appeared in the air and flew into the warehouse at a high speed. Karl didn't know what to give it, so he could only give it a bunch of vibranium. Because there really isn't anything in his hands that is suitable for extreme speed..

"These ice cards contain 50% of my freezing ability. When you are in danger, you can break them with the side engraved with the magic circle facing the enemy. The power sealed inside will freeze the enemy! This white thing is a dragon bone, which belongs to the bones of the Eastern Dragon in ancient times. It can extend your life after being absorbed. Let me help you absorb it! "Karl looked at everyone holding things and looking at him with doubts. There were a few people who knew the function of the dragon bone, but they didn't know the use of this ice card. As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon bones in their hands levitated and melted

. As white energy enters their bodies, they can clearly feel the changes in their bodies. The main changes cannot be said, but some things have indeed changed. The body of the person who absorbs the Dragon Bone for the first time will become a little stronger, but It has little effect on people who have been injected with super genes.

Natasha watched in surprise as the white energy entered her body, and then she felt that her body became a little stronger, even a negligible amount, but it did improve. In addition, it can increase the life span. She couldn't help but look in the direction of Karl in surprise. She didn't expect that the other party was so generous. Even she would give it to him..